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Публикувани: 28 март 2017 в 3:01
Обновени: 23 ноем. 2017 в 10:38

Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Arma+CS but better. First time playing a battle royale style game. Had heard a lot about the mod in Arma and H1 also, but I was usually playing epoch or other mods. I havent been able to stop playing this game in last 3-4 days since I got it. It gives me the feel of the old cs 1.6 that I have played more than 4000Hours. Graphics or nothing shiny in this, but the gameplay is Spot ON! For me this game is like the perfect blend of Arma and cs. Both of which I have been playing a lot. For me this is the game of the Year ! But wait, its still in early access. Imagine where this game would be an year from today. The reputation of the developer behind the game is already well know. If you read my review this far, dont think anymore, Just BUY it !!

Edit: 1000Hours into this game now and its still fun to play with friends, and with the new maps coming, it will get even better.
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