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Nylige anmeldelser av magiver45

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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
400.9 timer totalt (311.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
I have been keep a close eye on the development of this game and am heavily involved with the discord that the Developers are very active in. They care deeply about feedback and want the best experience for everyone. There has been a lot of negativity around the most recent curse rework and they directly reached out for feedback to try to improve what people have been disliking. I highly recommend this game, not only for the fun game play, expansive options and play styles, and the variety of challenges offered, but for the caring Developers that actually listen to the community. Don't let one update that missed the mark deter you from picking this game up. The Developers will listen and improve things I guarantee you. I know for a Fact they check the steam reviews and the feedback channels on discord. I Recommend this game as much % as my total play hours (312.2% as of writing this)
Publisert 30. april 2023.
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