Zain   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Praise The Sun
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2 178
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Points d'expérience gagnés
5 055
toufik le menteur du 93 1 déc. 2023 à 17h34 
worst mk player hahahahah. so badddddddd
. 12 nov. 2023 à 14h40 
best pilum+lupara player UwU
YT | InimitableMacca 28 oct. 2023 à 11h25 
Yo zain, i'm still waiting for you to accept the friend request xD also i am now ready to fight with a new character woot woot! lol
SovietSpaceLlama 27 juin 2023 à 9h58 
+rep, good player but uses an annoying gun
BRuc3y 12 juin 2023 à 5h54 
Good Player :BL3Thumbsup:
-WS-Maki16 9 juin 2023 à 9h20 
one player in my team: ZAIN is in enemy team, we have no chance. than he quit together with 2 more players. like wtf? i mean yes your a good player, but i doubt that your winrate in escord is very high.