Nick V
Bulletproof since: 27-6-2017

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Truebathor 21 Jan @ 8:57am 
Benefiting nobody but myself for just a few seconds, seeing a popup saying that I accomplished something either several have or very few have. It also bothered me to see all the visual novels that come out.
People that put months or years into making only to have people skim over them for the achievements and to leave either a joke review or a harsh review, only talking about the achievements instead of the that would not benefit other players and would only harm the developers.
I get that some of you may still "Skip" for achievements and I'm not criticizing you for it, but if you do, please don't insult the developers for making it "too quick to skip through for an easy 100%, best 2 minutes spent".
Diagonaal 3 Nov, 2024 @ 11:31pm 
Hello! I couldn't reach you in private, so here's the answer to your question: No, it's not normal to have an inflammation in the anal area after intense penetration.
Truebathor 26 Jan, 2024 @ 5:53pm 
I let my obsession drive me to madness beginning in November last year to a peak in Summer of this year, where I noticed an OCD behavior that sought to "clean out" my life...and by that, I mean with all the clutter in my life, I was tampering with "extreme" cleaning.
Mostly getting rid of prized possessions, friends, family, and especially account deletion on sites that I spent several years of commitment on. Some accounts are now gone forever from this OCD behavior, others are thankfully restored.
It's for this reason that I played less and less, for the sake of my own damaged psyche and my physical health after years and years of slaving away on something that gave temporary joy.
Jackhammer (Wholf) 24 Jan, 2024 @ 7:49pm 
ㅤㅤㅤAppreciate everything and everyone around you before it turns into memories...
Truebathor 24 Dec, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
Of course, this didn't last...just as all things don't. Group mismanagement, seeking more out of what I do, looking for greater opportunities than to stick with a dead end route. When I look back at my accomplishments, I see it with both pride and disgust.
Pride in how far I've come and what I've accomplished, especially after being "that kid that pays big brother to beat a certain level for him". And there's nothing wrong with that...but there is the disgust in all the time I lost from my life. 10 years give or take.
After which, resulting in being one of the top thousand players in the world (only according to Astats, I know there are several others more talented and skilled than me who either don't play on Steam or don't use Astats. Tenthousands, I'm sure.)
Jackhammer (Wholf) 24 Dec, 2023 @ 8:05am 
Out with the old, in with the new! A pleased Happy New Year to you!
May this new year be full of adventure and growth. <3