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110.7 ч. всего (55.6 ч. в момент написания)
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Would I recommend this game? Absolutely. It's one hell of a fun game that just keeps getting better with each new build. It's not perfect, there are still a few rough edges, but the Devs are busting their butts to get everything working properly. The gameplay is surprisingly addicting, sometimes I look at the clock and wonder where the last 4 hours went, but looking at my fort shows me where they went.

There are some great elements of the game still being worked on (NPC's, Map Expansion) that will certainly alter the current games play style. No longer will we be "limited" to just raiding Muldraugh, West Point, or the "New(ish)" Mall area/recent expansion......which to be perfectly honest is quite a bit of looting to begin with. It honestly necessitates a new Safehouse/Fortress for each area as carrying all the stuff you find between forts would be kind of pointless...as the current map is that big....(map link) http://pzmap.crash-override.net/ and the planned additions of Louisville, Fort Knox and whatever lies in between them will make this a HUGE map.

My play style is a little Kamikaze(ish), i love to get a Nailed Baseball Bat or an Axe and take on a horde or two, just swinging away till either the zombies are dead, my weapon breaks, or i have to run and get bandaged up.....maybe have my character drink some bleach if the zombies made me bleed. Consequently, i rarely have a character last much beyond a month in the game. But that's the fun of the game, it lulls you into thinking that you are "Too Good" for the mere zombies to hurt....until they get you surrounded and you remember that you swore to yourself last time, that you would not let that happen again.

But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself and see how well you do. Just remember the words on the screen at the beginning of the game "This is how you died"
Опубликовано 4 марта 2024 г..
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47.8 ч. всего (27.0 ч. в момент написания)
Great gameplay, weak story and quirky vibe

Watch_Dogs 2 as a sequel met my expectations in a weird way though. I lean towards dark & gritty atmosphere and serious tone but Ubisoft did complete opposite which isn't a bad thing, actually it's a good thing given Ubisoft record of using same formula since FC3 & ACB this was unexpected and bold move by Ubisoft.

Gameplay where WD2 shines most. Hacking skills improved a lot you can do so many crazy and creative stuff using your abilities. For example you can call cop on a target and witness him/her getting arrested or call hit on a target observe gangs doing driveby you can even do gang shootout just call a hit on rival gangs and watch them doing gangbanging in middle of street call cops too for extra chaos and watch it like a movie. You think that's enough? hell no! summon your explosive equipped drone and rain bombs on them and watch vehicles getting explode and bodies flying away... Hacking is focus here there are so many creative ways to utilise and take out your enemies I didn't use guns much only for last resort I mostly went with stealth and hacking. Game incentives for that style too because you can die easily and lethal gun takedowns & slow mo focus absent here. They still using same takedown system from first game so that was let down for me. You can punch pedestrian but there's no proper melee system and your melee weapon called "Thunder Ball" looks & behaves very silly I didn't like it but fits the setting of the game I guess. Driving mechanics not improved much still feels same as WD1 but vehicle variety increased. Game have a radio now you can listen different radio stations with it's DJ which is a great improvement but don't expect GTA's Lazlow quality. Song selection on the other hand uninspiring this might be subjective but I didn't like most of the songs in this game it just didn't put me into game's mood. This time game based on San Francisco a colorful and cheerful atmosphere complete opposite of Chicago's dark and moody atmosphere. Map size is big so many great locations to explore and rural areas also expanded greatly. What really impressed me most how versatile map design is you can climb so many rooftops using your parkour ability. There's even a crane; you can hack it, hump on it, lift it, rotate it then reach very tall buildings or better squish any poor enemies with it...

But if we look at story well it's kinda falls apart. This time we are part of DedSec hacker collective, throughout the game we're doing operations to expose big corporations's shady practices and take down main villain's goals. Mission structure not linear we can do main missions in different order and replay it these are great improvements but why story is weak then? well because of characters. For example main villain I barely even remember his name he is very uninteresting and forgettable. Other big companies you expose through operations also not integrated well into main plot. Final mission also huge let down seems very rushed. WD1's final mission was very memorable and chaotic this ending isn't like that. You're companions not great either what's the point of "Horatio" he just appears at beginning of the game and few missions then gone, he felt last minute addition. Game also tries to create some tension between the crew but goes nowhere. Since I'm not really into hippie culture, silly jokes and constant pop culture references I just couldn't be attach to story nor it's characters. That doesn't mean they are terrible in fact "Wrench" by far the best one, out of all characters he stole the show I liked him a lot. T-Bone also returns as well he's still great just as WD1. What I really liked most on main missions though is level designs you can complete you're objectives in multiple ways for example you can complete your objective using your RC Jumper without even stepping a foot or you can enter from various types of entry points. Side missions are good improvement over first game. Crew gives nice context for each side missions and some of them really good and hilarious like ATM mission. There are tons of activities you can do as well such as racing, taking pictures etc.

From gameplay wise WD2 great improvement over WD1 but from story wise it's not. WD1 did it much better. I recommend it to any fan of this open world genre. As for WD1 fans be ready for drastic setting change. I also have to point out modding. This game uses Easy anti-cheat and it's not allowing to change game files you need to turn it off but turning off means you cannot play online. It's bummer but I didn't care because I really dislike camera in this game it's far from protagonist style over shoulder close camera mod to make my game enjoyable at the expense of online. After finishing 100% I tried online and it's fun they kept seamless solo/online experience intact they even added bounty hunter mode. If you planning modding this game keep that in mind.
Опубликовано 7 января 2024 г..
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38.3 ч. всего (7.0 ч. в момент написания)
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I think this game is really good as it stands and is easily worth the money the developers are asking for. However I do think its got a decent way to go before it becomes a proper finished survival game.

Now the main selling point to me with this game is it very similar to "DayZ" but without so much of the boring survival stuff.
This game offers a similar experience to "DayZ" but lets you get guns and gear fairly quickly with the added benefit of AI bots roaming around to keep things interesting along with being a source for loot. This game also had no zombies which is a plus for me as in my opinion "DayZ" zombies are terrible and something like "Scum" offers a better all round survival experience when compared to "DayZ".

Now in terms of improvements I think the missions really need improving with more variety. Basically the missions as they stand is go into an area and kill all the bots to get a reward. While I think this is a good starting point it gets boring fast in my opinion. The convoys were a cool idea but I find nobody bothers to try and steal the loot therefore it doesn't work too great in practice. Perhaps adding objectives to some of the missions making them harder would work better if done properly. Also i'm not a fan of the re-spawn system. Basically when you die you can choose which town you want to spawn in which means when you kill a player they just spawn 100m or so away and instantly come back. I would much prefer random IMO.

Okay some others things I would like to see to make this the perfect game is more points of interest in the current map ( Not expanding as the map has plenty of free space at the moment ). Making cities and towns more useful such as adding a police station and hospital as a place for basic guns, armour and an easy way to get medical supplies which is very difficult ATM. Also perhaps having an NPC which gives some basic quests for money or items would be cool. An example of a quest could be go to "Stepnoe" find a golden watch and bring it back here. This would also promote going to towns and cities along with increasing PVP in these areas. Some sort of weather system would also be greatly practised adding much variety and sounds to the environment making it feel more real and immersive.

Anyway thanks for reading this lengthy recommendation / review for this game.

Overall if you like the look of the game just buy it.
Опубликовано 3 декабря 2023 г..
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46.8 ч. всего (11.1 ч. в момент написания)
Young gamers who never played the original will likely love this remake. Some older gamers who have played and liked the original may hate this reboot because it's not a 100% exact copy. I happen to fall among the latter, and since the original Mafia is my favorite game ever and holds such a special place in my heart, it would make sense for me to be picky and b!tch about the reboot, how it misses some details, how things have changed and so on. But you know what? When I played Mafia: DE I was overrun by the same ecstatic emotions that I felt when I first played Mafia and I totally loved this new rendition.

What else made this possible if not my nostalgia for the story, the city, the characters, etc.? But I didn't care - I loved it for what it was, loved to see the beauty of Lost Heaven backed by amazing visuals, loved to relive the story, loved the cars, the missions, pretty much everything. Yeah they could've worked on some characters a bit more, yeah they could've let us do some side jobs for Luca Bertone instead of simply using postcards for car missions, of course they could've let us play every part that was playable in the original instead of covering some bits with cutscenes, among a few other things. These are improvements that won't see the light of day, but I will never think that's enough to bash this game.

The game has been criticized for many reasons by the original's fans, from voice actors doing an allegedly crappy job to the gameplay being generic, and some gamers went so far as to immediately write Mafia: DE off because they saw Hangar13's name on it. I don't get it. Playing the remake I could often feel the love that the devs put into it, and not once did I think they were just doing their job making minimal effort. Mafia 1 was extraordinary in its details, it was a difficult yet rewarding game, and I suppose being so hardcore is why some of its fans can't get over the modernized remake. However, times have changed, the standards have changed, and I believe nowadays you often gotta appeal to a much wider audience than some 20 years ago if you want your game to succeed. And it probably just so happens that that audience is a tad more generic than it was in 2002.

In any case, I understand the criticism that this game got from some long-time fans of the franchise, and they definitely don't have to like Mafia: Definitive Edition. As for me, I didn't like it either. I loved it.
Опубликовано 20 мая 2023 г..
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67.2 ч. всего (8.2 ч. в момент написания)
Mafia II has a wonderful sandbox environment. Lighting and weather are a marvel to experience; you need gameplay though and overall, I would say that I quite enjoyed the DLC. I don't usually like driving in games, but I kinda got to like it in Mafia II. Just as well, there's a lot of it. The DLC are not wonderful or great, they are just about good. The problem is there's too much repetitive grind and overall they often lack challenge in the missions. They just about kept me hanging in there with occasionally varied tasks to complete the end story, but it was always only just enough, not awash with thought and planning. Joe's Adventures are the worst of the DLC though, jarring arcade elements are introduced and the missions are far too much of a grind with little variation. However the base gameplay is good enough to keep you going through the DLC and there are just about enough lengthy, complex shooting missions with the added challenge of being against the clock to keep up the interest.

A good base game that handles driving very well and does a reasonable job of character development. The fps element of the game is a solid cover shooter that allows for multiple routes to targets and makes good use of the environment to destroy, hide and explode to your advantage. This is highly enjoyable. There are varied weapons that sound, reload and feel different and obviously do different levels of damage. ammunition is plentiful (I played on medium difficulty) and the draw distance and collision detection is generally excellent so get your sniper skills in actions because enemy AI is distance triggered and this allows you a hack in some of the more open moments.

I would recommend the game, but you won't be missing out if you passed over the DLC.
Опубликовано 11 января 2023 г..
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18.4 ч. всего (1.8 ч. в момент написания)
Decent game, 8-10 addictive hours of play for sure. Most of the bugs have been squashed so if you like to sneak around, deal virtual drugs, make your own mixes, rent a few properties and get rich, this is a fun distraction.

-Simple if a bit repetitive gameplay, but its fun
-A very interesting way to approach such a game with the curfew system. The fictional US in which theres a nation wide crackdown on ghettos in America seems both fairly realistic and a good way to make sensible gameplay elements
-The system for cutting the various narcotics you can sell is very neat
-Late game content is alright but definitely needs a bit more flair
-Gameplays repetitive
-Seems to be a lot of cut content
-Respect system is a little on the meh side, I think the game definitely needs such a system but overall I think the way its handled could be better
-The late game is absolutely unmanageable with the amount of small orders you have to fill in order to keep respect gain in the late game areas especially. It makes little to no sense that someone who is no longer just a dealer but is a major supplier of narcotics to be running out 20 bags to every tom ♥♥♥♥ and jane. I've made suggestions of this in the devs discord but we'll see if any of them are heeded
-Skills don't seem to have that much of a great effect outside of pockets and fast learner. Even with max stealth skill and not having a backpack on I constantly get stopped by cops even with lower risk and exposure meters.
-The quality ratios dont make much sense, I can have a client with a very low quality expectation and make a mix thats still 95% of the narcotic im mixing and theyll complain about its quality.

Opinion: For me this game is something a nostalgia trip, from the ages of 14 to probably 20 I was involved in dealing drugs, though I didn't do it in relations to gangs or anything like that and I avoided things like meth or heroin and stuck mainly with party stuff like Marijuana, Ecstasy and Psychedelics. I would like to see some psychedelics added into the game especially since they are referenced at several points in the game by graffiti and such. I recommend the game because its simple, fun, and it does give people an interesting take on dealing drugs from the dealers perspective instead of most games that deal with themes of narcotics which are usually from the law enforcement perspective. There does seem to be a great deal of cut content within the game however the hints ive gotten from the dev discord implies they want to reimplement alot of it but it was taken out for balance reasons. For several reasons I feel this game should have been released as Early Access and not as a full release title but overall it is enjoyable and I do recommend it especially for the fairly low price they are asking, it is a small studio and does seem like they are still working on it frequently however if they fall off and leave it in its current condition for too long I will change this review to a do not recommend as the game is clearly not quite complete yet.
Опубликовано 21 сентября 2021 г..
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29.3 ч. всего (3.9 ч. в момент написания)
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Phasmophobia is a brilliantly designed game that, as mentioned, relies on more than just cheap jump scares; it keeps you in suspense and dread, knowing that the ghost could show up at any moment to wreak havoc on your sanity and potentially hunt you down.

The game features many amazing tools to hunt down spirits, demons, yokais, and more; from D.O.T.S. Projectors to track the movements of ghosts from the video camera, to UV Lights and Glowsticks capable of picking up fingerprints all over doors and windows.

Almost no two hunts back to back are the same; the ghost you could be hunting could be a Demon, or it could be a Poltergeist. Each ghost requires you to collect different kinds of evidence (up to 3) to properly identify it and get paid. Once you've identified the ghost, you can collect Evidence and bonus objectives for an even bigger payout - just make sure the ghost doesn't catch you or you will get a reduced payout.

There are three different difficulties - Amateur (Easy), Intermediate, and Professional (Hard). Each difficulty gives you a timer for when the ghost can begin actively hunting you, as well as how much Sanity you can lose or how active the ghost is. They also include different pay-out modifiers.

On the ghosts themselves, they have a wide array of designs based on popular horror franchises; I know for a fact there's one resembling the Sugar Plum Fairy from Cabin in the Woods and there's also one resembling the crawling Onryo from the Grudge. There's even a few unique designs as well, and regardless of origins, they are all designed to scare you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

There are also different kinds of ghosts - Demons, Yokai, Mares, and Poltergeists to name a few! Each one has a unique strength and a unique weakness. For example, Demons are the most aggressive ghosts and will begin Hunts more often but asking a Demon successful questions on the Ouija Board won't lower the user's sanity. Mylings on the other hand are more quiet when hunting you, making them hard to escape due to their stealth, but make more paranormal noises than your average ghost, making them easier to find when they are not Hunting you.

Moving on, I have mentioned the ghosts actually will hunt you. To escape the ghosts, you must constantly break their line of sight, because the longer they can see you and move in a straight line, the faster they will become. Furthermore, any and all electrical devices - cameras, flashlights (sans the head-mounted flashlight), EMF Readers, and so forth - will constantly alert the ghost of your location. You must turn them off before hiding to avoid detection, otherwise, it's game over. These devices also glitch like crazy when the hunt is on, and the closer the ghost is, the darker your flashlight will get - until you can't even see it.

There's a plethora of maps, too - there's run-down homes on the street, the side of the road, and even out in the middle of farmland. But it doesn't stop there - you can even go to high schools and prisons! The larger maps are best enjoyed with a group of three or four, but the smaller ones can be done with two players and even done solo. Just make sure you NEVER underestimate the ghost and you'll be fine.

You can currently select from a list of 8 characters - 4 men and 4 women, each with a different ethnicity, allowing for varied appearances in-game. I hope they expand this and add more for both, but this game is in Early Access after all, so I am sure they will.

Overall, I give this game a 4 out of 5 - it'd be a perfect 5 if the game wasn't Early Access, but I highly recommend this game nonetheless!
Опубликовано 18 сентября 2021 г..
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136.7 ч. всего (4.6 ч. в момент написания)
Very enjoyable both alone and with friends! This game was well over worth the money I spent. My friends and I have been grinding this game recently and having fun in survivor mode. The killer mode is also nice because when they get off, I can play a killer game because the queue for it is solo. Overall great game, I think it is also pretty balanced.


1.) Anti-Camp: Camping is incredibly hard and costs you the game thanks to perks you can run. This is great because it deters killers from camping and killing one person at a time. The perks are great, but since the objective is to fix generators and open the exits and escape, being camped is the same thing as looping the killer for that amount of time you are hooked. This allows teammates to fix generators quickly and efficiently, allowing the exits to open faster. I love this part of the game where is denies campers and makes the game fun for everyone. For these reasons, campers are very rare since they lose a lot in rank and bloodpoints.

2.) Satisfaction of Clutch Plays: This one is from personal experience so it probably differs from person to person, but my friends and I get really hype over clutch plays. There are plays like cleansing a totem with NOED (one hit kill perk that can be “cleansed” aka destroyed to remove it from the killer) and unhooking my friend who was getting face camped by a spirit and got the four man escape. Another would be blocking/taking the hit for my friends (injured) to help them buy time to get to the exit gate. Simple plays like these are just so satisfying and hype that it keeps you playing over and over.

3.) The Hatch: I think that this is one of the more unique and thoughtful addition to the game. When you are the last one alive, a hatch will open, allowing you to escape without opening the exit gates. These give the last survivor a chance at escaping without taking their sweet time to open the exits.

4.) Teachables: At level 30 on a character, you can have perks that can be taught to other characters who originally do not have that perk. This allows you to play the character you want to play without having to worry about the perks they have.

5.) Unique Perks and Characters: Everyone in the game is unique. All survivors and killers have their own perks that you can have. This makes the game more interesting and find the character that fits your play style the most. For example for killer, I like to play the huntress because she has a ranged attack where she throws hatchets. I feel that she is someone that I enjoy playing and fits my play style. For survivor, I like to unhook people, which is why I run the perks that help other survivors out, like borrowed time (anti-camp perk), we’ll make it (super fast heal after unhook), and botany knowledge (also heal fast).

6.) Tutorial: Bloodpoints are needed to upgrade characters, so Behaviour Interactive adding in 50,000 bloodpoints per tutorial clear was very kind and thoughtful of them for beginning players. This helps them upgrade the character before entering a match with one level one perk.

7.) Custom Games: The mode I have the most fun in are custom games. They are the best addition to the game in my opinion! I have so much fun with my friends in this game mode. Although we get no bloodpoints, it does not matter because all the perks, items, add ons, and offerings are unlocked (you can lock them though in custom game settings). It is also nice that you can choose the map that you want to play.

I would say that the only bad things about this game are that a player not joining and ending the game immediately will lost add ons and offerings, the killer going afk will give u 0 points in 2 categories, leading to 0 rank progress (this issue can probably be fixed if survivors get a bonus for escaping in a certain time limit), and load times are often really long. However, these issues do not ruin the game at all as they are not common and are not significantly frustrating. Another issue might also be how grindy it is. Bloodwebs have lots of items, which will make you take a while to upgrade that character. Bloodpoints are therefore needed in high quantity aka play many many matches.

Other aspects of the game I enjoy are the collaboration Dead by Daylight had with Resident Evil. Leon, Jill, and the Nemesis are great additions to the game and I hope to see more collaborations with different games. The game anniversary items are also a nice addition to the game. The sacrificial cakes (anniversary offering that gives 105% more bloodpoints) give a significant amount of bloodpoints (game currency to upgrade characters). This really helps with people who just got the game, like me and my friends. We are able to level up our characters really fast and progress in the game a lot easier. The game is super fun and I totally recommend this to people who are looking for a game to play with friends competitively, casually, or even both! I also think that the DLC is worth it (although get it when it goes on sale or your friend has it on library share)! All the characters are really fun to play! + All characters are needed to complete all achievements.
Опубликовано 23 июля 2021 г..
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70.8 ч. всего (3.6 ч. в момент написания)
Ride with me, brother

Please allow me to start with something that I find particularly amazing, at the moment of this review it is confirmed by Sony that a whole “slate of games” will be arriving to the PC within the near future, of course I don’t know what the future will bring us but I find fascinating how this sounds incredible now, how it would have sounded like madness in the past and how it will probably sound normalized in the future, just another example of how much the industry changes, right? Well, let’s get to the point, this “slate of games” has started with Days Gone, perhaps not a game you are familiar with but I think it will be interesting to review, is it good? Is it worth your time? Let’s find out.

Two years ago an unknown disease spread all over the world turning people into strange bloodthirsty creatures that ran rampant on the streets killing everyone and everything. Somehow you, your wife and your best friend survived the apocalypse only to be stuck in a nightmarish world. We are Deacon St. John, an outlaw rider who has survived alongside Boozer, your brother from another mother, doing jobs for the few survivalist camps that are all over this wild land that is Oregon. Our duo gets attacked by a faction called the “Rippers” and that will start the plot-line that will drive us to unexpected places, ghosts from the past, broken alliances waiting to be fixed and new enemies that were born in this hostile world.

Days Gone might not sound exciting at all if you just read this, however, let me tell you that this is in fact a very nice story divided in multiple narrative arcs, more specifically in different plot-lines that you will be completing by doing not only the main missions but also side-quests, clearing the infected areas or doing specific challenges, is this important? Well, I would say it really depends, some narrative arcs are deeper than others, by doing some of them you will see how characters evolve or expand their own backgrounds, how some elements from the world change by your own actions or just discover tidbits of what could come next.

If you ask me how would I describe this game I would probably answer “It’s a mix between Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead” because all the elements of this game are a mix of a very specific biker culture scene immerse in the middle of a broken world by an unknown pandemic that turned most of the world into a warzone. You can clearly see how all the characters are under a very specific stereotype by their behaviour, their culture or just the way they act, not going to lie, at first I thought characters like Deacon or Boozer were quite flat but the more you progress in the story, the more interesting they become, at the end of this adventure I really appreciated the work they did for all the characters and that’s something that I’m glad I discovered here.

Not everything can be good so here comes my biggest complaint about the narrative of this game is pacing. I don’t know if you will feel the same I felt while playing but it’s quite strange to see that game’s climax happens, like, 10 hours prior to the real ending, when a narrative plot-line gets forgotten until 20 hours later a new mission pops-up or perhaps when the Horde mechanic gets introduced and it doesn’t appear in the story line until almost the ending and they abuse it. If the team had to change something I would totally say this is the thing that should be revised.

Is it a problem? At a personal level it wasn’t a problem but I’m sure some of you will find this a bit too dense, you know what else is dense but this time for good? The world.

I don’t think I’m mistaken if I say that Days Gone is a beautiful game, this apocalyptic version of Oregon with the small towns destroyed and abandoned, the roads full of forgotten vehicles or the grim aura of the NERO camps is something that they truly nailed. Something that you might find interesting is the similarities with another Sony IP, The Last of Us. I don’t know if they confirmed this game was an inspiration for them but it really seems to be this way as you will encounter specific scenes, situations and tonalities that are very similar to this game.

Nature here is absolutely stunning with very distinct biomes, from dense forests to gelid tundras, all the weather elements will interact to some degree with you and how you play, affecting not only how the freakers interact but also how you drive, fight or explore. I really recommend you to take your time exploring and be amazed by some moments this game will throw at you, from a foggy lake with a great sunny day to a rainy day with a horde going after you, quite impressive if you ask me.

Of course being a looker is important for this kind of game but gameplay is the key here, oh well, what should I say first? The bike.

The most important element of this game would be without any doubt the bike, not only part of your character’s identity but also your vehicle. It is completely customizable to the point it has some really crazy and visually stunning details, it will be ESSENTIAL to upgrade your bike to get a better performance, to save some gas or get a better durability, based on your bike you will find yourself changing your routes in order to get some gas or traverse a safer place, its systems are not difficult to understand and its control is really well done, this control will change alongside your upgrades, some will be more noticeable than others.

Your character will also be upgradeable and it’s important to keep a balance between your skills because in the same way as it happens with the bike, it changes quite a bit but in the base level you can already see that gunplay for example is really well done with a weight sense or impact force in the bodies, your stamina, focus and health will improve too but keep in mind you will need to find NERO injectors, choose wisely.

I played the game with KB+M and I must say the controls are excellent, not only is the bike really well adapted but also your gun’s precision will improve or make it easy to target objectives. Which reminds me about the most interesting mechanic of this game, the hordes, trust me when I say that the first few times you see one you will sweat a bit as they are something BRUTAL, imagine 100 or 200 freakers running at you and you have to kill every single one of them, manage your resources well because it will get harder the closer you get to the end, a lot of potential with this mechanic with stunning visuals.

Speaking of PC specifics, what about the port? It is a really good conversion.

I can only speak for myself but while I had a very good experience with HZD at release a lot of people didn’t in this case however, while once again I had a great experience people seem to agree that the PC port is really well done. Tons of PC options were added, framerate was uncapped (I recommend to cap them at your max refresh rate so your GPU doesn’t go crazy) and yeah, this game hasn’t looked any better than right now.

If you want to jump in you will probably find yourself having a good experience or at least I hope so.

So what’s the deal then? Days Gone might not be the port you were expecting from Sony but it sure is a very solid and notable game, Bend Studio did their best here and while some things could have been better, they really nailed some others.

It took me 35 hours to finish the story and some of the side content and there was only one moment around the ending in which I was a bit burned out due to one element that was abused but the rest? It was a great experience that I enjoyed and I wouldn’t doubt recommending to anyone who enjoys open world games, zombies and exploration, in fact, if you don’t know a lot about this game, I would encourage you to stay that way until you play it to discover everything by yourself.

I really hope this review was helpful for you and I sincerely hope you enjoy this game as much as I did.
Опубликовано 2 июля 2021 г..
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Replayability is decent, there is a horde mode and of course playing through with friends who haven't played it before can be quite fun. Or going for challenge type play through with the hardest difficulty and max wave on zombies.

I wouldn't compare it to L4D2 or Killing Floor I don't think it's close enough to either of those.

The pistols don't offer great variety but the revolver plays much differently than the colt or Luger. The rifles vary greatly, some are semi-auto but less powerful where as other have a higher muzzle velocity meaning less bullet drop. As far as secondaries some prefer the shotgun, some prefer Thompson M1 or PPSH-41. There is also a special shotgun available as a pick up in certain maps called the preacher which is very powerful but super limited ammo. Oh and the Panzerfaust which is overpowered and is really useful in the game.
Опубликовано 13 февраля 2021 г..
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