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Verfasst: 9. Aug. 2024 um 7:12

INTRO - 07-29-2024:
So, I'm some 2 days & 4 hours (approx. 51 hours or so, more or less) into Greedfall: Gold Edition here, as I'm a good deal into the base-game, which is really good so far, BTW. Also, I already took down The De Vespe Conspiracy DLC (DVC). DVC took me around 4 hr 19 m, in which that DLC was good - and also, it has a really interesting storyline about the past of the protagonist that you play as. So, let's get into this.

Also some 50+ hours into Greedfall: Gold. So far, it's another really good Eurojank type of action-RPG here. Feels like an action-RPG with that type of Dark Souls combat (lock onto enemies if you want, dodge and roll if you got those skills, etc.) fused here with BioWare type of combat (think say DA:O with real-time with pause is allowed, even though you don't have full party-control here, which feels very Mass Effect-y here); this all works really well, TBH. A bit janky and all, but it's still absolutely fine.

You'll also make decisions here and have Reputation systems on-going with certain groups & factions - so yes, your decisions will matter here in this game, as you're trying to deal w/ all kinds of problems in multiple cities w/ relationships b/t certain factions, a sickness spreading throughout the land, the situation at hand with your family & also your brother's situation in particular. So, since this is a RPG and all, having Reputation systems and decisions to make that matter is always a good thing, IMHO - especially for replay value and water cooler talk with other players, in case you might want to give the game another go to see how different stuff can turn out & how other players might've done in their playthroughs.

The De Vespe Conspiracy DLC was good; finished that after some 4 hr. 19 min. or so, as that does take place during the game somewhere & does feel important story-line-wise, as it's personal stuff for the protagonist you play as and also his family; it's also well-integrated & woven right into the campaign somewhere too. It doesn't change much of Greedfall, which is doesn't need to do - but it also adds a few things (new area, new equipment, and new enemy at least) and does its job well.

Still plugging away at the base-game content, which has been really good. Voice-acting, story, character stuff and decisions have been all pretty good with this one, so far - which feels much better and less stilted than some of their older titles (i.e. Mars: War Logs & The Technomancer, which both were good & underrated). So yeah - I'm really enjoying this, so far.

On my desktop PC (with an Intel i7 10700KF, 16 GB RAM, 8gb VRAM RTX 3070, some SSD's internally, W10 x64), this has been running solid at mostly 1080p 60fps with at least High and some Ultra settings - so yeah, this game runs smooth & like a top here. Can't complain at all there.

More to come, at some point.

ADDENDUM = 08-05-2023:
After around 68 hours, in the books goes Greedfall: Gold - a great Spiders-made action-RPG with also real-time with pause combat & (again) another interesting & unique setting from Spiders. They've been good since Mars: War Logs & keep improving w/ each game; it shows. WHAT. A. GAME.

Must Play type of action-RPG stuff here.
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