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9 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
11.6 h en tout
This is the best version of Final Fantasy 1. Simple as that. It remains pretty faithful to the original (there are some modernizations and adjustments made to overall game balance that are both beneficial and detrimental to the experience).

The music is phenomenal in this version. The music alone is reason enough to play this. The graphics work well and I really like the subtle details in this version more than any other.

My biggest gripe isn't so much an issue with this version of the game, it is with the game itself. The biggest issue is this game just suffers when it comes to general gameplay. There are tons of random encounters, enemy groups are annoyingly large (up to 9 enemies), enemies inflict really nasty status effects that are obnoxiously not healed by inns (poison), players don't have access to much party-wide healing and the difficulty spike at the final boss is extreme.

If you haven't played any Final Fantasy games I don't think this is a great way to start the series. If you've played other games in the series and haven't played Final Fantasy 1, give it a shot. If you've already played Final Fantasy 1 and want to relive the experience then without a doubt this is the version to buy.

This is a great version of a heavily flawed game.
Évaluation publiée le 6 aout 2021.
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729.4 h en tout (41.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Siralim Ultimate is one of those games that won't appeal to everyone but for those that do find it compelling it is very likely to become a great time investment.

The graphics are what turn people off, in my opinion. Siralim, as a series, has always been pretty simplistic (some would say ugly) but if you judge this game based on the graphics you're going to potentially miss out on one of the deepest, most complex pokemon-esque games on Steam. I say pokemon-esque but that doesn't really describe Siralim Ultimate very well. It is similar to Pokemon only insofar as you assemble a team of creatures with over 1200 base variants to choose from.

These 1200 base variants can all be fused together to form new creatures which would be something like 1200*1200 different, unique creature variations. There are something like 30 specializations for your character (think character classes/professions) that interact with creatures in a unique way, leading to specialized setups that are tailored specifically to your character... And then you have Items, spells, relics, false gods, annointments and more that all compound on the complexity of this game. It is safe to say that there are some people who will copy someone else's build/setup but there are so many options available to you that it is extremely unlikely anyone will randomly come across your unique build randomly.

This is a game heavily focused on the grind. You can level your creatures infinitely and progress into the dungeon infinitely. There is a story but it is pretty shallow and easy to skip, serving more to give a very basic reason for going deeper into the dungeon than anything else.

Each floor of the dungeon is randomly generated and is basically a modern take on old dungeon crawlers.

This game is still in early access and it is absolutely worth a purchase. In its current state there are hundreds if not thousands of hours of content available.

At the time of this review I am 41 hours in. I've cleared the main campaign but I have yet to unlock any of the significant post-game content. I've only focused on one specialization and one group of creatures (swapping them out occasionally for better ones).
Évaluation publiée le 15 mai 2021.
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18.6 h en tout
Decent game.

Horrible customer service.
Évaluation publiée le 22 mars 2021. Dernière modification le 7 mai 2021.
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50.1 h en tout (42.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Beat Hazard 2 is a direct improvement over the original, both in challenge and in fun.

There are far too few games that use content generated by your music library to comprehensively assess whether or not Beat Hazard 2 is a truly great game. But compared to what is available it is definitely near the top if not the best game in this genre.

The game plays very similarly to classic Asteroids but with a modern flair to it that is both visually complex and relaxing. I play on the hardest difficulty with the maximum amount of visual intensity and I find the game to be very enjoyable. I can't speak too much on the lower difficulties but when you play on Zen things are quite intense and when you get in the groove it does actually give me the impression of zen-like meditation.

There are some bugs that cause the game to crash and if you have a large media library you may see occasional slowdown (I keep my music collection on a slow external hard drive so I'm sure that doesn't help). One great thing about Beat Hazard 2 is that you're able to play music from anywhere (iTunes, Amazon, Youtube, Spotify etc. with its open mic setting). As long as the song is recognized it will record scores but even if the song isn't recognized you should still be able to play.

Another great thing about Beat Hazard 2 is the live scoring displays mid match. You can see exactly where you stand against your rivals.

All in all I recommend Beat Hazard 2 at full price. It is a great game with a very enjoyable gameplay loop. If you love music and want to play a game that uses that music collection you've been building then this is a great game to pick up.
Évaluation publiée le 9 février 2021.
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46.5 h en tout (38.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
In an age of remakes, updates and modernizations Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night does what few titles have done up to this point. It lives up to the hype. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is as close a spiritual successor to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night as one could hope for, given it has no ties to the Castlevania series outside of being developed by one of the franchise's key developers.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night gets it right where it counts. The controls are tight and responsive, the aesthetics are both gothic/gritty and pleasing (the game doesn't shy away from its use of color), the music is great (although I don't think the music is quite as memorable as Castlevania it is certainly in the same vein, thematically) and the experience is simply enjoyable from beginning to end. Additionally, the developers continue adding new modes/characters, making an already great product even better.

The only real criticism I have is that this game doesn't have the decades of lore present in the Castlevania series. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is essentially a brand new IP and it suffers from not having backstory, characters and easter eggs that typically make the Castlevania games well loved even if they aren't actually that great. For this reason it is easy to play Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, have a heck of a good time, then forget about it months later because the IP isn't ingrained in pop-culture like Castlevania is. Having said that, this is not a game worth passing up. It is, quite simply, the best of this genre currently available on steam.

Between the regular campaign, multiple difficulty options, 3 playable characters, a randomizer and boss rush mode there is a lot here for the price. If your a fan of Metroidvanias this is a no-brainer. If you've never played one then this is a great entry to the genre.
Évaluation publiée le 12 janvier 2021.
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58.2 h en tout (5.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Only played for one 6 hour session thus far and I'm pretty happy with the experience.

The only real issues I've got thus far have been performance (though to be fair I cranked it up to ultra ray tracing. Once I turned ray tracing off and just went with ultra settings at 1920x1080 resolution everything was smooth as butter) and the story hasn't really gone anywhere yet.

The detail of Night City is phenomenal. I am having a hard time making sense of everything due to all of the detail (tall structures, lots of non-grid building/city layouts, lots of similar-looking buildings) but I am confident that it will make sense the longer I play. I had the same issue with The Witcher 3's large city areas.

I've encountered numerous pop-in bugs related to npcs and objects but most of this happened when I had the settings cranked up too high. Once I turned them down to Ultra most of these issues appeared to stop.

Thus far the gameplay is fine. I have read some criticism of the combat but people need to remember this is not a FPS, it is an RPG in FPS-clothing. Having said that, if you are hoping to start out using primarily stealth/hacking, good luck because the starter equipment/options are not the greatest. You'll almost certainly be forced into combat even if you're trying to play it cool (at least on your first playthrough).

Definitely recommended from my time so far.
Évaluation publiée le 10 décembre 2020.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3.4 h en tout
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Abandoned product, should be removed from steam.
Évaluation publiée le 8 décembre 2020.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
4.4 h en tout (3.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Angry Video Game Nerd I & II Deluxe is a steal at 14.99. You get the full versions of the original two games with additional content.

This is the type of game that will cheap-kill you over and over while you're learning. But the game has plenty of checkpoints and the levels are short enough to not feel like you're trudging through. The humor is pretty much what you'd expect from The Angry Video Game Nerd (physical humor with poop jokes galore) and if you're a fan of the show then you'll feel right at home. I've always enjoyed The Angry Video Game Nerd theme song and the renditions of it in this game are fantastic.

If you like tough, self-aware platformers slathered in the au jus of toilet humor this is a no-brainer even at full price.
Évaluation publiée le 16 novembre 2020.
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44.4 h en tout
Dragons Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a masterpiece upon a mountain of masterpieces. As a series, Dragon Quest has been of consistently high quality for much of its existence. Building from the series' deep tapestry of gaming tropes, musical numbers, themes and aesthetics, Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is craftsmanship perfected.

Very few games are of the quality you'll find here. From the beginning of Act 1 all the way through to the end the experience is exceptional. The characters are well constructed, the music oozes "Dragon Quest", the combat touches on nostalgia but also feels fresh, the side quests are interesting and the main story is phenomenal.

If you're new to Dragon Quest this is the perfect starting point. If you're a longtime fan of the series then this will certainly not disappoint you.
Évaluation publiée le 16 novembre 2020. Dernière modification le 16 novembre 2020.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.3 h en tout
I can certainly see why people are into this game. But I could just not get into it myself.

The good:
Music is excellent
Game has a lot of artistic style that looks great

The bad:
Controls are not what I was expecting. Using controller was really frustrating and using keyboard and mouse didn't really make it any better. Adjusting for distance of your projectiles at the same time as general rotation is needlessly cumbersome in a game like this. I was hoping for something more akin to general twin stick shooters.

Essentially this game is a mech combat game on a 2D plane. If it were a twin stick shooter with a mech theme I think it would be a lot more fun.

Like I said. I get why people like this game but it just isn't for me. And I can't really recommend it to anyone thinking it is a more arcadey twin stick shooter.
Évaluation publiée le 30 octobre 2020.
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