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42 people found this review helpful
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19.1 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My Opinion
Ok so, coming from someone who has been playing RC since it was on the web browser, I would say that this is a must buy for veteran fans. It feels just like the original, but without the $20 per premium gun microtransactions. Because there are no microtransactions, every gun in this (even the premium ones) use honor points (in-game currency) instead of gold coins (premium currency in the original version). I would highly recommend grinding for the Groza-M (10k honor points) assault rifle and then the Wolverine (6k honor points) secondary smg. If you have extra points to spare, buy the assassin outfit bundle (1k honor points).

- Add more methods to earn honor points because once you get to level 10, the grind gets ridiculous (You get honor points for each kill and by winning matches). When you first start the game, you might think its really easy to earn a bunch of honor points, that's because you level up fast due to the low exp requirements for rank up. Once you get to around level 10, the amount of exp required for rank up skyrockets. I would recommend the devs adding something like daily challenges (Example: Get 15 melee kills and earn 100 honor points, you have 24 hours to complete this) because it takes hours upon hours to grind points later on (and thats if you know what you are doing)

- Reduce the amount of spawn protection time (at least for Free-for-All). This is not that much of an issue on TDM because the spawns are relatively the same each time, but on FFA, people are spawning ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ everywhere. I was playing on Kiev and I can't tell you how many times I spawned behind a guy after I died and got a cheap kill from him (and vice versa). When I spawned in, the dude would shoot me for a trillion years and I would still have spawn protection. In the meantime, I went to Taco Bell and ate a big ass burrito and then took a massive ♥♥♥♥ (The janitor did not have a fun time). I came back and then I killed the dude with 1 shot to the head, thats how long spawn protection is in this game. Spawn protection should only be like 2 seconds long, there's no reason for it to last as long as it is right now.

- Eventually merge all level gaps into 1 group. I know this would probably be a pain in the ass to new players, but seeing how there's only 300 players on average throughout the day playing this game (From my observations), eventually we need to have all the levels playing together to avoid empty servers in the future.

My Rating: 4/5 - A must buy for players who are experienced Red Crucible fans

[Note: Sorry in advance if there are any spelling, punctuation or grammar errors, I'm too lazy to reread/edit this lol]
Posted 12 September, 2018.
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0.8 hrs on record

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Live Long Bashar al-Assad!

Posted 28 July, 2018. Last edited 28 July, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
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140.2 hrs on record (129.0 hrs at review time)
Paid money for Payday 2...Payday 2 becomes free. Rip.
Posted 8 June, 2017.
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16 people found this review helpful
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4.5 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
The only reason I bought this for $79.99 was to get Cod4 Remastered. Was it worth it? F*ck yeah mate
Posted 6 November, 2016.
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7 people found this review helpful
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0.7 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
I'm in the hospital right now, and my doctor said that I have been diagnosed with brain cancer. He told me that the game I played was so bad, that it caused my brain to go KUBOOM! If anyone else has been struck with brain cancer due to this game, hook me up and maybe we can think of a plan to pay for the hospital bill. Thanks!
Posted 7 October, 2016.
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54 people found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Bernie Sanders Stimulator
Posted 27 August, 2016.
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48 people found this review helpful
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12.8 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game! And if you were wondering, this is NOT a pay 2 win game! There is a shop in the main menu, but the only things you can buy are badges and skins which are only cosmetic features for your soldier. They do not help you gain an unfair advantage unlike most free 2 play FPS games. Every gun you cam get is earned through getting kills, which award you with in-game cash to buy better guns. My tip to get more kills in this game is to: 1. By a SPAS-12 shotgun at the very start of the match -> 2. Kill enough dudes until you can afford the AK-47 -> 3. After you buy the AK, kill more dudes until you can afford the maximum 100 point body armor. 4. Now that you have the basic needs, you can continue killing until you can afford an AWP or LMG -> 5. Repeat same steps in next match. This tactic works best for me and it's helped me improve my game a lot (With this strategy, I get over a 2 KD average each match). Another piece of advice is to just hip fire, don't bother aiming down the sights unless you are holding down a choke point or using a sniper rifle. Spraying and praying will kill people ALOT better/faster than ADSing. Trust me. Oh. Also, if you meet some good/skilled players along the way, ask them to friend request you. If you have a massive team of good players, you will just rekt the ♥♥♥♥ out of ALL the noobs that try to fight back. Overall, this game is really worth a try. Like most reviews I've seen, this game is like a CS and CoD hybrid. So, is you're a fan of either these games, chances are, this game will be a ton of fun for you. But, if you don't like it, just delete it and no harm is done. Besides, the game is only like 200 MB, so it doesn't take up much space anyway. That's about it for what I have to say. Have fun!
Posted 29 August, 2015. Last edited 20 September, 2015.
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21 people found this review helpful
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28.2 hrs on record (26.8 hrs at review time)
My friend and I were playing in co-op mode.
She kicked a beach ball and it hit me in the nuts.
I died.
I try to kick her with a beach ball.
I die.

10/10 would get kicked in the nuts again
Posted 22 August, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
4 people found this review funny
6.7 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game. Here are some pros and cons to give you an idea of how this game is.

1. Its a free game that doesn't take up too much storage.
2. You would think that a Free to Play FPS game would be Pay 2 Win *cough* Combat Arms *cough* Alliance of Valiant Arms *cough* etc. BUT, guess what? This game is 100% NOT Pay 2 Win. YAY! When you start up the game and see the main menu, you won't see any kind of shop or premium currency system. This is because everthing from guns to gear is ALREADY given to you by DEFAULT! Yeah, you heard me right. You won't have to worry about spending a single cent. It's all about skill.
3. Levels provide a decent challenge, even on the Average difficulty setting.
4. Level design and gameplay is great and provides hours of fun.
5. A pretty decent arsenal of weapons to choose from like the Galil, MP5, akimbo pistols and etc.
6. The community seems pretty nice too so far. In my first hour of playing, I already met a couple of cool and chill guys. Not like the raging noob kids in CoD.
7. Even though I play on a gaming laptop, the game itself does not require the latest and high-tech graphics cards and stuff. You can probably use a mediocre, average, every day computer and the game will still run just fine.

Cons (Which there are not many):
1. The flashlight that you can turn on (By pressing Q) is very dim and doesn't provide much light in the dark.
2. Not too many maps to play on. But, this will probably be fixed as the Devs will most likely add more of them in future updates.
3. The Support man's supply crate glitches in the elevator. (Okay, so funny story. Me and my boys were playing this level where you had to plant a bomb in a sewer system like place. We got to this part where you had to ride an elevator to escape the sewers. I was running low on ammo and health so I placed the supply crate inside the elevator. Little did I know that when I placed down the crate and stepped on top of it to refill, I fell RIGHT THROW THE ELEVATOR and crashed to the bottom of the map where I was stuck. Eventually, everyone on my team died execpt me and they ALL respawned where I was at the bottom pit where we were stuck until we got killed by the time bomb for not escaping in time. Lol.)
4. I can't think of any more Cons.

Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Watch your balls out for the soldier zombies. These mofos deal loads of damage and take tons of shots to kill. Have your team take him down together.
2. When you hear the sound of a horde of zombies, followed by intense music, that means a large group of zombies are heading your way.
3. Try to use classes that will beniefit the team. If most of the people on your team is using the Sniper or Rifleman class for say, try using the Support or Technician class. The Supoort class can drop and pick up supply crates (As mentioned before) to heal and resupply ammo for you and your team mates. The Technician can place and pick up a sentry gun (Similar to the Engineer from TF2).
4. When you are near the end of the level and are about to reach the exit zone, book it. Try not to stick around and kill the zombies, just ignore them and complete the mission before you get surrounded.
5. Try not to shoot at your team mates as there is friendly fire in this game.
6. Stick together with the team. Don't get seperated.
7. Have fun!

So yeah. Thats about it. If I were to describe this game, it would be like a mix between Counter Strike and Left 4 Dead (Without the Elitist players and community thank god). Overall, I really recommend you try this game out, and there is no harm if you don't. Foxy signing out.
Posted 21 July, 2015. Last edited 21 July, 2015.
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111.5 hrs on record (21.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just spent $25 to look like a jackass. Was it worth it? ♥♥♥♥ yeah.
Posted 6 July, 2015.
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