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I played for around 40 minutes and in that time I just could not get into Savage Lands.

It feels poorly optimized and non-intuitive.

I'll be keeping my eyes on this, in the future, but as it stands I can't recommend you purchase it while it is in Early Access.
Publicada em 5 de agosto de 2015.
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1.7 horas registradas
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Early access?
Psh. This game is totally worth a buy even on early access.

The only downside is no online play. Seriously. That's the only negative thing I can say about it.

Great graphics style
AWESOME gameplay
Fantastic music

Crawl is unlike any other roguelike. It is a must buy.
Publicada em 5 de agosto de 2015.
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I've played a few solo games and have to say. This is the best MTG game that has come out since Planeswalkers 2012. It is a HUGE step forward from last year's itteration. And it looks like we might finally have a MTG game that will release new content expansions instead of a whole new game, every year.
Publicada em 29 de julho de 2015.
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3.5 horas registradas
This is a fantastic representation of art as a video game. It plays very much like so many other nameless games yet is completely different. It is different on a similar level as the Stanley Parable. But it is much more fun to play. There is an actual game layered into this piece of artistic expression. There is also some pretty compelling philosophy backing the narrative.

This is one of those games that you really do need to experience to understand why it is so intriguing.

I completed my first playthrough in just under 3 hours. I'm glad it was relatively short, as well. This is the type of game that is best taken in one sitting. You're really going to miss out on what the game is trying to tell you if you don't play the whole thing in one sitting.

I absolutely recommend this game.
Hell, it is a definite contender for my top indie game of 2015.

If you're not willing to shell out the bucks for it because you aren't sure if it will be your thing then download the demo. Taste the water for yourself and then make the plunge if you like what you see.
Publicada em 9 de julho de 2015.
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11.4 horas registradas
Let's get this out of the way first. I really dislike the Assassin's Creed games. They're dull and come out so frequently that I don't even get a chance to finish the last one before the next one comes out. Assassin's Creed ranks up there with Call of Duty with being one of the most absolutely overrated and overhyped game series of the last few years.

Having said that, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is awesome. It is awesome for one reason and one reason only. It stands as the best Pirate-sim that is currently released. The piracy stuff is totally cool, a lot of fun, and fairly immersive. Enough so that the atrocious stealth+assassination gameplay can be overlooked. It isn't that the stealth stuff sucks but I hate it.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a really fun piracy game. I recommend this to anyone who has dreamed of playing a game with a fun and engaging ship-sailing mechanic.
Publicada em 19 de junho de 2015.
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0.1 horas registradas
An interesting idea that could be pretty fun if done correctly.

This game is not how to do it correctly. It is VERY poorly optimized and filled to the brim with micro transactions. Avoid this like the plague.
Publicada em 4 de junho de 2015.
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0.2 horas registradas
Game has loads of issues:

Poor screen scaling.
Poor bot implementation (bots would not spawn for Allied team EVER).
Generic weapons
Arcaic design standards (UI, matchmaking, server hosting etc.)

Definitely not a great game but for 99 cents you can't really go wrong.

If you feel like throwing your money away buy this game. It could possibly be fun with your friends if you can get it to work. Otherwise don't even bother.
Publicada em 14 de abril de 2015.
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9.9 horas registradas
This is a fun little game to waste an hour or two on but is really horrible in almost every conceivable way.

First of all there is the whole ripping off WoW assets for 99% of its character designs and names.
Second there is the REALLY poor writing/descriptions of things. Seriously. The descriptions of most things are almost un-readable.
Third the core gameplay revolves heavily around a system that is extraordinarily P2W and encourages you to drop hundreds of dollars for incredible boosts.
The game is pretty much the worst kind of free game out there.

Having said that you could easily find yourself hooked on the mindless gameplay the same way you might get hooked on Candycrush or Farmville or any other game of this type.

Play it if you will. But for the love of god do NOT spend money on this garbage. This will eventually be pulled down off of steam for copyright violations and you're going to see your money wasted.
Publicada em 20 de março de 2015.
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7.4 horas registradas
Prime World suffers from a few major problems.

1: It is free to play with mechanics that strongly benefit paying customers.
2: It is a MOBA. Yes this is a problem. MOBAs aren't inherently bad games but they are made so by the horrid userbase that plays them. People are far too competetive and simply joining random games with the intent of having fun seems rare/impossible most of the time. The game is targetted at hardcore gamers so if you aren't a hardcore MOBA gamer stay away.
3: Progression feels too grindy. Games like this, which rely on players being put on fairly equal footing, stick in leveling+progression almost arbitrarily. Sure your heroes get stronger but you're only ever put onto the playing field with others in your general tier of power, which makes progression much less about empowering your character and more about pigeon-holing you against stronger opponents (the more you play the more competetive+less fun the game becomes).

Basically stay away from this game if you're not a hardcore MOBA player. It is just not fun for casual play.
Publicada em 6 de janeiro de 2015.
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311.3 horas registradas (86.8 horas no momento da análise)
Marvel Heroes is an interesting game.

On the one hand you've got the fantastic Diablo-like elements (grinding, beating up baddies, collecting loot) and on the other you've got this back-end of real money purchasing that looms in the shadows tempting your "BUY THIS" button.

You CAN unlock everything without paying money, but we're talking hundreds and hundreds of hours to do this. I've got 70 hours invested at this point and have aquired enough ingame currency to purchase 2 extra characters. Personally I don't consider this a major problem since the game is free to play, but it does suck if you want to play casually and have access to more characters.

This is a hardcore gamer's game. Just like Diablo. If you're coming into this thinking that you'll be able to play an hour or two here and there you're going to be missing out on nearly all of the content, which is targetted at max level characters.

That being said the developers are awesome. They produce high quality content and frequently run events to keep players interested in the game. With every new character that is added they think of new and amazing twists to make things unique. For example, Juggernaut's ability requires him to stay moving, Venom drains health to refill his secondary stat and drains his secondary stat to refill health, Dr.Strange strings together different moves to combo and reduce timers, Rogue can literally absorb powers from all heroes and boss villains to create an endless number of builds.

There is a lot here, but be ready to invest a lot of time if you want to do it without paying.

Publicada em 16 de dezembro de 2014.
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