medium_rifle   United States
if we haven't been in a game together recently, comment your reason for sending me a friend request or i will deny it

will unfriend if inactive and not a very close friend

trying to keep my friends list from getting bloated
very good at video games. like, really good at video games. and by really good, i actually mean incredibly good. blow-your-socks-off level good. so good that you'll be questioning how i got to be so good, and then realize that i am so good because that's the way it's supposed to be. asking why i am so good is similar to asking why fire is hot. it's a simple fact of life, and if fire weren't hot or i wasn't good, the world as we know it would end. saying i am bad is like saying the light is dark. it doesn't work. the statement makes sense, but it's completely incorrect. the light cannot be dark, just as i cannot be bad. so when you say, "medium_rifle, you are so bad at video games!" just take a second to think about how outstandingly wrong you are. how wrong you are is almost as awe-inspiring as my goodness at video games. there are not enough words in the english language to describe how wrong you are, similarly to how there are not enough words in any language to describe how good i am. in fact, everything you are reading here is an understatement. take everything i have said, and try to multiply it by at least 5 million times in your head. even that can hardly do the truth justice. my goodness at video games and your wrongness are both incromprehensible values. if you think about it enough, you're bound to go mad. almost as mad as i am good at video games. so next time you think about calling me bad at video games, just remember to reiterate over this in your mind. really think about it. think about every word and every meaning and what every word means in conjunction with each other. then tell me whether you're sorry or not. and trust me, you will be sorry.
3月8日 に最後にプレイ
3月5日 に最後にプレイ
santana 3月7日 18時23分 
bad business guy
medium_rifle 2月1日 15時03分 
SHUT UP!!!!¡!!!!!!!!1!!
the loanshark 2月1日 14時12分 
medium_rifle, you are so bad at video games!
medium_rifle 2024年8月18日 23時33分 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sign my profile!!!
the loanshark 2024年8月18日 23時33分 
erm.. I have 100 million power on rise of kingdoms
medium_rifle 2024年8月18日 23時29分 
i'm having a hard time believing that...