kys   United States
Malik 14 Mar, 2022 @ 7:18pm 
my baby cakes :steambored::steambored:
lyssieisverylame 12 Mar, 2022 @ 7:34pm 
☻ lyssie stamp of approval ☻
lyssieisverylame 21 Nov, 2021 @ 6:37am 
I am only going to tell you this once. I do not like you, I do not want to associate with you oocly, Please block me as I have blocked you. Let's keep it professional and stop ♥♥♥♥ talking me, Stop commenting on things I do oocly, Just pretend I don't exist. This is the last message I'm giving you, I'm over you ♥♥♥♥ talking me and being rude to me. Thank you.
olly 18 Nov, 2021 @ 5:30pm 
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lyssieisverylame 8 Nov, 2021 @ 8:56pm 
i have never met an alpha male like you before, you probably get so many women;. you are so cool +1 rep
kyle 7 Nov, 2021 @ 9:56pm 
sign my page i need attention