4 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.5 hrs on record
Posted: Jan 5, 2021 @ 7:06pm

I was excited to play the game but got a "could not load crash dump" error upon my first attempt to load the game. I checked every help forum I could find, between Steam, Reddit, and Bethesda's support site. After trying everything under the sun, and using some of my own ideas to try and fix the issue, I contacted Bethesda support, which i know know was the most useless of all the steps I took to fix the issue. I has been 4 days, and I have only gotten 2 response emails, both essentially saying they don't know what to do and I have now gone 2 days without a reply email after numerous attempts to contact them again. This is unacceptable on their part, and I can no longer return the game as leaving the crash window open is counted as play time in steam and it looks as though I have 3.5 hours in the game when I actually have no play time whatsoever. If you want to find the quickest way to throw away money, buy this game. If you want to enjoy a fun game you'd have a far better time on coolmathgames.
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