Шанс   Isle of Man
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
'Knowledge has no limits'. - i was born dead, circa. 2014 on BDL2
THE GOLDEN WEB - Langauge is the Ward/Word of God/Dog...
Spelling Words on a Lined Page...
Magick; Spellcasting. Casting in a theatrical/play, casting a fishing line... Lines to Reel the Real in. Words are Wards that we RITE to form our 'gaol' sentences; Goals are Gaols, Desire is to De-Sire oneself, and on and on this goes, intricately woven interconnectedness... Without addressing the occult side and true origins of etymology, one will never be able to SEE in the SEA with 20/20 vision glasses... To the 'layman', this will fall upon their deafened ears & blind eyes; it will appear as a "schizo, crazy, etc", for the un-initiated will respond with fear & automatic defenses of the mind, which will shield one from THE UNKNOWN. But, to the initiated, to those few who have a closer to correct vision... Much knowledge can be attained, much can be sought, understood, deciphered, decoded... Pattern recognition. There are no coincidences.

Each of us is either in service to the eternal and the truth, or we are solely in service to ourselves, which is a fiction...

Instead of being neutral, everyone is always wanting to "do" something - to go out and conquer, compete, and destroy. The more! The more! When is it ever... Enough?

The heart is already completion.
Where is there to go? Who is there to become?
The cycle repeats itself in an endurance race of regrets. How it has almost been forgotten to be creative for the very sake of creativity itself.
Instead, always awaiting the opinion and judgement of others who are also themselves chasing after the same deified idols of glory, fame, riches, and even acknowledgment.
The heart is already completion.

The crown of the heart has been placed upon the desires of duality found in the mind...
Each life is the manifestation of another string of thoughts which foment goals and ambitions to attach these ideas onto the self, believing that the more of the attachments one procures, the more complete they become... All whilst comparing how well they are doing this in relation to their peers.
The great competition of getting nowhere fast until one reaches their inevitable demise is the consummate summary of the human race; where everyone reaches the finish line, where there are no winners. The finish line becomes the paradoxical start line whereby the individual will repeat the process forever, for they have forgotten how to truly see. The vision of truth has been exchanged for a mirage of lies and deceptions.
When we become involved in the dramas of this RE-ality, we are spun in the cycle of duality conflict & therefore attached, and through this attachment we can never be free of its endless circular trap.

Any who would give you goals to chase is an enemy of the heart; one who would keep you imprisoned in this reality for all eternity. Make no mistake as to what is being said here - if you wish to be a success in this life, the narrow gate is closed to you. Go ahead and chase your goals with feverish desire and reckless abandon. Your heart will attach itself to the mind and upon the moment of death will be stored once again in the inventory of reason.
All who honor and revere the mind as king will do everything in their power to mock, ridicule, and obstruct the one who would follow the path of the heart and be free. Know this to be the fact of all facts! The freedom that is talked here has nothing to do with the bill of rights, laws, or anything else to do with constructs built upon ideas of intellect. Just as the intellect can 'grant' liberties, it has the same inherent capacity to delete them. There is no freedom in this, and there never will be.

To sin is to miss; to indicate one has missed the mark of the narrow gate of the heart. If your heart tells the mind that you want another go on the circus ride of carnal sin, then you desire shall be its command.
There is a heavy price to be paid to know the truth that will set one free; and so very, very few are even willing to walk the necessary path towards it, let alone pay its tolls.

It is always easier to deal with fictions and illusions than the truth. This is why the messenger is perpetually killed.

- aus C.L.

"Much has been said of the loneliness of wisdom... How the truth seeker becomes a pilgrim wandering from star to star. To the ignorant, the wise man is lonely because he abides in distant heights of mind. But the wise man himself does not feel lonely. Wisdom brings him nearer to life; closer to the heart of the world than the foolish man can ever be."

"Pain is strange. A cat killing a bird, a car accident, a fire... Pain arrives, BANG, and there it is, it sits on you. It's real. And to anybody watching, you look foolish. Like you've suddenly become an idiot. There's no cure for it unless you know somebody who understands how you feel, and knows how to help..."

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Honestly, after 400 hours of regular missions & chaos wastes, the weaves have been a massive treat to finally try out for the first time tonight at the time of this review. Me and my friend are really enjoying the new variety of how the maps have been changed / opened up, as well as the unique (or different, at least) system for upgrading weapons with the Essence (which can be earned playing normal missions, good thing to allow).
The Weaves are freaking awesome, cant believe I've just now tried them. The increased amounts of enemies & increased variance of them is a HUGE aspect I've always longed for within the Warhammer world. Overall, the Weaves have been incredibly fun.

The biggest thing I am psyched up about with the Weaves though... The amount of enemies. There isn't just 1-2 assassins at a time, or 1-2 ratling gunners, or any special or any regular rat... there is a TON.
It makes it feel as if there are genuinely whole regiments of clanrats, Stormvermin units, packmaster throngs, etc; being part of an entire army / invasion force / vermintide! (hey, thats the name o' the game!).
This aspect is, while extremely difficult at times, important for me because it makes it feel like how I've imagined a Warhammer world to be more akin to in such a scenario/story. These Weaves make me feel more like I am in a Gotrek & Felix novel, battling an entire platoon of Stormvermin backed by a regiment of Ratling gunners, while a entire troupe of Eshin assassins prey upon us. Not just 1-2 at a time, or smaller cells planted around... (which btw, IS FINE. Not knocking that; it is perfect for the main missions, and still makes sense). This feeling though, of the overwhelming odds, full platoons of all units; feels to me, a step closer to Gotrek & Felix, which I grew up reading as child (and many other Warhammer novels), and is so, so, awesome to have found out.
And ofc, this variance/randomness of enemy amounts allows for different fights/odds/challenges compared to how the other modes operate.

So, with this said, the Weaves feel like a really big breath of fresh air & a very fun time. This mode is NOT, however, perfect! No- it is SUCH a shame that upon release, & to this day, WoM is racked with negativity & seen very poorly. One of those moments wherein actual, constructive critique, suggestions, wishes, etc. from the playerbase would've been better over the usual type of whines, rants, comments, etc. from the internet...

It'd be cool if there were extra modifiers and character talents/traits in the Weave mode, as this would add a more unique spin when playing them compared to running regular missions or Chaos Wastes. And with the overwhelming/increasingly difficult odds faced in the Weave missions, it'd be cool to have some, perhaps specially modified, type of passive talents for our characters. Not to make us overpowered or superheroes even, (though we are Heroes of some degree just like Gotrek, Felix, Max Schreiber, Ulrika, in the books etc), but some simple passive traits, perhaps like, racial attributes... (Elf gets attack & movement speed, as is natural for an elf; Dwarf gets damage resistances and strength buff, as is natural for a dwarf, etc.. or something along these lines).

Here's a BIG one: Simply more variety of mission objectives would be so nice (there is a fair amount, but, this is a spot where, just adding more variance would provide such increased depth/fun/repeatability for us players).

It's a true shame so many responded negatively to the Weave portion of this DLC. It seems really awesome to have able to play after running through the main game missions more times than can be counted, aha. Definitely deserves more of an open minded outlook on it...
A revisit is needed from most of the community, imo.
Look at what it does provide, add, & make one feel! Constructive feedback at the time of release could've possibly helped make the Weaves into a truly fleshed out and damned EPIC experience, & we could've had the Main Missions, Chaos Wastes, and Weaves as full on different modes/areas to replay over and over... Endless fun!

FatShark, you could improve upon this DLC by:
1. tweaking the ability for some traits/special perks for Weaves only
2. some more mission objectives relating to essence & weave based things
3. map/enemy/character modifiers, akin to how the Chaos Wastes DLC works
These 3 alone would surely improve the fun/repeatability of running Weaves for a good deal of time... (these traits/objectives should ofc be specially made for Weave/Essence related tho, not just copy & paste as it wouldn't fit the theme & add to a distinct feeling Weaves actually provide).

1. Add some new objectives based around the Essence stuff. (just increase the variety, that adds tons of replay-ability itself).
2. Talents / Race attributes (smaller amount of talents available, new ones, Elf is fast, Dwarf is strong and resistant, etc)
3. Modifiers of players, enemies, & levels (akin to the Chaos Wastes, but special for WoM)
4. The openness of the maps is really unique. Instead of going through from point A to B like in main missions, in the weave missions its more of "go wherever you want in this space", and thus the whole map is more open. This is a very cool element on its own that could *definitely* be expanded upon, even beyond just WoM/Weaves... (imagine creating a mode with a more open based map, where you survive/hunt/complete some objectives).
5. Spice it up a bit more, Flesh it out a bit more, Variety is the Spice & is great for players & repeatability in general. Keep the aspects that make it different and unique from the other modes... (again, the absolutely bonkers amount of enemies is a key component!)
6. I know I repeated things a bit throughout this, but I was & remain blown away with how awesome the Weaves are, & the POTENTIAL they have to become a full fledged, amazing & endless fun mode...

That's all for now. Very glad I tried the Weaves out for the first time recently, as they have sparked an unlit flame for the game within me again! I feel that this is/should/could be such a huge step/spark for longevity of the game that could really take hold still.
The negative rating is a bit unfair, as besides the Weaves, all the other stuff is fairly great (weapons, difficulty, beastmen).

- My Travels with Gotrek, Vol. X
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Nerdgasm 10 Oct, 2023 @ 7:29pm 
a real human bean
76561199152623023 10 Sep, 2023 @ 10:22am 
+rep, good teammate
76561199025682718 10 Sep, 2023 @ 3:38am 
accept me please :)
MistaJpexx 23 May, 2022 @ 5:28pm 
gf is prego

we like to get kinky anyways

one night things get particularly saucy

i'm sticking my noodle in her when I notice weird ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chunks coming out, so I turn on the lights

wtf it's red everywhere and she's obviously not on her period

i look up at her, she's got a glassy, jarred look on her face and she's not answering


i rush her into my car and speed all the way to the hospital

she's still bleeding everywhere

by the time we get there, she's not bleeding much anymore, but all the color has drained and she looks colorless and almost transparent

oh ♥♥♥♥, she looks like she's in a vegetative state

storm into to the emergency room, cary her to the nearest doctor and explain eveything

he takes one look at ther and says

"sir, i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do"

"WHY THE ♥♥♥♥ NOT???"

"we don't operate on empty jars of spaghetti sauce"
Pvt. Hyejoo 21 May, 2022 @ 3:26am 
Band-Aid Brother 28 Nov, 2020 @ 1:27pm 
Gangsta Chance