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1 person found this review helpful
55.3 hrs on record (11.9 hrs at review time)
The best part of this game is reading the Steam reviews and discovering how many people can't spell 'rhythm' when they're reviewing a rhythm roguelike.
Just kidding. If you like rhythm games and roguelike games, this is where it's at. The game balance is spot-on, rewarding skill hugely, especially if you're confident enough to pick up risky items. There are very few scenarios where it's impossible or you say 'THAT'S BULLCRAP' (unless you just started playing and a Red Dragon wrecks you). Less luck-based than the likes of other popular roguelikes such as Binding of Isaac, where your runs can essentially just die from lack of good items, this game is perfectly playable in low% runs, a fact that is made apparent once you unlock a character named Aria. Without items, you're a glass cannon where strategy and quick thinking are your primary tools. With items, you become a force to be reckoned with, allowing you to dole out death in every direction while being able to take punishments, and then some.

If rhythm games aren't your cup of tea, you can still find some solace in playing as the Bard, who essentially plays the game closer to a traditional roguelike, though without the ability to skip turns like the other characters who can choose to remain stationary (not recommended, but still, it's an option unless you're Aria or Coda).

All in all, a great game to spend your time, money, blood, sweat, soul, tears, and whatever else you want to put in because it's just that good.

Wait, did I mention the soundtrack yet? The less I say about it, the better... and I mean that in a good way. It needs to be experienced with the game in order for anyone to feels its pure awesomeness. Besides, Danny Baranowsky worked on the base soundtrack, and if that weren't good enough, Jake Kaufman remixes are present inside the game too. It's like a wet dream for anyone who pays attention to VG soundtrack composers.
Posted September 18, 2018.
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39.3 hrs on record (33.7 hrs at review time)
If you liked Classic Doom, and you are a long-time fan, get this game. A little fan service goes a long way... and this game has tons of it.

If you liked Doom 3, you should get this game. It shows you what Doom is supposed to be like. That being said, I liked Doom 3 well enough, but I stand by the opinion that the original Painkiller is the unofficial Doom 3. Not a slow paced, mostly-horror FPS.

If you like fast shooters like Quake and Bulletstorm in general, get this game. It's true that there's lots of fan service in the game, but it doesn't change the fact that even if you removed the rose-tinted spectacles of nostalgia, Doom '16 is still a great shooter with a campaign of respectable length.

That being said, if you enjoy FPS games, just roll with Doom. It's hard to go wrong with it as long as you like shooting stuff and don't mind gore and/or demonic references.

About the only thing I didn't like a lot about this game were the focus on secrets. Secrets are an integral part of the Doom experience, whether classic or not, but the secrets here kinda killed the pacing. It's nice to find a weapon in a level before they openly introduce you to it in the next level, and it feels pretty good when you do find secrets, but it doesn't change the fact that if you care about secrets at all, you'll spend a LOT of time hunting them down, even if you get upgrades for detecting them, unless you refer to a guide of some sort. You cheater.

And lastly, in case you're not really sure if your computer can handle it, I played it on my almost-obsolete laptop of 3 years. It has a Nvidia GT 650M and Intel i7 3630QM, with 8 GB RAM. Hardly awe-inspiring stuff. My machine was still able to run it at the lowest settings at 1280 x 720, and aside from frame drops when things get a little too messy, the game runs at 60 FPS for the most part. If all else fails, you can also delve into the config files to make it run even more smoothly, there's lots of guides for this out there.

All in all, being a very long-time Doom fan, having played all the Classic Dooms for as long as I can remember in the early 90s, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. If you like some old-school, fast-paced, (kind of) no-frills shooters, this should be the game for you. If the price tag scares you, well, there's always Steam sales. It was going for 40% off in the Summer Sale, for crying out loud. Just get it.

P.S. Lots of people like to play this game with Metal music or whatever, but if you've played the Original Doom and you recall its BGM, listen closely to the BGM this game has during the lulls between fights. It's a treat.

Edit: This game also frequently receives updates, both free and otherwise, one of which allows you to play the game in a way that makes it feel more 'classic'; you play with the guns sticking out of your chest rather than being held normally. Is this a plus? Or a minus? You decide.

Edit P.S.: This edit was mostly made so I could complete a task for the Steam Awards Nomination. Problem?
Posted July 14, 2016. Last edited November 23, 2016.
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333.3 hrs on record (168.8 hrs at review time)
I like the game because Rochelle laughs like a hyena. 'Nuff said.
Posted July 11, 2014.
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76.8 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Well, like most other Indie games on my games list, I found this game to be an absolute blast; it is well worth the amount of money I spent on it. Granted, it certainly doesn't have the longevity of The Binding of Isaac due to the lack of replay value, but I still enjoyed every minute of it.

Anyone who enjoys the 'Metroidvania' games ought to feel comfortable with this game. It's a mix of Action-RPG, platforming and basic Hack-and-Slashing; the controls and game physics are nicely responsive as well. This game is heavily inspired by some of the older game franchises such as Castlevania and Metroid; this is readily apparent in its map system which borrows heavily from the Game Boy Advance Metroid games.

Fans of both old and recent games will recognise some conspicuous game memes and themes, and rather than feeling like it is a rip-off, it fits nicely into the game while giving kudos (or otherwise) to the original games themselves.

All in all, yet another excellent game for those who enjoy old-school games.
Posted July 18, 2013.
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0.0 hrs on record
Anyone who has played (and enjoyed) the original Binding of Isaac has no excuse to pass this DLC by. It's essentially the same reason why TF2 fans would eagerly await the next key update to be released from Valve; more stuff all around. There are new enemies, a new playable character, new power ups, new types of rooms, new levels and even a new class of items. One point of note, though. Anyone considering getting this DLC should, at the very least, go through the original game a few times before attempting to take this on. The reason for this? This DLC makes the game much harder - even players who were able to breeze through to Satan previously would find that it's more difficult to do so now; the new enemies mix things up considerably, and the Arcades aren't as generous as before, making it more difficult to get the Blood Bank to drop the coveted Blood bag. Outside of the ramped up difficulty, the game is still largely enjoyable, especially for those eager to see the new items.
Posted June 14, 2012.
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4.9 hrs on record
Wow. After an amazingly long wait, the PC port (that's compatible with the present Windows OS'es) has finally been released. If you're familiar with the classic Sonic games such as Sonics 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles, you'll probably be right at home with this game.
Of course, there's a twist in it that the other games don't have. Time travel's involved, and in a nutshell, you'll need to go to the past of all of the zones to put things right in the future. Unfortunately, the 'different endings' part of this game has been removed; there's no longer any 'bad' ending, unlike the much earlier PC port and the Sega CD version, so there's no pressure for players to get 100% 'good future' completion to view the best ending.
However, that shouldn't stop you from getting the game. Like my other recommendations, this game is for those who are looking for old-school platformer action and music, and the difficulty curve's pretty gentle.
Posted February 16, 2012.
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154.2 hrs on record (95.0 hrs at review time)
This game is somewhat disturbing, it's blesphemous, and if it were realistically conceptualised, Halloween would look like Easter, Children's day and Valentine's day combined. Thankfully, it's not. So you can spend $5 on what is another outstanding game from Edmund Mcmillen.
Don't be fooled by the paltry sum of money you have to pay for the game though. This game will engross you for tens of hours due to the complete randomisation of the game. Where Left 4 Dead claimed that 'you will never have the same play-through twice', this game takes it even further.
While this game can be picked up by anyone, it is ideally suited for a person who's looking for some old-school action to occupy their time, and much like Super Meat Boy, its difficulty level is not to be scoffed at; all players can expect to die at least a few times, and unlike most games, your death means that you WILL have to start from scratch.
All in all, a game that is worth much more than what it costs.
Posted January 26, 2012.
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43.2 hrs on record (42.7 hrs at review time)
Okay, first thing to get out of the way. This game is a platformer. Now. Second thing to get out of the way. This game is an incredibly difficult platformer. Third thing? Well, you don't really need to know anything else, buddy. This game is a platformer, and it's a difficult one at that. The music sounds awesome to me, but others have reported that it isn't so much to their liking, so it's just a matter of taste. But besides that, if you have a liking for simple run and jump (and wall-climb), get from point A to point B platform games with lots of difficulty thrown in (with optional extra-difficult objectives, and most likely frustration as well), this is the game for you.
Posted January 1, 2012.
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10.4 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
This game is for those who simply want to test their platformer skills. If you're the type of person who goes for challenges and you love sadistic platforming games such as Super Meat Boy, you'll definitely want this game. Most everything about this game is old-school, including the music; if you love chiptune music, you're in for a auditory feast. It's worth going through the game just for the music. This game is most definitely worth the five bucks it's going for - in fact, the five bucks understates the pure awesomeness of this game.
In a nutshell, if you love difficult (punishing) old-school games, get this game. NAOUGHW.
Posted November 23, 2011.
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