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7.3 hrs last two weeks / 105.8 hrs on record (80.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Jun, 2017 @ 12:25pm
Updated: 28 Jun, 2017 @ 12:29pm

Here we go with the yellow block pros and cons list


-Large map with alot to do.

-Fun. it is just fun. you get completely OP tools and guns. that may sound boring but it is very fun to destroy S hit with an op rocket launcher that shoots F ucking nukes.

-Comic relief. This game gives you a great laugh by having the possibillity to destroy anything you come across, if that wasent enough you also get greeted with funny personallities through the main campaign.

-Free Roaming. One of the things i like most about this game is that you can destroy a base whenever the F uck you want, you can do a main mission whenever the F uck you want. The game dosent tell you what to do and what not to do. That is a great addition.

BONUS- you get to kiss a magic cow named Mooorio (people who have played the game will understand)


-No multiplayer. This annoys me, and it should annoy the game developers too. This game had so much potential to have a great multiplayer mode. some of the things that are put into the game is perfect for multiplayer, The fast cars to play a race, the wingsuit to mess around in the air and the tethers to annoy each other with. it was right there. i know there is a multiplayer mod but it will never have the same potential as a real multiplayer mode would have.

-Can get repetitive. See this argument is not really something you can judge after. It is all up to how you are as a person and what you think is fun. I never get tired of blowing S hit up, and i cant see why anyone should. And even if you are a weird snowflake that see them selfs of getting bored of that, NO FEAR! the main story mission is long so that defanitly will keep you happy for a good amount of time but there are also 3 very entertaining dlcs. They are not very expensive but bring alot of new epic content. so if you dont like to liberate citys and millitary bases you have all of that.

So if you already havent guessed it yet (or just taken a look at the thumb) i really enjoy this game and would recommend it

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