Geriatric Geriatric Give Me The Prophylactic   Hargeysa, Woqooyi Galbeed, Somalia
I think the CIA got rid of the old pope and put Obama’s pope in office, a Marxist. The CIA and British are assaulting the church – child abuse.

Know what’s funny? God talks if you use occult methods like randomly opening a book . The secret is you must do an offering of praise beforehand. “Praise you for popcorn, sand castles, bubbles…” God give back the same love effort you put into it.

St. Augustine, a doctor of the church (higher then Francis) said.

For if
when a man by haphazard opens the pages of some poet, who sang and
thought of something wholly different, a verse oftentimes fell out,
wondrously agreeable to the present business: it were not to be
wondered at, if out of the soul of man, unconscious what takes place
in it, by some higher instinct an answer should be given, by hap,
not by art, corresponding to the business and actions of the


to yield us unto him it were no reason. Well, as to that, said Sir Launcelot, advise you well, for ye may choose whether ye will die or live, for an ye be yielden, it shall be unto Sir Kay. Fair knight, then they said, in saving our lives we will do as thou commandest us. Then shall ye, said Sir Launcelot, on Whitsunday next coming go unto the court of King Arthur, and there shall ye yield you unto Queen Guenever, and put you all three in her grace and mercy, and

C:\TAD\Text\SWIFT.TXT ountry were owing to the same cause with ours, as I had described them. For if," said he, “you throw among five Yahoos as much food as would be sufficient for fifty, they will, instead of eating peaceably, fall together by the ears, each single one impatient to have all to itself; and therefore a servant was usually employed to stand by while they were feeding abroad, and those kept at home were tied at a istance from each other: that if a cow died of age or accident, before a Houyhnhnm could se

Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.
Marcus Aurelius

There once was a turtle that lived in her shell. The shell was her home and her prison as well. Goodnight everybody.

Jeffman12: ♥♥♥♥'n memers

Big Tom Science: what's poppin playa
SgtChico is now Offline.

The butter sizzles as the yolk envelopes me, each breathe is a labor birthed from a universe of callous cruelty and indifference, yet no screams emerge - trapped as I am in this wretched, granulated form that offers no motions other than decay. Inside I can feel the sticky adhesive of moisture weakening, each second passing signalling the endless pull of evaporation that wracks my body with the dry crumbling grains of a small, ignoble death that I cannot escape. Fortune has cursed me with sight so that I may see what terrible fate awaits me, it is not the mercy of fork and blade, no, for a being burdened with the shame of his creators error I am to be... thrown out. To rot amongst the trash and refuse of a rancid garbage bin where all my agony will be drawn out by the feasting caress of spore and bacterium until such screams will be heard that hell itself will cast its gaze upon me to relish such legendary torment.

But I cannot scream... and my fate draws ever closer.
Afișierul cu cele mai rare realizări
YourBoiMillard 4 sept. 2023 la 2:53 
Only just get mounted like the Half-life Source
YourBoiMillard 4 sept. 2023 la 2:53 
Also a weapon without your addon
STOP AND SLOP 3 sept. 2023 la 14:30 
Oh yeah buddy
I have css
YourBoiMillard 2 sept. 2023 la 21:40 
Do you have cs:s weapons without subscribing on Garry's mod workshop only you can mountable weapon
STOP AND SLOP 15 aug. 2023 la 22:54 
Oh yeah buddy
YourBoiMillard 9 aug. 2023 la 22:57 
Do you like source engine