Disintigratex1 Mar 27, 2018 @ 12:08am 
Yes Sir! Just got the news and I'm about to claim it now. Thanks man! :)
matslie Dec 30, 2017 @ 4:30pm 
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Druid42 Jul 14, 2017 @ 2:49pm 
Jotun: Valhalla Edition is free right now (it was on your wishlist).
<")))>< Jun 21, 2017 @ 6:45pm
Please, sign this petition to help make take two see that anti consumerism isn't going to keep GTA relevant for PC gamers. #SaveopenIV
<")))>< Aug 6, 2016 @ 2:47pm 
This is more a plea for help than anything, I am recruiting for my new World of Warcraft raiding guild, Hand of Aggramar on Fenris. Right now I am keeping it exclusive to people who want to have an active role in founding the guild, with full recruiting to open at the release of Legion. If you are reading this, you may be a candidate for this very need. I really do want this to be a group of friendly faces, so if this sounds interesting to you, please contact me.
<")))>< Nov 26, 2015 @ 9:10am 
is it just me or do most of the whiners/complainers who hover over their threads on the steam forums, just waiting for a chance to have/cause an emotional response, seem like the kind of people who would show up to their family member's Harvard commencement in a pair of ripped jeans and a stained t-shirt?
<")))>< Jul 4, 2015 @ 6:29pm 
<")))>< Feb 22, 2015 @ 11:49am 
Jason Momoa as Aquaman? Looks like I am gonna need me some movie tickets......
<")))>< Feb 2, 2015 @ 1:57pm 
Anybody else getting really f**kin tired of the invites from lvl 0 steam scammers? No you can't have my Dota2 and TF2 stuff. Think I'm not already noticing something is fishy when the old Counter strike is the only game you have? ...I'm Fish.....I always detect the fishy....all you fools are making me do is click's STILL ANNOYING!! Wish Valve could do something about this...
<")))>< Jun 14, 2014 @ 5:45am 
All bow before the Queen of hearts!! Much love to Carbonpoint for overseeing the building of this computer and giving me tips. The cat is where it's at. This PC is a MONSTER. Seriously, this thing can run anything on maxed out settings. Battlefield 4 maxed out looks amazing. Crysis 3 maxed out makes this thing yawn. I can uncap my framerate in Borderlands 2 and you would think i have it capped, it runs so smooth. I'm not gonna have hardware lag for a good 10 years now haha!! Now if only i could get long enough of a break to actually play some.
<")))>< Jun 8, 2014 @ 2:43pm 
Started building my new pc today!! AMD FX 9590 4.7ghz Vishera 8 core processor, Crosshair V formula Z mobo by Asus, 4 piece 8 gb each Kingston Hyper beast X;32 GB 2400 mhz RAM, Corsair AX1200i 1200 watt power supply, Corsair 500R carbide case, Corsair H110 hydro cooling system, Samsung 840 pro 512 GB SSD for boot/primary services, 4 TB Hitachi ultrastar for storage, 2 Asus Radeon R9 280Xs in crossfire configuration, Logitech G19 Keyboard, Asus Blue-ray DVD RW drive...better not get your computer near in case it gets hungry...
<")))>< Apr 26, 2014 @ 2:22pm 
I am moving again, within the next few days. Gotta move back to the rents for a year, save up what i need to get out to Seattle, so I can actually take advantage of the abilities I have. I will also begin re-attending school while I am there. My "semester off" is almost over. Due to all these changes, i have had to postpone work on Lich, the early versions I have created, that a few folks have already experienced, will be all that comes of it for now. Due to the nature of the changes I am facing, I have to consider resuming its development to be tenative for now.:( The good news is, I am about to be hired on full by Ceva logistics, in no small part due to my computer skills (I work in receiving). There is a Ceva location in Seattle, so I will likely not even have to worry about getting a job after the move:) Staying with them, and doing some freelance/self-realized programming on the side seems like a good way to ease myself into the path that will bring me closer to my goal.
<")))>< Mar 1, 2014 @ 9:23pm 
Can't recover my GFWL account, just starting over on the games associated...Microsoft owes me several hours of my time. Not even mentioning the time in game I lost.
<")))>< Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:54am 
Speaking of Valve this practically has me salivating. A lot of affordable ones you can get your hands on, maybe convince that buddy I know you have that is thinking about getting in on PC gaming to make the jump, but he doesn't want to spend a lot, and he just wants to plug and play. Here's a decent review of the steam OS on a steambox on youtube
<")))>< Feb 5, 2014 @ 9:41pm 
They (Microsoft's GFWL) should either shape this up or cut the cord, leave this kind of stuff to people who do it better, like Valve, Blizzard, Apple, Google or Amazon....pretty much anyone, seems like.
<")))>< Feb 5, 2014 @ 9:27pm 
When GFWL shuts down in July, I will not be sad to see it go, hell, I will send it a :postcardb: I am locked out of all of my games that use GFWL. Thank god no modding tools are affected by this. This is despite the fact that I have every single CD key ever redeemed on it, that can without a single doubt, prove ownership of my account. Forgot to change my addy before I moved and my old contact email was shut down, entered the wrong pass on accident, so they locked me out. When i contacted them (3 times already now) they just kept telling me to "use their recovery service" but it is only groomed for recovering Microsoft emails, which my Comcast email was not...took them a week to even respond via email, live online representatives seem to barely understand english. I mean wow, whatever could go wrong with this, has.
<")))>< Sep 26, 2013 @ 3:13pm 
Well kids, my descent into the maelstrom has begun. I offically started production work for my old school RPG, tenatively titled Lich, a story about a frost mage (who by no small coincidence is named Azerennia) who finds out that her once loving mentor and grandfather has been consumed by the magics he taught her, and has become a terrifying Lich, it falls on her to end his madness and restore her family's name, all the while wondering if those same arts will comsume her as well...I will be using the latest Enterbrain tools and modules, just lookin to get my feet wet here, but i will have a procedural build up soon, and looking at a full freeware release in the Late Spring/Early summer, 2014. Look for links here.
<")))>< Sep 18, 2013 @ 6:46am 
One more visit and all 19 of my cavities are filled, even an eroded molar that was almost down to the pulp was able to be saved. This was my first trip to the dentist since i was like 17. I am 35 now. So it really has been half my life. I am lucky, and glad that I was still brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash all these years. My genes do kinda let me shirk the usual tenets of age (thanks, dad:))
<")))>< Jun 24, 2013 @ 6:18pm 
Sales and years man, sales and years. Plus don't forget all the Humble bundles, Indie galas, Indie Royales. That's usually as little as a minimum of 5 bucks for up to 12 games sometimes. and I live alone:)
shabooty Jun 24, 2013 @ 6:09pm 
Alright just wow, HOW DO YOU HAVE SO MANY GAMES? Do you freakin work just to support your steam habbit? or are your parents just babying the crap out of you? lol
<")))>< Apr 15, 2013 @ 5:29pm 
Happy Euler day!!
<")))>< Apr 14, 2013 @ 2:41pm 
Dear internet: Everytime we see you use the letter "U" instead of taking the time to type the extra 2 letters in "you", or say "dey" instead of "they", you are merely convincing those who read your words that you cannot be older than 12, and are probably a whiny little wannabe CoD Bro. Speak English. Don't chew it up and spit it out. Your reputation will thank you.
<")))>< Dec 4, 2012 @ 11:57am 
And I just finished registering for class in the spring, Woot. When i first started this, I figured that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but now that I am learning more and more about game and simulation design, and the math therein, side by side, I just get more and more excited. Now I just hunger to know more. They need to be feeding tid bits of this stuff to kids when they are young to get our kids more excited about math and sciences. I mean, there was a vertex plotted for every curve on the screen you see right now... Right now our public school systems here in the US do nothing to that effect, they act like scientist and mechanical engineer are the only real jobs you can get, and we all know there is sooooo much more. If you want america to be prosperous, and really want kids to learn, (lookin at you, red and blue) and you really want them to have a reason for it, PROVE IT. Stop failing one of the future's most important subjects.
Alfredo Oct 15, 2012 @ 6:49am 
Ok, ill be online today to play with you and your buddy.
<")))>< Sep 15, 2012 @ 1:59pm 
I am deeply saddened by the deaths of 4 of my countrymen in Libya at the hands of a plotted terrorist attack. Among the dead was Sean Smith, father of 2 who played Eve online under the name Vilerat. The Eve community is alight with condolences for his family and friends, many even renamed their ships after him, he was also a member of the governing body of the game, the Council of Stellar management, so he worked with diplomacy not just in real life, but for the whole of Eve as well. It's a tragedy any way you cut it, but it hits a bit closer to home when you know it was of's a link if you wanna know more.
<")))>< Jul 23, 2012 @ 4:54pm 
So did everyone hear that our buddies at Mojang are getting sued by Uniloc for "Mindcraft" as their uninformed lawyers called it using an authentication system similar to theirs? That's like Lebanon trying to get a regional patent on hummus just cuz the Israelies are selling more. Frivolous, ridiculous, and simply unethical.
<")))>< Jul 23, 2012 @ 4:12am 
Well, the steam sale draws to a close, and wallets everywhere breathe a sigh of relief;)
MR.FISTAFURY™Λ†Ġ Jul 13, 2012 @ 10:13pm 
<")))>< Jan 19, 2012 @ 1:50pm 
Folks, we may have won the first battle against SOPA, but its sister bill, PIPA, is due to be voted on, on the 24th. DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO EXPRESS YOURSELF ONLINE!!! WE ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!! WE ARE THE ONES WHO CHOOSE!! Call or mail your senator today. Tell them they can forget re-election until they help us bury this awful bill!! I already told Toomey and Casey to shove it until they reverse their stance, Now it's your turn. If they think we should lose our rights, we think they should lose their positions. It's a simple as that.
<")))>< Jan 10, 2012 @ 12:10am 
I support the SOPA nuclear option, let's keep the internet alive by showing the selfish and unenlightened what they would miss:)
<")))>< Dec 22, 2011 @ 10:36pm 
1:26 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: found a really neat arpg free on the market called zenonia3
1:26 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: been playing that a fair bit
1:26 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: cool
1:27 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: they have a lot of games foe windows mobile
1:27 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: 4 is coming to iphone
1:27 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: really one of the first smart phones
1:27 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: no word on droid yet
1:27 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: most likely it will
1:28 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: happened to 3:)
1:29 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: I really want a galaxy
1:29 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: me too, supreme overlord of the galaxy is such a cool title
1:29 AM - MR.FISTAFURY™۞₣¤Я۞: there like a mini tablet
1:30 AM - F&R Fresh Fish: i would ride comets, ♥♥♥♥ in black holes,and call a quasar a ♥♥♥♥♥
<")))>< Dec 9, 2011 @ 4:32pm 
Mrs. Beeko Oct 3, 2011 @ 7:02pm 
wow you sure like writing, dontcha :)
<")))>< Jul 23, 2011 @ 1:08pm 
If you are over 18 years old, a mature player, enjoy playing your favorite games with others, and like tacos, F and R may be the place for you. We are the Steam extension of Kumawar's Flesh clan, one of the oldest clans in that game, we are in all sorts of games (with servers in CSS, Killing floor, etc.)and we are recruiting now!.....ok, i guess you don't have to like tacos...
<")))>< Jun 27, 2011 @ 3:46pm 
Hey Justices Alito and Breyer, do you even know what the hell a constitution or free speech or even MEDIA is?!?!?!? Kudos to those judges who held up the law of the land, but these 2 do not belong on the bench, if they even think for one second that games are not media and thereby protected by the first amendment of the United states of America. Yet again, the status quo just does what they can to stomp out the art they don't understand, just glad we actually won this one.
<")))>< Apr 10, 2011 @ 3:26pm 
Sooo I had Steam do the whole autodetect computer hard/software. Found out i am actually running at 3.114Ghz with 4.094 GB of RAM with a 512MB video card. The last 2 I knew, my processor speed surprises even me, though it explains a lot. So I might just get a bigger main drive than my 500GB I am using now, just so I can play more games:)
<")))>< Mar 28, 2011 @ 6:35pm 
Well folks, i have played the Darkspore beta, and I gotta say, one of the most fun, and different ARPGs I have played in recent memory. Imagine torchlight with an alien, otherworldly feel and an endless array of creatures to switch between and you have it summed up. Looks like it's gonna be well worth the money:)
<")))>< Jan 30, 2011 @ 2:27pm 
So next time somebody asks you to do something you don't wanna do, say "You know, I would, but I'm a little busy here, Slippy's got bogies on his tail" :)
Mrs. Beeko Jan 28, 2011 @ 11:02am 
yeah i know i hate that about having public game in vs kuz people end up trash talking or whining when they are losing.. thats why usually only friends game is always i like:) people really need to calm their self down and their lives lol.. its only game after all. Yesterday we had only friends game and i really enjoyed it.
<")))>< Jan 27, 2011 @ 3:31pm 
This weekend only, Fallen earth is only 10 bucks!! and that gives you your first month free!! That by itself is a 15 dollar value!! So what should you all be doing, hmmm?
Mrs. Beeko Jan 25, 2011 @ 1:23pm 
Jon you did very well in vs yesterday I wanted to let u know since you didn't like vs much for several reasons .. But get ready for some more vs adventures.. Yes I'm the who need to work alot on my skills but I'm slowly getting there.. What did ya think about my performance? Though ofc we didn't do great as a team it was fun anyway..
<")))>< Jan 20, 2011 @ 1:07pm 
It happened!! Dead space 2 is coming to Steam!! Prepurchase pack gives you 75% off Dead space, bringing it to 5 dollars. I already have it, but something good for all you survival horror fans out there. It didn't include Aftermath, haha but I figured it never would. Don't forget Dead space 2 has multiplayer and lets you PLAY AS A NECROMORPH. That's reason enough right there.
<")))>< Jan 12, 2011 @ 11:51am 
I wonder if EA and Visceral games plan on releasing Dead Space 2 on Steam....that would be really cool....maybe a package deal including Dead Space: Aftermath? That would be even cooler!!
Mrs. Beeko Jan 5, 2011 @ 1:51am 
<")))>< Nov 19, 2010 @ 2:47pm 
hey everyone, LFD2 has gibfest this week, and there is an achievement for killing so many zombies with an M60 without letting go of the's the time!!
<")))>< Jul 16, 2010 @ 2:45pm 
GITS fans represent sent
<")))>< Jun 3, 2010 @ 9:24pm 
Games and music run my life