1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
64.3 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 578.6 uur in totaal (312.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 9 nov 2024 om 11:48
Gewijzigd: 9 nov 2024 om 11:48

This game is pure addiction. I like it. I spent so many time in building my base. Try to fix problems and also make my base more efficient. I like to be satisfied! I spent about 300h in this game and yes I know that's only the beginning ^^ With some QOL mods it is even better!

I didn't played SpaceAge for now because I'm scared. I'm scared to get addicted again. Scared to tell my boss that I need more HomeOffice or need to quit my job :D But it will happen soon and I will review it again :-)

Conclusion: If you like factory games, this is one of the most important games in your library! Clear purchase recommendation from me
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