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Team Fortress 2

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Showing 127-132 of 132 entries
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The Baguette Burglar
Collection by NeoDement
Close your windows and lock your doors, The Baguette Burgler cometh.
Summer Stuff
Collection by NeoDement
Some things for the summer times. A hat, some waterballoons, and a water pistol.
Professor Bald
Collection by NeoDement
Mad Scientist type stuff for Medic.
Supreme Commander
Collection by NeoDement
Militaristic set for Soldier featuring a hat and a coat.
Badge Boys
Collection by NeoDement
The first ever dual-class item set*! Ooh! Aah! Based on Demoman and Soldier's youth spent together in Police Academy. *That I know of
Airborne Arsonist
Collection by NeoDement
Pilot/plane themed set for the Pyro. Huge thanks to Hideous for the promo picture!
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