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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 64.0 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 11, 2021 @ 6:53pm

Early Access Review
First-Person puzzle game in which you gotta figure out the safest and most efficient way to dismantle a ship with a cutting tool (deadspace style) and a grapple tool. Successfully salvaging a ship with minimal waste is extremely satisfying. Sound design, presentation and world-building is excellent. Progression through the tech tree is somewhat too slow for my personal taste, but i think it might be just right for the kind of folks who enjoys the grind. Game runs fine with very few bugs and glitches (occasional frame drops that makes the character jerk). As of writing this review, the campaign is short but interesting and well done. Very promising. Fun game to listen podcasts to. I am enjoying my time with the game and look forward to future updates.
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