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Recenzii recente de Spägle

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A sidescrolling SHMUP (Shoot em up).

This game is a masterpiece. The sountrack, gameplay, difficulty, levels and the feeling of retroish. Where do I even begin?

Soundtrack. Blasting 8 to 16-bit styled multilevel pixel mishmash at your ears WILL make you eargasm. My favourite track being ''Kittyrock''.

Gameplay. Very straight forward shoot anything at sight. You can shoot in many directions by picking up powerups and turning your submarine. This game has you doding at high speed while trying to kill robot fishes trying to steal you milk. The controlls are tight and simple. One button shoots the other ones controll you movement. The submarine turns at a dime.

Levels are varied by adding tons of enemies and waves. Different strategies required to beat certain levels. Once I had to retry one stage least 10 times before feeling the sweet taste of success.

Finally being the difficulty. Just enough easy and challenging. If you are a HC SHMUP fan try the arcade mode. Start normally from the beginning and play through the levels as usual, but when you die you restart from the beginning of the campaing. Also you collect gems to make upgres for your submarine.

Postat 25 septembrie 2014.
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Very arcade-y vehicular combat game.

This one of those mediocre games. As in ''Meh''. Usually good time wasting game from the sale.

Quite short and challenging but not impossible.

Would I reccomend it? I probly would not but if in a sale then I would.
Postat 25 septembrie 2014.
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1.7 ore înregistrate (0.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
An Amiga classic 2 player Co-op game.

Simple top down 8-direction shooter. Local or online Co-op possibilities best enjoyed with a friend. It has controller support and re-bindings to make the game easier.

Speaking of difficulty. This game is cruel... Almost everything kills you in a few hits. Even natural swamp life like frogs that kamikaze at you from outside the screen completely at suprise. Money is the key for success in this game.

The game is quite detailed for about 10-15 year old game. It has a money system. Money is dropped by variety of enemies. After each stage you are able to buy upgrades for your character, not weapons though. In many stages there are hidden stashes of money to get you more money to buy stuff.

Though may be difficult but hell of a fun with a friend that makes it easier or worse. Your case.
Postat 25 septembrie 2014.
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328.1 ore înregistrate (14.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game is amazing. Even better than the first one with major improvements.

+4-regular characters plus 2-additional characters
+Music and ambient
+Lots of enemies
+3-different skill trees on all 6 characters all of the 3 skill trees have completely different skill sets and advantages
+Humour, jokes and references
+Loot stuff
+Long main story and alot side mission to tackle
+Did I meantion weapons?

-You may encounter difficulty spikes
-A.I is sometimes Deadeyed or blind
-Is a bit slow from the start

Otherwise get the GOTY-edition. You wont regret it!
Postat 21 august 2014.
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2.2 ore înregistrate
This is one of those mediocre games.

Has decent graphics and content such as: vehicles tracks and modes. Also customization. Has taken references from other off-roaders like: Motorstorm, DiRT and Mx vs. ATV.

Would i recommend it? I'd say get this game in a sale then it'll be worth your money. Otherwise very arcade-y physics and controlls.
Postat 7 august 2014.
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8.2 ore înregistrate (5.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Must have for a Mx-sport enthusiast.
Amazing sountrack, tight controlls (I used a controller), lots of vehicles, customization, cool and unique tracks, different gamemodes (Omnicross is my favourite), enviroment physics, vehicle physics, ''Reflex'' system on feather weights and lots of options to suit your play style.

Announcer and may get repative at somepoint.

Get this game.
Postat 7 august 2014.
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402.3 ore înregistrate (90.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Very much alike Minecraft but alot of tweaks. Firstly it adds helpfull NPCs and gives you starting tools (MC doesn't). Very calm in the beginning but once you get the hang of the game and get more depth while mining, there's where this game shines. All sorts of cool stuff to find in chests and underground treasures and the list goes on...

I would recommend with friends or without friends 9/10, has few flaws like; minor bugs and glitches and sometimes feels ''empty''
Postat 28 iulie 2014.
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298.5 ore înregistrate (182.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game is hilarious. Basicly it has no objectives whatsoever. You just build stuff and make ragdolls have effed up faces and posed so wild they look they tried to do extreme yoga. If that's not your thing then there's the gamemodes. And there is alot of them. Workshop for easier modding and downloading mods.

I personally like Gmod for posing. building and taking scenic/cinematic screens.

Overall rate: 9/10. It has it flaws like: physics, other online players and sometimes feels rather boring if you are not the imagination type that pumps ideas left-and-right.
Postat 17 iulie 2014.
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33.0 ore înregistrate (5.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game is amazing! Kinda like Diablo with a hintch of dungeon crawler and LoL/Dota controlls.
Postat 26 iunie 2014.
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22.1 ore înregistrate (20.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Very much alike Mario Kart and CTR. But with SEGA-characters and tracks. PC-version has few exclusives plus 3 DLC. If you are into karting and SEGA. Get this. You won't regret it. Online may be bit empty but there's few players when ever.
Postat 22 iunie 2014.
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