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RNJedi 31 października 2013 o 22:29 
Hey man are you getting Ghosts?
Raudez 14 lipca 2013 o 17:54 
Good luck dude! I'll miss you
Squeekybee 11 lipca 2013 o 17:10 
I havent been around much, I just saw this when I was clearing out my friends list, I'd love to keep in touch with you! Good luck with everything, add me on skype if you wanna talk sometime (my user is squeekybee) :)!
/reɪ/ 4 lipca 2013 o 19:48 
Just cleared my friends list. If you want to re-add, go ahead.
Runt 17 czerwca 2013 o 22:53 
Good luck to ya man, it was fun playing with ya for the short time we played together :)
eLe| MightyAphrodite 16 czerwca 2013 o 20:11 
Thats AWESOME FRIEND! i totally underastand, as an Apostolic Christian myself i too find that struggle so i understand.