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Publicada el 9 AGO 2022 a las 9:38 p. m.

As a old fan of the show I thought I'd pick this up to see how it is. From the videos and reviews I thought it would be pretty cool.

Played it for all of about 20 minutes before stopping. While this might be a good game what I saw in those 20 minutes was really annoying.

1: Booting up the game I saw something like 30 text pop-ups about stuff I had "unlocked" that meant absolutely nothing to me because I haven't even played the game yet.
2: The tutorial fight was okay albeit somewhat simple.
3: The movement in the open-world area sucks bigtime. This game feels like something from the late 90s or early 00s. Really stiff jumping, very clunky.
4: Open world zone immediately presented an annoying "escort the slow npc" thing which served absolutely no purpose but to slow the game which was really annoying considering how janky+fast the movement is in this area
5: The fishing thing with the random quick time events was annoying. Not hard but annoying. At this point I am just skipping all the dialogue because up until now 90% of the gameplay has been "read this text box" or "listen to these characters be annoying"
6: The little emblem thing was the last straw. "Put it NEXT to Goku" was being shown to me but no matter where I clicked it just wouldn't do anything but repeat this message. Finally it worked after clicking the exact spot it wanted me to put it despite me having clicked that area multiple times. Maybe this is a controller issue I dunno but it was really stupid.

I'm presently pretty frustrated by this game and quite disappointed. It looks super cool from the videos and screenshots but it feels like a game that would have come out 20 years ago. It is clunky, annoying and vapid.

I will be giving it some more time this weekend but my initial feelings aren't good. At present I wouldn't recommend this to anyone but the hardcore DBZ fan and/or people who may not notice/care about the really clunky gameplay.
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