Virtual Fishing Enthusiast
Ling   California, United States
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Currently Offline
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Low Priority Kingz - Public Group
Formly known as PubStars In DotA 1
In Chat
itzdli 22 Mar, 2021 @ 10:41pm 
hey ling! just checking on people i haven't heard from in a while - hope everything is good :cupup::2018salienpsychic: - david
bren 29 Sep, 2012 @ 12:59pm 
could you email me at please, lost your email sorry for the late notice, been a bit busy. After you email me I'll send the doc right away
bren 27 Sep, 2012 @ 4:09pm 
Could I send you a document about it via email? It would just provide more story if you want to read a short section explaining it. And thank you for understanding, it's a big help ^^
bren 26 Sep, 2012 @ 10:02pm 
Hey just let me know when you get a chance to do the title and I'll give you the details on it. Also let me know before hand if I need to pay you or not, because I'm on a bit of a budget atm at college. Thanks ^^
snaykey 17 Sep, 2012 @ 3:28pm 
You just won Helm of the Flameguard from my Dota 2 Giveaway. Congratulations! :) Please message me whenever you are available so I give you your reward.