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Análises recentes de Wircea

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2,172.5 hrs em registo (713.7 horas no momento da análise)
Publicado a 11 de Janeiro de 2016.
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50.3 hrs em registo (21.4 horas no momento da análise)
Same as Duke Nukem II was still a platformer like the first game, but with new features for you to enjoy, imagine Duke Nukem Forever like it's 3D counterpart but with new experiences such as new puzzles (other than key-card searching), some driving and other crap i'm too lazy to grab about.

I'm a big fan of Duke and all his games, and I wish more people to try this game.
Too bad that the first people who got to review this game gave it a bad reputation because they were butthurt this game isn't a Duke Nukem 3D clone, and now everyone kisses their asses giving it bad rep aswell.

The only actual flaws I found are the long and somewhat boring cutscenes, the characters with specific aniamtions (during cutscenes) don't constantly turn to your direction making it look weird, some minigames are unplayably hard(pool and pinball) and some animations are completely missing on certain objects (but this is rare).

Before I end my review, there are some features that reference the past game:
>DNF includes all weapons from DN3D and they look pretty much the same
>The secrets are replaced by special items that you can interact with, which increase your EGO's(health bar) max capacity
>Duke's monster truck is called "Mighty Foot"
>All enemies look like their DN3D counterparts
>The first map from DN3D was recreated as a deathmatch map
>The little movie clip that plays whenever you open the game features DN3D's storyline

So basically ignore all of these bad reviews and try it by yourself and let yourself decide if it's good or not.
Publicado a 6 de Abril de 2015. Última alteração: 6 de Abril de 2015.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
4 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
237.3 hrs em registo (127.2 horas no momento da análise)
Disconnect-before-votekick-takes-effect simulator
10/6 pills
Publicado a 11 de Março de 2015.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
3.2 hrs em registo
>Thrown IED explosive on control point
>Detonated the IED and killed 5 idiots
>Russian temmates start screaming on voice chat
>Moments later we lost the match

Turns out the idiots were my teammates.
Publicado a 25 de Janeiro de 2015. Última alteração: 25 de Janeiro de 2015.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
18.8 hrs em registo (12.0 horas no momento da análise)
Great game, great story.
Publicado a 20 de Julho de 2014.
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41.7 hrs em registo (14.5 horas no momento da análise)
You must try this game, who knows, maybe you will like it.

The game mechanics are somewhat different from the ones used by TF2, and I could explain most of them:
And yes, I will try to compare this game's features with TF2's, assuming that most players are now coming from it.

Control point maps
In control point maps, instead of staying on a capture point until it gets claimed, you have to bring a flag on it. While this doesn't support much the teamwork strategy because everyone is like "The flag is now mine, I am going to cap", some people play the right way and let the scout do the job while they offer covering fire.

However, some maps like Dustbowl on the first stage are messed up, the RED team camping near the grenade backpack and spamming all the way until the round ends.

Capture the flag
Same as you can see in TF2, that's how CTF acted in all team fortress stages, excepting that, unlike TF2, the place where you have to bring the flag is different from the place the enemy can find your flag, making this a bit confusing for new players.

Even in this moment I bring the enemy flag to my team's flag in 2fort.

A great gamemode, that in TF2 got brutally converted into payload. (there where alot of reasons I will explain later)
In this gamemode you will have to escort (AKA help a a guy reach a place alive) a class called "Civillian" (yes, TFC has 10 classes).
The civillian features low stats, having only 50 health points, no armor, grenades or weapons other than an umbrella, which is a crowbar reskin.

There are 3 teams:
The escort- only the civillian available. Only 1 can play as the civilian in a game.
The bodyguards - the people who must escort the civillian to the destination. Only soldier, heavy and medics available.
The assasins - must prevent the civillian to reach the destination. Only playable as snipers.

In TF2, the escort mode was scrapped for multiple reasons, such as the fact it had too many limits.
You had class limits, being forced to play as medic, heavy and soldier as bodyguards and as sniper on the assasins.
Also, certain civillians were trolls, refusing to get out from the spawn or jumping in front of the enemy.
No more saying there could only be 1 civillian, releasing many flamewars between players.

Then Valve made a similar gamemode, where you have to 'escort' a bomb cart by staying near it so you can 'push' it, while the other team prevents you for doing that.


The scout:
Unlike in TF2, the scout was NOT made for agressive combat, not even for combat itself. It has a 'syringegun' called nailgun and a single-barrel shotgun.
Players use the scout's speed and the conc-jump technique to quickly complete the objectives.
Unfortunatelly, the scout has low health, being able to be killed by a single rocket, and lacks double jumping.

The soldier:
The soldier from TF2 seems to not have changed much.
The only differences between them is that the TFC soldier has 2 types of shotguns equipped at once and also has hand grenades.

The pyro:
Oh pyro... poor pyro, the class valve forgot to buff.
You basically have a flamethrower that shoots rapid-fire 'bubbles' of fire, that will never hit someone.
Also, the afterburn is only like 2 seconds and deals like 4 damage/tick.
The pyro also has a rocket launcher that does not need to be realoaded, but deals no damage at all and ignites the enemies that stay in range, but again, the aferburn is weak.
You also have a single barrel shotgun...

The demoman:
A class you will rarely see played, same as in TF2.
People don't know the air detonation technique, which is deadly in TFC.

As the demoman, you have a grenade launcher with a clip of 6 and a sticky launcher with also a clip of 6. They use the same ammo and clip, tough.
The demoamn also has a single-barrel shotgun, and the unique abbility to set a bomb that is able to open new routes on a map by removing certain walls.

Heavy weapons guy:
The heavy is more decent to play that in TF2, you have a plenty of health and armor, and a powerful MIRV granade that creates explosions similar to the Sentry buster from TF2.

You also have 2 shotguns types: The one-barrel and 2-barrel.
You cannot deploy your minigun without firing, so you will stay more in combat rather than camping near corners, like people do in TF2.

The engineer is quite weak compared to the TF2 one. I mean, you have a double barrel shotgun, which is very good, and a railgun, which is the worst weapon in the game due to the slow projectile and low damage.

The sentry upgrades instantly if you have enough 'metal' (called 'cells' in TFC) and is the only upgradable building.
The sentrygun cannot rotate, the engineer being forced to place the sentrygun in corners, or to rotate it manually.

The dispenser is not upgradable and does NOT generate ammo, health and metal, as it does in TF2, so the engineer has to fill it manually.
Also, the enemy can use your dispenser.
You will rarely see an engineer building a dispenser, unless they are really bored, because it does not heal, does not provide ammo unless filled with, and does not give metal, so players preffer to collect backpacks filled with goods at every corner.
The only good thing about dispensers is that they can repair armor (if filled).

The teleporter is not upgradable, but efficient.

The lack of hauling buildings and the addition of grenades in TFC makes it hard to be an engineer, trust me.

The medic is actually an upgraded version of the scout, but not worth playing.
The lack of 'assist' in the kill feed and the fact that you don't get points for healing, will end up with you having 0 points even if you were an efficient medic that deserved #1 in TF2.

What do I mean by upgraded scout?
Remind scout's weapons? Nailgun and single barrel shotgun, also a crowbar.
Medic's loadout? SUPER Nailgun, DOUBLE barrel shotgun and the medkit (as melee).

The medkit is the most overpowered weapon.
Why? once hitting an enemy with it, it will become infected, causing his health to drain constantly until dies or healed by a medic. Also, the infection can be spread trough teammates... darn it valve.

Also, the medic is designed more for combat, and healing teammates that are hiding, because you cannot heal while you or your teammate move.

The sniper:
Remember the sniper rifle in TF2 called "the Classic"?
Use it to see how being a sniper is like in TFC.

The spy:
The spy, a kinda broken class, has a tranquilizer gun that slows down enemies, a double barrel shotgun and a knife.
The stupid thing about the spy is that the disguise takes about 5 bloody seconds (while just like 2 in TF2) and you have no cloak feature.
However, the lack of spychecking weapons other than the medic's medkit, may do the job.
You can feign death, but you have to stay down, as a random dead body, and if you move, you actually spin like a drunk hobo and suspicious players will shoot.

The backstab seems to be broken most of the time, resuting in failed facestabs.
Additionally, if an enemy scout or spy runs into you, your disguise is removed.

Only things I don't like on this game (along with the broken classes) are these:
-Lack of resupply cabinets: If someone spawn camps you and you are hurt badly (or infected) you are forced to die.
-Solid hitboxes: You cannot get past teammates as in TF2 and you cannot do the bump-spycheck.
-All classes use the same voice, the only lines you will hear being "Medic!" and "Excuse me, I'm in need of medical attention." thus making it hard to see which class is approaching.

On short, totally worth playing, and if you are bored you can try the FUN servers (which are better than the TF2 ones because the civillian class is used alot in them), and if you totally suck like me, you can enjoy playing singleplayer with bots.

Publicado a 18 de Julho de 2014. Última alteração: 10 de Agosto de 2014.
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