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Hiển thị 101-110 trong 119 mục
30 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
0.1 giờ được ghi nhận
Bought this game as a long time fan of the genre. The RPG elements seemed cool to me and the Ikaruga-like color swapping held some appeal as well.

But the game is not good. Technically it runs alright but I encountered bugs with it not displaying an icon on my taskbar. The UI is lifeless, the music is horrible (really poor quality on the menus and ingame) and doesn't feel inspired or interesting in any way, the ship customization+player customization+drone customization is done very badly. You don't get any real description of what anything does, and the little bars that gauge offense and defense don't make sense. On the ship selection screen they work one way and on the drone upgrade screen they work in the opposite way.

The levels are typical for a SCHMUP but your ship+drones take up a ton of the screen. It is really hard to avoid getting hit (which makes the Ikaruga-like color swapping mechanic useful) and things just feel really... unpolished. I think it is safe to say that the whole product feels and plays like a mobile port.

Hopefully this sees some major patching but as-is it is not really worth a purchase at 9.99. if you get this 90% off you might feel like you got what you paid for but at full price it feels like a rip-off. Especially since some of the best games on Steam are cheaper (Binding of Isaac, for example).
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 12, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 16 Tháng 12, 2014.
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10 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.8 giờ được ghi nhận (3.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Runers is a roguelike very much reminiscient of The Binding of Isaac. You slowly power up as you venture, through rooms, deeper into the meat of the game.

Runers is challenging. Heck, it is downright brutal. After three hours I finally beat the first boss (and mostly because I fought one of the easier bosses) only to die right away in the next area because it introduced stuff I'd not yet seen. That's what makes these games great, when they can hit you with a curveball just as you begin to think you can hit a homerun.

The rune system of developing spells is pretty intriguing, albeit very tricky just starting out. I am noticing that entire runs can be dedicated to trying different combinations of runes hoping to find that one spell that really accents my playstyle. The rune system is interesting, furthermore, because it challenges you to decide between upgrading your current spell and building a new one altogether which, if you're a newbie, is kind of like playing a slot machine.

There are definitely flaws with the game, however. It doesn't have that level of polish that the Binding of Isaac has, nor does it really feel flushed out and well balanced. The art is consistent and classic-style, which is great, but it gets lost in the level design. The maps are pretty much all the same, on the levels I played. Rooms are slightly different looking but there are only a handful of room types and things that might happen in those rooms. You've got the boss room, normal rooms, and challenge rooms. All of which might spawn as an aura room, but for the most part you're looking at only three room variants. Hopefully in a future patch we'll see this expanded upon, as it is certainly one of the major lowpoints for the game right now.

The music is solid, and the controls feel well thought out. There is currently no controller support which is a bummer, but it plays just fine without. I do have one complaint, however, with the keybinds for hotkey spells. With all the frantic action it is incredibly frustrating to stop what you're doing to hit a hotkey. If you're using your mouse buttons to fire your primary spells then the hotkeys will not (at least not for me) activate properly. You've got to stop moving or stop firing to shoot off the hotkey spells which makes them near-useless.

Great game and I'm sure we'll see my concerns addressed in future patches.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 09, 2014.
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31 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
0.4 giờ được ghi nhận
As a longtime player of Magic The Gathering I bought this thinking it would be a nice diversion. There are certainly aspects of Draconian Wars that I can respect, but it is hindered by some major problems.

First of all it is graphically well made. The cards look nice, the battlefield is well thought out, and the music is decent.

I can't really say much more about the things I like about this game as the problems far outweigh the good. To get right to it, the first thing that really turns me off is the translation (I assume it is translation) is riddled with logical errors that should absolutely not exist in a game that depends heavily on card abilities & effect rulings. Getting past the translation issues is a major hurdle in learning to play the game, and I could get behind spending the time to do so if the core game wasn't so... overly complicated.

The thing about card games like Magic The Gathering is that their complexity should not come from the basic game mechanics but from the card effects and how they directly influence how you play the game. Draconian wars sits on a very complex core game and throws in the poorly translated card effects to muddle up the whole experience. It honestly feels like I'm playing a game developed by three different people with vastly different opinions of how the game ought to be played, and instead of deciding on one thing they mashed all of their opinions together into some sort of technical mess.

I really wanted to like this game because it looks really cool from the videos and screenshots, but it is so different-so utterly over complicated- that it appeals only to the most hardcore players. If you're hoping for a casual card game to pick up and play this absolutely is not for you.
Đăng ngày 31 Tháng 08, 2014.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
14.9 giờ được ghi nhận (6.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Hero Siege is an interesting game. On the surface it sounds great and makes a lot of sense but the further into it you delve the more mish-mash the whole experience becomes.

Graphically the game is great. Characters are designed well and fit the atmosphere niceley, the enemies are well drawn and so are the background elements. Problem is.... the background elements are totally placed randomly throughout the maps (which are poorly designed in and of themselves) which make the levels feel really.... dead. Which is the most serious problem plaguing this game. Nothing about it feels immersive or engaging.

The leveling system is a fun twist to the roguelike formula but pretty much means you'll get hammered by the hordes of enemies until you're strong enough to progress. And regardless of how many levels you gain you'll find traps and certain moves constant headaches since they can potentially one-shot you ruining a hundred+ wave game.

Furthermore the skills and stats, although novel, feel tacked on and pointless. Your stat points strengthen your character really really slowly, and the skills don't really offer much customization. Sure you can invest in one skill over another but you really don't feel very unique doing so. Maybe if the characters progressed through branching classes or something you'd feel more invested in how you build your character but the current system leaves you wanting more.

There are also LOADS of things on the screen that clutter up the experience. Enemies come at you in big clumps and frequently have abilities that leave so many particle effects on the screen that you feel like you're stuck in some sort of horrible particle effect nightmare.

Progression in the game is extremely boring, as well. Wave after wave after wave without any change. Sure you can do the occasional dungeon but I feel like the dungeons are way more fun/interesting than the core gameplay.

Hero Siege is like a tower defense game with no home base to protect. It is like an RPG without equipment, classes, and storyline. It is a roguelike without unlockable content, mish-mashed graphics, clunky+boring progression and replay value only for the truly dedicated.

Not to mention the bugs. Thinking of playing co-op? forget it, for now. The co-op is completely clunky and broken. Online multiplayer has never worked for me so I can't tell if it is more fun than offline (I'm sure it is, if it would work).

Having said all that... it is a fun game.

I recommend playing this ONLY if you can get it on sale. The 5.99 price point doesn't seem like much but in its current state there are loads of issues with the game. The developers seem interested in fixing things but the list is so long, and the core gameplay so mind-numbingly boring, it may be a long time before we see this product turn into something truly awesome (though the potential is there).
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 08, 2014.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
9.3 giờ được ghi nhận (8.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
*Review Update*

Warning... I'm about to gush about how freaking amazing this game is.

This game is, WITHOUT A DOUBT, one of the top 10 games ever released on Steam. If you haven't played it you are REALLY missing out.

*unlockable content spoilers*

Three missions into this and I all I can say is: This game is amazing.
Though a little unforgiving, at times, this is a stellar achievement by the developers. Metal Gear Rising manages to capture what so many games do not. Making you, the player, feel like you could take on the world. What I mean is, with every visceral slice with your sword you feel powerful. And this is one of those games that opens big, strikes you down, and builds you up bigger and badder than before.

You've got upgrades, amazing bosses, great music, a freaking robot dog thing ala Mega Man X's Sigma, and a double-bladed staff made of interlocking arms ripped from the dead hands of one of the bosses. Yep. Take my money.
Đăng ngày 28 Tháng 07, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 28 Tháng 05, 2016.
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4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.1 giờ được ghi nhận
EDIT: One thing I forget to mention in this review is that you're limited on the number of card types you can have in MTG2015. You can only have 1 mythic rarity card and 2 rare rarity cards in your deck at any given time. Why they decided to do this I have no idea but it doesn't accurately represent the freedom that MTG gives players. If they wanted to do something like this for balance sake it should have been a separate mode within the game. MTG 2014 and 2013 don't work like this and it is a major failing of MTG 2015 to force this restriction on its players.

As much as I'd really like to give this a recommendation I just can't. At its core MTG2015 is a good game. Just like... all of the past games in the series. The reason why I can't recommend this 'good game' is that it lacks some major features.

First of all there is no two-headed giant game mode. This really shuts out the demographic that enjoys playing team games over free for all.

Second you do not unlock cards via multiplayer. This is a major bummer because, I mean heck, MTG is primarily played for its multiplayer component. Forcing people to grind in random CPU matches for more cards is a major frustration. It forces people into the premium shop to buy boosters at 1.99 each... Which brings me to the next issue.

Asking players to pay for boosters is one thing, but restricting access to certain cards is another. There are something like 300 cards available for the players to get. 300... Now I understand that the MTG2015 core set only has 269 cards but this is a video game. We should have access to a lot more than just the core set. Even if each expansion cost another 5-10 bucks. Avid MTG fans would pay it. Here you'll find yourself playing against decks with some truly awesome cards.. that you can't get... and in a lot of cases you'll get stomped early on because of this.

In the future, if we see lots of restricted cards added to the mix, and multiplayer fixed I'd totally recommend this.
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 07, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 20 Tháng 07, 2014.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
25.4 giờ được ghi nhận (1.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Dragon Age: Origins stands as one of the most memorable rpg experiences I've ever had. Memorable because it does something that too many games nowadays don't do. It invests you into the story. Your choices influence the way a lot of story elements pan out. Sure the game follows a fairly defined progression but it is your choices that influence the way certain characters react during that progression. And while it might seem trivial, in reading, it can impose a very broad spectrum of emotional connections with the characters in your party.

If you haven't played Dragon Age: Origins you're seriously cutting yourself out from a fantastic experience. This is not your generic Jrpg. This is a powerful epic that spins multiple perspectives on race inequality, the meaning of life, the essence of good vs evil in the eternal struggle for moral/ethical definition of a corrupting world, and theological/mystical affluence.

Don't deny yourself one of the greatest RPG experiences ever created. Get Dragon Age: Origins as soon as you can and let yourself be moved by a true masterpiece.
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 06, 2014.
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20.1 giờ được ghi nhận
Orion: Dino Horde plays like an oldschool shooter with a newschool gloss of paint. It is a fun experience with some unconventional tropes brought back to life for the modern gamer (buying items, jetpacks, hordemode).

If you can snag it on sale it is a pretty decent purchase. There are certainly better games out there but if you like mindless hordemode gameplay with mild progression incentives and dinosaurs then you'll likely enjoy this game.
Đăng ngày 20 Tháng 06, 2014.
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3.5 giờ được ghi nhận
I recommend this game simply because it is a fantastic racer.

I do NOT recommend this game because loads of content (paradise island and all online store content) has been cut out from this version and will never be available again.

This "ultimate" box is really just the base game with a few extra cars. If you only have a PC get this version, for sure (it is on sale frequently) but if you have the chance to get a version with the extra content available do it instead. The extra content is really great and you can't help but feel cheated when it is looking you straight in the face and you have no access to it.
Đăng ngày 1 Tháng 05, 2014.
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11 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
6.4 giờ được ghi nhận
Star Trek Online is a very interesting game, to say the least, but has loads of issues. First of all there is immersion-breaking pop in with characters, entities, special effects, and entire scenes. What I'm talking about here is when the screen transitions from one scene into another it doesn't allow all of the entities to load before coming in from black. So you're frequently left watching strange pop-in with stuff.

There are also numerous control-specific things that just feel... off... like clicking over and over to attack, instead of being able to just hold down the button, to give one example.

It is a great looking game, and worth the price of admision (it is free after all) but I wouldn't really recommend it as something worth spending any significant amount of time playing.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 03, 2014.
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Hiển thị 101-110 trong 119 mục