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ziggy Dec 25, 2023 @ 6:28pm 
watched the faceit demo back of this guy and came to the conclusion based off a handful of plays that he is indeed cheating on the faceit client. Although he goes to great lengths to hide it, there were a handful of times he would panick and reposition himself while yielding utility if an enemy unexpectedly decided to shift push a smoke he was hiding behind ect. He also has some of the worst crosshair placement and spray control ive ever seen which is bizarre for a level 10 faceit account. While aimbot and rcs were inconclusive, the specific instances were he would react to other players without information to conserve himself were dead giveaways. These include reacting to utility being thrown from behind smoke at him before entering trajectory and panic swapping out of utlity and positioning himself out of harms way when the enemy randomly decides to start shift walking at him through smoke. -rep cheater
ziggy Dec 25, 2023 @ 6:27pm 
doubled your kills, dont talk if u cant back it up online and irl
MikeWellMade Nov 17, 2023 @ 2:00am 
doubled your kills, dont talk if u cant back it up online and irl
避税太多被大调查 Nov 2, 2023 @ 11:09pm 
这人是FPS比赛职业选手,风骚走位,意识超强,操作下流,预判超前,能上各种网络工具,怕延迟可直接接收电话指挥,电话通知20秒内光速上线。女朋友不支持打CS已分手,门前已埋地雷绝对无人打扰,自带方便面饮料,身体强壮能连续72小时不合眼。熟读各种战略战术书记,诸如<<狙击如何代替机枪>> <<小刀完操纪念龙狙>> <<小道偷人概念论>>等。死斗十分钟全盲狙过百,沙漠二中门狙击不过狗,机枪12码外单发精准爆头,脾气好不喷人,操作虎,意识强,全装备,听指挥,千里之外取人首级,瞬席之间爆人菊花,杀人如杀鸡,压人如压狗,第一时间赶到事发现场,堵枪快,让人头,断后稳,可惜他早泄。
B@Lenc1aGaシ Oct 30, 2022 @ 1:27am 
B@Lenc1aGaシ Oct 30, 2022 @ 1:26am 