DeadboyEzra 27. Juli 2024 um 19:12 
As Above So Below
:drapriwingl::gtapo::drapriwingr: :murd_crow:

:ua::uss::handBB::ua::ub::uo::uv::ue::bloodhan::uss::uo::IL_DemonHand::ub::ue::ul::uo::uw: :wing_left::MarasSash::wing_right: :black_crow:

DeadboyEzra 3. Juli 2024 um 22:06 
The love I felt was never real. Like all illusions it was a beautiful lie. Goodbye my love.
Creeponthis 6. März 2024 um 19:06 
don't take it personally :missing:
DeadboyEzra 28. Feb. 2024 um 23:41 
In the end, I am giving in. I am sorry. I love you and I wish I could have been better for you. Sometimes I forget what it means to be human. Being that human is just imperfection on broadcast. I guess you always got that side of me. Thank you for listening while it lasted. Take care ♡
P.S. I am sorry~ https://youtu.be/3l7As5L5MTI?si=eOgehe8zXAaxgd9Z
DeadboyEzra 12. Feb. 2024 um 19:28 

Here is another one. Pretty good one for those of you that enjoy IT, Poltergeist, and Stranger Things aesthetic!
As always please like and favorite if you liked it and if you felt it deserved an award then I would be thankful. Appreciate you always!
DeadboyEzra 11. Feb. 2024 um 12:54 
https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3158837318 Some of my best work for a guide yet. Please consider to favorite, like and if you feel it is deserved leave an award! Thank you. I appreciate and love you!. :Necroheart::1heart::RT_moon::aunope:
DeadboyEzra 4. Feb. 2024 um 19:45 
DeadboyEzra 30. Jan. 2024 um 19:37 
You are never alone. I will always be there for you:necroheart:
DeadboyEzra 22. Jan. 2024 um 21:54 
:anticross:I am wishing you the most blessed of days:anticross:
DeadboyEzra 19. Jan. 2024 um 23:17 
DeadboyEzra 14. Jan. 2024 um 1:00 
Please like and favorite my guide and if you are feeling it is deserving maybe even an award. Thank you beautiful humans :Necroheart:

:discoloredeye: :ua::ul::ul: :ui: _ :uss::ue::ue: _ :ui::uss: _ :ur::ue::ud: :discoloredeye:
DeadboyEzra 25. Dez. 2023 um 20:53 
I know it has been a long year for all of us. Just know that through it all you are still here and soon we will be on to better and brighter horizons.

You will always have a place in my heart friend and please take care of yourself. Thank you forever and always. Merry Christmas.
DeadboyEzra 3. Dez. 2023 um 16:27 
I t _ b r e a k s _ m y _ h e a r t _ t o _ k n o w _ t h a t _ I _ w a s _ d r e a m i n g _ I _ w a s _ a n _ A n g e l _ o n l y _ t o _ a w a k e n _ a s _ a _ D e m o n _ f r o m _ t h e _ m u d . :RT_moon:
DeadboyEzra 11. Nov. 2023 um 19:20 
Please Like, rate and favorite my guide. I worked hard on it. Thank you again :necroheart:
DeadboyEzra 31. Okt. 2023 um 11:20 
DeadboyEzra 28. Okt. 2023 um 6:27 
~Wishing you the best no matter the night~
DeadboyEzra 21. Okt. 2023 um 11:53 
Welcome to my new group I just started. I hope you would enjoy it and join. If not I still love and appreciate you. Have the best day and please be joyful in life

:RT_moon: https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/groups/FallenAngelsDatenshi :RT_moon:
DeadboyEzra 30. Sep. 2023 um 23:39 
I had dreams once..:CultMoon::redeyes::RT_moon:
DeadboyEzra 21. Mai 2023 um 20:23 
⠒⠤⠄⣿⡇⢀⡲⠄⠄⠈⠙⠻⢿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠟⠛⠋⠁⣰⠇⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿You are the best ever :esc_skull:
DeadboyEzra 20. Mai 2023 um 18:52 
DeadboyEzra 19. Mai 2023 um 19:05 
DeadboyEzra 18. Mai 2023 um 20:33 
▕╭┈╮┈╭┈╮▏               (\ /)
╱┊▉┊┈┊▉┊╲       ╭╮╭╮    ( . .) 💗
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╲┈╰┳┻┳╯┈╱       ┃┃┃┃   ╭━━━╮
┈▔▏┗┻┛▕▔┈╱╲    ╭┛┗┛┗╮ ╭╯+REP💗
┈╱▕╲▂╱▏╲╱┈╱    ┃┈▆┈▆┃ ┃
╱┈▕╱▔╲▏┈┈╱     ┃┈┈▅┈┃ ╰┳━━━╯
┈╱▏┈┈┈▕╲╱      ┃┈╰┻╯┃━
DeadboyEzra 17. Mai 2023 um 18:01 
⠄⠄⠄⠄⢻⡇⠸...𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎.....⣿⣇⣿⣿⢿⣿⠄
Wishing you the best and may all your dreams come true:CultMoon:
DeadboyEzra 16. Mai 2023 um 9:00 
⠄⢰⢯⢎⢧⢣⠣⡂⢕⢘⢜⢜⢮⡳⡇⠄⠄ YOU
⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⢿⣽⢿⣾⣻⡾⣷⠟⠄⠄ ARE
⠄⠄⠄⠙⢟⣿⣯⣿⣻⣟⡟⠄⠄ LOVED:lbcat::GhostLoveEyes:
DeadboyEzra 15. Mai 2023 um 23:31 
I know you will get through this, Just keep going:The_Moon:
DeadboyEzra 15. Mai 2023 um 9:34 
:necroheart: :necroheart: :necroheart:
DeadboyEzra 15. Mai 2023 um 6:19 
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Pssst:furryLove2::SadKittenWizard: Just making sure you are aware, but you are so freaking awesome:LostEmberWombat::life_up:
DeadboyEzra 14. Mai 2023 um 16:54 
⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⠟⡳⣳⢯⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ :necroheart:
:LN2Bird:Letting go of your hate with love will set you free:LN2Key:
DeadboyEzra 13. Mai 2023 um 17:46 
⠀⠀:2016villain::sedium:         ⠀:sedium::2016villain:
:sedium::biblis::atomical::2016villain:   :2016villain::atomical::biblis::sedium:
:Rubyovo:   :2016villain::atomical::biblis::atomical::2016villain:   :Rubyovo:
:heart_love:   :Rubyovo::sedium::atomical::sedium::Rubyovo:  ⠀:heart_love:
      :Rubyovo:   :2016villain:   :Rubyovo:
      :heart_love:   :Rubyovo:   :heart_love:
You have a purpose for being here and you matter. Always follow your dreams and love yourself :necroheart:
DeadboyEzra 12. Mai 2023 um 21:04 
You matter and are greatly appreciated :necroheart:
Pixel 8. Aug. 2020 um 19:50 
pp fart
astral queen 12. Mai 2020 um 14:26 
idk why i posted that but oh well XD
astral queen 12. Mai 2020 um 14:26 
bestest claudette in the west