Amoena Lily   Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
:ProblemBear:hello it amo :MoonlighterShiny:
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=7Cav=SPC.Plummer.M 28 Nov, 2012 @ 2:00pm 
I haven't looked into it. Might not do it just so i don't spoil it. Seems to be happening lately and I get bored quicky so I want to avoid it for a while, haha. In the mean time I play Guild Wars 2 and a random mix of others.
=7Cav=SPC.Plummer.M 27 Nov, 2012 @ 4:39pm 
might be coming back to XIV on the rebirth.
wulph111 19 Jul, 2012 @ 9:12pm 
=7Cav=SPC.Plummer.M 12 Dec, 2011 @ 6:35pm 
I don't pronounce my R's. I call a liquor store a ♥♥♥♥♥♥, a garbage can a barrel, a water fountain a bubblah, sprinkles are jimmies, a basement is a cellar, a living room is a Pahhlah, a dresser is a Beaureu, dinner is Suppah, and a milkshake is a frappe. To me any place west of Rte. 128 is the Boonies and Cape Cod is a piece of heaven here on earth. I ride the T. I know bettah than to swim in the Charles, but i do love that Dirty Watah... I'm a Bostonian, and I'm WICKED proud of it! Repost if you're proud to be from BOSTON ( reminds me of you and your mum )
=7Cav=SPC.Plummer.M 5 Dec, 2011 @ 10:52am 
No I been really thinking about getting back on XI but I need to have a serious brain session to remember my info again! Haha, we shall see though. My uncle conned me into playing Rift so I'm confined there for a little bit.