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1,277.6 hrs on record (1,159.0 hrs at review time)
My review is entirely based on the Mod of this game. DayZ. I've met some of the most amazing people from various countries while playing this game. Today some of those people are my really close friends. I have given this game Years of my life which I will never forget. This game is the reason i game.
Posted November 23, 2016.
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27 people found this review helpful
1,324.4 hrs on record (68.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Me and my group just started this game.. we have been playing dayz togethor from 3+ years.. but this game is so amazing even in alpha.. Finally a game which actually feels like a survival game. after playing 50+ hours in a week, i will try to tell about the game in points .....

* Zombies feel like zombies.
* Game is hard to survive, especially in the beginning.
* You are actually scared and many times have to run for your life when you are starting out.
* Map is infinite. Literally. So much to explore and enjoy.
* Night time is awesome when you have to barricade some place with your friends and hide till its day again.
* Buildings are all enterable, lootable and you can move around furniture and stuff to barricade.
* PvP is also there, but right now PvP and PvE in this game are balanced nicely. I hope it stays that way.
* You can make underground bunkers/bases. or If you prefer to be visible, you can make a giant castle xD
* Soon, more places to explore will be added and vehicles, which will make this game epic.
* Most importantly, this game is Fun !! Loads of FUN with your friends!!

Also, i'd like to add that some of you prefer high quality graphics, but this is one game which is all about the gameplay. Like everyone else is saying this is the Minecraft version of Dayz but trust me, its way better, in every way. ;)
Posted December 5, 2014. Last edited December 5, 2014.
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395 people found this review helpful
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21.9 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
I literally stopped playing cs since i started this game. original cs 1.6 i still love. But this game is a beast compared to csgo. No colorful toy guns.. haven't encountered hackers yet and the immersion is epic. Very realistic fps game. And after the last 'night' update, it just got so much better. For me it beats all the other fps games that are out there right now.

PS: Its hard to find good servers from SE Asia, but I play fine in European and other servers even with 200 ping. Wish we had servers here but game still is very playable for me in that ping.
Posted October 30, 2014. Last edited October 30, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
I don't even play the game.. and I had watery eyes. I could go on and on about the facts about gaming and Gamers told in this movie, but I am not so good with words, so just go and watch this Amazing Movie !
Posted March 19, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
3,822.6 hrs on record (3,612.8 hrs at review time)
one word - ADDICTION !!
Posted December 31, 2011.
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