3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 22.7 hrs on record
Posted: 28 Aug, 2021 @ 8:19pm

Oh my God what a game.

This game does a brilliant job at subtle storytelling with environmental clues, emails, audio logs, locations etc. To add to that, the story is an absolute banger. Never once did i stop caring about what i was doing or why i was doing it. Everything you do in this game had purpose, there wasn't a sidequest or main quest which made me feeling like it was a big grand waste of time. You can breeze through the story pretty fast but the sidequests and exploration really do help pad out the hours. It's enjoyable exploration too if you truly immerse yourself. Speaking of immersion, it does a fantastic job at that with just the right amount of horror sprinkled in. Although, lategame you become unstoppable but we move baby.

Sure, there is a lot of backtracking, and i mean a lot, but all of that sorta became a non-issue for me as going back later meant i had better powers/skills and could pick up on things i missed my first or even second time through the area.

This game is the only example i've played where the game treats you as a smart, logical thinking individual. Sure, other games have claimed that they do but i've never experienced it to the same degree as i did during this game. 9 times out of then if you think there is something that should be possible, it will be. Don't be scared to give anything a try, you'd be surprised what ends up working. I was discovering little work arounds to problems and puzzles late into my playthrough. I wish i had experimented a bit more earlier in the game.

The main issues for this game is going to be the backtracking for sure, it can be really cumbersome for some people and the LONG ASS LOADING TIMES sure as ♥♥♥♥ don't help. They're unreasonably long i will admit.
Also, there is some weird jank going on with character audio. its so damn loud and crisp compared to the other sounds. You'll have to do some fine tuning

Banger banger banger of a game, so underrated. I tried to play it back on release but my small brain was turned off with the albeit daunting task of traversing and re-traversing the space base but boy am i glad i picked it up again. woo hoo
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