3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.7 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 22, 2024 @ 7:13pm

I've always loved these games and I'm having a lot of fun with this so far.

I've only played the single player component of Battlefront 1 thus far but it has been a lot of fun. Its got some of that early 2000s jank (compared to modern games) but I've had no gamebreaking bugs or anything.

Is this game perfect? No, but it is fun.
Is it worth 35 bucks? I would say so. I had no issues booting it up and getting into a game. the controller support is great and it looks fine for what this is.

I did one instant action in Battlefront 1 (jabba's palace) and it was pretty chaotic, but its still fun.

I wouldn't let all the negative reviews turn you off of this. There is a crazy amount of toxicity surrounding this release for whatever reason and I don't really get it. For what it is, it is fine. It plays well enough and I like the graphics and audio.

I suppose if you're only here to play multiplayer then your experience might be different than mine, but I've never played these games multiplayer and I'm having as much fun with this release as I did with the original 20 years ago. I do own the originals but I'm going to be playing this version.

I'll update this review at some point but my initial impressions are "this is fun."
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