Miss Badger
Vodka drinking   Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States
The living embodiment of showing how schizophrenic some people can be

Rifle fan, vodka drinker, lover of boobs and has absolutely no idea what the actual fűćƙ I'm doing.
Early 20s, a disgusting furry and lives in America.

And I have nothing else to say really, that's all the basic information you'll need because you can ask the rest. Seriously, don't hesitate, what am I gonna do?

No, I'm not an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, just tired, like, pretty tired.
And please stop asking why I added you, you know exactly why.
Frequently asked questions (read this and please don't ask)
1. Are you a furry?: That's up to you to determine.

2. Why did you add me?: Because I wanted to and felt like doing so, do you honestly need an answer for that?

3. Why do you have so few friends? Long-term friendship, pick your friends how you pick your fruit.

4. Anything else I should know about you?: Ask me personally, you'll get an answer.
Featured Artwork Showcase
Nah, I'd probably win.
3 3
catmagic Mar 5 @ 6:06pm 
Fluffy Mar 3 @ 12:03am 
Is a badger
zen Feb 1 @ 7:48am 
an interesting creature!
catmagic Jan 18 @ 3:12pm 
+rep murdered me then called me cancer
PlayerNotFound-404 Jan 18 @ 3:10pm 
HUOM, tämä mäyrä on SUSSY BAKA