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過去 2 週間: 38.5 時間 / 総プレイ時間:2,148.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:999.9時間)
投稿日: 2023年2月16日 10時22分
更新日: 2024年1月30日 13時40分

Ah, yes, the infamous dualis in the world of fighting games.
For Honor is a great example that shows how ambition can be aggrieved by zoomer's hand. Funny to see how weebs, lgbt and other outcasts found their way into this game, some of them even occupy a working position at ubisoft, which directly influences the game's overall apperance.
Personally, I still enjoy playing IT, constantly reminding myself of how it was before CCU and some of the other flagrant changes. For Honor is a game like no other... and yet it's a fighting game, and by adding countless childish customisation options, useless animation SFX, etc. Ubisoft virtuously proves their "experience" in developing games as well as their strong grip on their playerbase's wallets. (Anything except adequately balancing a skill-based game.)
But we'll just keep experiencing hyperarmoured, dark-skinned, (Why can't I play as a white-skinned Medjay, Ubisoft, art thou racists?), weeb-inspired, cantonese-haram belly-dancers, because of the lack of alternatives, am I right?

Oh, and this review is not a provocation, nor is it a toxic byproduct of a poor FH enjoyer, it is a just and rational critique from a player who has seen almost all ups and downs of this game, if you feel the same - gather your remaining drops of hope, and CRY! Cry, appeal to all deities, to the God of Balance, to the Lord of New Maps, and to the Mistress of Old Gamemode Revivals. That'll be all for my 999 hours of mostly ill-spent time, may you spend your time with more wisdom than I did.

I have a funny number of played hours now.
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