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Публикувани: 20 юли 2016 в 17:46
Обновени: 20 юли 2016 в 18:41

This game is bugged... When I reach the overlapped classic sudoku, it does not show the whole image and when I filled in all the box(the ones that I can fill) it does not proceed to the next stage.
Overall its a good game but the bug irritates me...

Edit: Gave a thumbs up cos Developer reply very quickly :)
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2 коментара
mugknight 20 юли 2016 в 18:40 
I've tried changing the resolution and it works so currently I will play with the smaller resolution but thanks for the fast reply :)
BananaKing  [разработчик] 20 юли 2016 в 18:37 
This is not a bug actually. You can move the board to uncover all cells. It's a bit unclear right now, but we're working on it. Use right mouse button to move the board.

The issue is described in this topic http://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/app/436280/discussions/0/350532795327106238/