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Publicada: 25 fev. 2024 às 2:30
Atualizada: 28 dez. 2024 às 3:52

I'm from Super Australia and I say kill 'em all!

An easy enough recommend for a fun and definitely challenging co-op game.
This game has few small, annoying and sometimes deadly bugs... just not in-game and sadly in the engine and servers it seems!

UPDATE: Dev's have made it clear with countless opportunities their priority is with furthering the live service before coming close to finalising mechanical issues and the seemingly endless deluge of bugs varying from frequent minor ones, slightly less frequent major bugs and glitches and the handful of whats basically fan favourite bugs and glitches... the ones that have been around since launch and everyone seems to be able to identify and say "oh yeah that one, its been here since the game started but you just have to take the L and in a day or two it'll just stop happening for a bit."

Thanks to the sense of camaraderie and the notion that a problem shared is a problem halved, this game will continue benefiting and profiting off its harvest of players willing to ignore the constant friction to just enjoy the core concept of the game even when all the worst bits piss them off.

Oh and the dev's have really found their stride in harbouring whilst also milking the "its just cool military stuff" fashwave demographic along with outright neo-nazis and seemingly every other flavour of boot-lickers in the community. Personally, I just distrust and dislike a team behind a game ostensibly mocking "all the bad things" while also steeping itself in "all the bad things" to then profit off representing "all the bad things".
Like, guys... making an anti-smoking cartoon that also licences the selling of cigarette shaped candy is at best sending mixed messages and seems disingenuous and at worst... well you're just promoting it under the guise of criticism.
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