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46.8 ч. всего (29.1 ч. в момент написания)
Not bad, but definitely worth $20 (arguably the full $60). Worse and shorter than Yakuza 0, but still not bad.

Yakuza 0 is significantly better in terms of how good the fighting is, and Yakuza 0 had a better story. However, this game has some of the best minigames in the series.

I CAN GET 150+ FPS @ MAX SETTINGS IN 1440P WITH A 1070ti AND ZEN 5 2600X

although it is kind of buggy; Yakuza 0 had almost no bugs to speak of, but you can see one literally when you launch it the first time (the no sound at intro sequence glitch). Some other bugs include when the game didn't let me escape grabs (despite giving the prompt), and the FPS drops during autosaving are annoying.

if you wanted more Yakuza on PC, this is it chief
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2019 г.. Отредактировано 24 февраля 2019 г..
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59.6 ч. всего (59.2 ч. в момент написания)
Buy it. Now.

the long version:

This is my first Yakuza game.
It's a good PC port, although I'd like to have higher-resolution textures, they're still blurry at max settings. I can easily hit 120fps @ 1440p with everything maxed out; I have a ryzen 5 2600x/1070ti.
It's well worth it, even without a sale.
I think I'll be buying the rest of the games in the series, I'm hooked.

There is one ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing though, my game crashed at the final cutscene of the game, and I had to do the final mission all over again; it takes 2 hours to complete, and you can't save it in the middle of the mission.

It was the one crash that I experienced throughout the entire game; in fact, the only BUG that I experienced throughout the entire game, including exclusively visual bugs, which is rare for me to say for any game.

I'd go as far as to say this game is worth $60, honestly.
Опубликовано 26 октября 2018 г.. Отредактировано 24 ноября 2018 г..
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393.9 ч. всего (122.4 ч. в момент написания)
Letting you swear is the best thing that happened to this game

The game itself is amazing. The gunplay feels great, and mozzie is easily my favorite character to play.

The audio design is also great, it's really easy to hear where things are coming from and discern what's going on around you. You would think that 10 different gadgets all working together would be chaotic, but the gameplay loop is actually really simple to understand.

I just wish that the game wasn't so sweaty in the top levels. High level ranked queue ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks because people just keep hugging the meta and ♥♥♥♥ talking you if you don't switch off to a different character or different gun.

The best way to play this game is with a 3-5 person group in quick play.
Опубликовано 16 июля 2018 г.. Отредактировано 30 апреля 2022 г..
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2.7 ч. всего
What the ♥♥♥♥. What is wrong with this game.

Yuri's name was never mentioned, yet her name is added.
Like, come on. It should be common sense.

Serious Review
Doki Doki Literature club is a game that uses the cliched dating sim formula to its advantage. A major con is that it takes forever to get to the main meat. However, this is the only con, other than a low budget. The low budget is excusable as it is free. It's worth the 2 hours. It's a game that you'd have to play without spoilers. Genius design, that's commendable.

TL;DR good metagame game
Опубликовано 1 ноября 2017 г.. Отредактировано 1 ноября 2017 г..
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16.4 ч. всего (15.1 ч. в момент написания)
Not as good as the first, but still a great game nonetheless. The game has many more open areas, and snipers encourage you to rush through areas, so it kind of loses some of the identity of the first game. The soundtrack is ten times better than the first, though, which I didn't believe was possible, as it was already amazing.

I'd give it a 7/10, probably worth the first game's asking price.
Опубликовано 15 июля 2017 г.. Отредактировано 15 июля 2017 г..
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28.8 ч. всего (16.7 ч. в момент написания)
absolutely infuriating game, but still the most fun I've had, an incredible top-down shooter with an amazing soundtrack. It's even worth getting all the achievements, even if you're not a completionist.
Опубликовано 15 июля 2017 г..
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0.5 ч. всего
This is how you make a movie purposefully bad actually feel like a movie. If you liked this movie, I recommend Far Cry: Blood Dragon. Great music and it feels the same way.

Also, this short film is free.
Опубликовано 29 декабря 2016 г..
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27.5 ч. всего (0.7 ч. в момент написания)
Even though I've recieved it for free through a humble bundle promotion, it's definitely worth picking up for yourself, especially on a sale.

In the 2 hours I've spent in it, I've played through what I think is enough to make a decent review, pro-con style.

-Many game modes, I guarantee you will not get bored
-You can test any car you want on any track, laps, etc. for no penalty to the singleplayer campaign
-looks beautiful even on low settings
-can run easily if your potato is good enough
-easy 60 fps with your next-gen potatoes
-super fun and easy to get into
-tutorials explain a lot
-Cars feel like cars
-Dirt and actual road feel like dirt and actual road
-Manual Transmission option
-First person camera

-Tutorials explain things rapid-fire and all at once, so it becomes hard to remember.
-The campaign forces you to play a roster of 3 events, replacing them with other events when completed, good or bad, with the cars and tracks it chooses until you can get your own car after an hour or two
-It's a pain when you set the difficulty too high on a track and get penalized for it, and never get to leave it and change it because the event disappears when you retire
-Online is broken atm, not even LAN works
-No punishments for taking shortcuts, unlike real races
-No punishments for absolutely destroying someone's car and probably killing them in the process

Overall an 8/10 singleplayer-only game (Online was a thing), wouldn't expect less from Codemasters.
Опубликовано 27 декабря 2016 г.. Отредактировано 27 декабря 2016 г..
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51.4 ч. всего
amazing game that still holds up. The best game in the watch dogs franchise, I highly recommend picking it up. It goes on sale pretty often, too. I recommend playing the game on "hard" for your first attempt, "normal" if you've never played a stealth game or "ubisoft open world"-type game before.

-It's genuinely so freeing playing this game, since you can go basically anywhere you want. The parkour isn't exactly assassin's creed tier, but it's so smooth and moving around the map feels good in and of itself.
-It's an ubisoft open world, so a lot of it is going around completing tasks around the map, but that formula works so good for this game. Each location is tackled differently, and they can be tackled in a million different ways.
-hacking is easily the best in the series. You can tackle every single objective in (and this is not an exaggeration) hundreds of different ways. From calling an APB on a guy to get him arrested, to calling their cellphone and making them distracted so you can slip past.
-The quickhacks like city blackouts are very fun, and change up how you enter an area.
-Figuring out how to get the hidden stashes and skill points throughout the map is gratifying, and you genuinely have to think about how to do some of them.

-the game can be cheesed easily
-vehicle hacking is really rudimentary, I would love it if I could fully remote control them instead of the 4 options of forward, backward, and turn left and right.
-no reason to get in a police chase, and getting out of them is easy as hell.
-vehicle handling is pretty boring, it feels like driving an RC car with how snappy it is. It's almost impossible to lose grip and driving on highways is just boring. On the plus side, you're usually moving on foot all the time anyways since fast travel points are extremely generous.
-switching to the hacking view just makes everything blue, and destroys all of the map design that ubisoft worked so hard on. Making it so that it's on a timer, and having everything available without it would make the game look a lot better than being a giant blue polygon city all the time. It could even be done like like hitman where it functions more like an overlay where you can still see everything just fine, it just turns up the gray filter and lets you see your goals through walls.
-Lethal options in this game aren't very fun, it's way more fun to be doing melee and stun gun only runs. Which is upsetting, because there is no penalty for ignoring hacking entirely and killing everyone. It feels so good to work within the limits of nonlethal options, and it feels like the game was only designed with those options in mind, as the happy-go-lucky story doesn't match up with mass murder.
-speaking of the story, it's decent, but it doesn't really hold me all that well. There are definitely better ones out there.

Overall, I highly recommend it. There is no good comparison point I can think of, as watch_dogs is kind of unique as a series. If you like stealth games and puzzle games, this is definitely for you.
Опубликовано 25 декабря 2016 г.. Отредактировано 20 марта 2023 г..
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44.1 ч. всего (21.9 ч. в момент написания)
Amazing game. It's one of my favorites, and it's worth it... on console. Get it on console. PS3 or Xbox 360.

Just don't buy it if you don't feel like getting it to work. It's a real pain made worse if you don't have windows Vista/XP, and you need to find many workarounds to get it to work. If you can run GTA V on low, you can run this on low at the same framerate.

Also, forced mouse acceleration that can't be turned off. Play with a controller AT LEAST.
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2016 г..
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