Vashta Nerada
United States
Currently Offline
prattdog Apr 23, 2021 @ 6:40pm 
Everything ok?
Carnage Aug 4, 2015 @ 5:33pm 
Vashta Nerada are the second best aliens in docor who. Guess Whats first?
kayla Jul 1, 2014 @ 5:02pm 
hey its me pratt. This is my alt account.
Butane Feb 21, 2010 @ 1:22pm 
2:44 PM - Malice: Nice. I get an airshot... you get a random crit.
Butane{EMC}: lol
Butane{EMC}: domination..
Butane{EMC}: u suck
Malice: Yeah. Seems like my team likes to leave me out to dry.
Butane{EMC}: wow dude i tought u better than me..
Butane{EMC}: u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ suck today
Malice: Yes, those crit rockets are pure skill on your part.
Butane{EMC}: another fail
Butane{EMC}: fail again..
Malice: You didn't kill me when you said "another fail".
Butane{EMC}: referring to the kill b4 i kill u so often its hard to keep up
Malice: Well, that's about as much as I can take of the medics on my team sitting there and staring at me when I have 4 health.
Malice: And continuing to sit on the max overcharged demo
Malice: "Hey, soldier, looks like you're about to die. I should keep healing this other guy though."
2:56 PM - Butane{EMC}: ahahahahah i made u ragrquit
Bolts Dec 2, 2009 @ 8:54am 
hey if u have any up coming matches let me know and ill watch