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Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Показати предмети з усіма обраними умовами:
Sanctioned Status
Показані результати 1–7 із 7
OCS Team Cheese
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Modded Realm Practice Pack
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Most of the mods in this collection can/should be turned on all the time, only a few are exceptions. Level Debug & Display Level Progress: used to map analyze, may cause FPS issue in normal gameplay. Creature Spawner: will cause Nurgloth AI bug out, turn i
Grudge Slaper Host Mod Pack
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Settings Put MovementHelper at the front of this mod list in the launcher. In Deed Mutators Selector, turn on Sudden Death. In Special Powder, change Power to 12. In Spawn Tweaks, turn on Infinite Ammo And 0 Heat, change Player Damage Dealt Multiplier to 1
Grudge Slaper Client Mod Pack
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Settings Put MovementHelper at the front of this mod list in the launcher. In Special Powder, change Power to 12. In Spawn Tweaks, turn on Infinite Ammo And 0 Heat, change Player Damage Dealt Multiplier to 150%. How to Everyone use grudge raker Ranger Vete
BTMP mod pack for host
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Necessary mods for More Players mod as host
My Sanctioned Mod Collection
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
All the mods I use in official realm.
BTMP mod pack for client
Автор(и) колекції Royale w/ Cheese
Necessary mods for More Players mod as client
На сторінку: 9 18 30