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8.0 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Mad Tracks... cudowna gra mojego dzieciństwa i pewnie wielu innych ludzi zawitała na steama w odświeżonej formie. Bardzo cieszą zmiany pozwalające grać w wyższej rozdzielczości, przy wyższym odświeżaniu i fpsach, ogółem to, jak gra się sprawuje zostało bardzo poprawione i jest zdecydowanie na plus. Teraz już nie crashuje na windows 10, uruchamia się szybko, działa bezproblemowo. Zdecydowanie na minus zmiany modeli części samochodów ( F dla mojego ulubionego, francuskiego sportowego), zmiany typu na mapie "wyścig zabawek" nie można już wjechać do wnętrza UFO, co zawsze uważałem za bardzo miłe i ciekawe urozmaicenie trasy. Nie ma też trybu multiplayer, ale grając w to za dzieciaka i tak nigdy nie potrafiłem go włączyć (z tym troszkę smutek, bo mogliby przez steama zrobić, ale w pełni rozumiem, że to gra z 2006 roku i to wręcz cud, że po tylu latach dostajemy takie sympatyczne odświeżenie, żeby działała na najnowszym sprzęcie). Wciąż mamy splitscreen, można to wzbogacić o granie na kilku komputerach przez jakiś Remote Play czy programy typu Parsec, także domowa rywalizacja jest taka, jaka była. To wciąż ta sama gra, te same mapy (z delikatnymi zmianami, ale nie głównego toru tylko gdzieś po bokach), te same bonusy i przede wszystkim - ta sama rozrywka. Mad Tracks śmiga aż miło, a jazda samochodzikami dostarcza wiele frajdy. Polecam każdemu, nawet tym, którzy nie płyną na fali nostalgii.

Edit : Nominowana do gry roku 2020 w kategorii "Razem raźniej" za nieskończoną ilość godzin spędzonych w dzieciństwie z towarzyszami na split screenie
Posted 4 October, 2020. Last edited 27 November, 2020.
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16 people found this review helpful
186.9 hrs on record (49.2 hrs at review time)
Iron Harvest - Bringing back RTS genre

As a RTS genre fan I find Iron Harvest the greatest RTS game since CoH 2. It's been a while since we last got something that big and that advanced. I've played through alpha and beta phases and it was great to watch this game to develop. The campaign, whole idea of the world set in dieselpunk and concept of heroes (which lacked in coh2) - everything about the game is worth playing, worth checking and buying the game. If we - gamers - want the RTS genre back, we need to support this game to make it successful and help it develop more. Devs are already planning 1st huge DLC and there are ideas of 4th faction. Don't wait anymore, jump into your mech!

Update :

8 months have passed since the game has been released. I can tell you one thing : devs really care about the game, listen to the community and are constantly developing the game. Many great community suggestions have already been implemented. With upcoming Usonia DLC and free flying units update this game may become the most important modern RTS game on the market. I don't regret spending 70$ on the game because I see the devs are doing wonderful things with my money. Air units are sure to bring huge diversity to the gameplay and open new strategies for all factions. Campaign is also growing as Usonia will get their own missions for you to play and learn the lore of 1920+ world.

I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for amazing RTS campaign as well as to those who seek for multiplayer matches either with their friends for fun or competitive ranked ladder. This game could be left with negative review only if devs would have stopped supporting it after release but since 01.09.20 it feels like a completely different, enjoyable game as so many things got improved.
Posted 1 September, 2020. Last edited 5 May, 2021.
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2.7 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is award review and will be updated when I get more hours
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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14.0 hrs on record
Jak widać, gra jest dość krótka - w 13 godzin zrobiłem 100% achievementów i wszystkie możliwe zakończenia. Jednakże polecam ją sobie ograć, zwłaszcza jak ktoś czytał "Rok 1984" G. Orwella. Gra jest przyjemna, można powiedzieć - relaksująca. Osobiście nawet przez myśli mi nie przechodzi żałowanie zakupu, ale myślę też, że taki typ gry trzeba po prostu lubić.
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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2.9 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
So, we have to work for the Party again!
Orwell comes with 2nd game : Ignorance is strenght. It's review based on 1st chapter becasue it's only one avaiable for now.

I enjoyed 1st chapter and I can honestly say it's worth of buying if you played Orwell : keeping an eye on you. Few things got improved, we have new surveillance tool (not avaiable in chapter 1). But the best thing is : Dubbed phone calls. They're really good performed and they make game more climatical. Just for now I can say to the team "Good job", but I'm worried about one thing - the lenght of the game. 1st chapter takes like 2 hours or even less. I hope remaining two will be longer. But I believe that multiple endings will compensate it. So it's worth to pass "Orwell" games more than one time.

2nd chapter will be avaiable - 8th march. I'm waiting because game's pretty good. For the Party!
Posted 23 February, 2018.
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20 people found this review helpful
16.1 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Absolutely worth of price!
+beautiful hand-made graphic
+no bugs
+good optimalisation
+well done translation
+few ways of every choice
+deep dialogues
+great soundtrack

Definitely recommend it
Posted 7 November, 2017. Last edited 8 November, 2017.
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20 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Posted 19 June, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
186.0 hrs on record (162.1 hrs at review time)
Darkest Dungoen. The best game about dungeons that I have played. Game about fear and madness. Our forebear did the horibble things. He summoned the Shuffling Horror... It's 10/10 game. Let's check
-Beautiful draw graphic
-A lot of dungeons
-Four sides to explore like ruins and backwoods
-Amazing system of bind. You don't have only stand up to damage. You must overcome fear & stress of your heroes :stress:
-Climatical sound track
-25 dungeon bosses
-Many champion classes like Crusader, Leper, Helion, Highwayman, Plague Doctor, Vastal and others
-Challange in the game - it's not easy, trust me
-Town events like plague, bad weather, brigand Vvulf raid and others
-Middle-aged hamlet
-Many buildings in the Hamlet like Abbey, Tavern, Blacksmith, Survivalist's camp and others
-Great story about our forebear, monsters and madness
Are you prepared to enter the kingdom of fear and madness?
Heroes are perish.
Monsters wants your death.
Try to lead your team in Darkest Dungeon :stress:

Even harder even longer even better with Crimson Court, new bloody dungeon.

Even better and more stressful with Colors of Madness, new DLC.
Posted 23 November, 2016. Last edited 22 November, 2018.
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20.1 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Such a nice game. That remind me my chil-years <3 i'm love it! 100% good game.
What can I write?
Just take your spaceship and save the earth before chickens invade it.
-A lot of types of weapon.
-2 players mode online and LAN too.
-Killing the chickens!
-A lot of funny moments.

Can you save the earth? We're waiting for you!
Posted 12 May, 2016. Last edited 9 October, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
337.8 hrs on record (112.0 hrs at review time)
Such a nice game about murder.
-Town in middle-ages
-15 people in the circle. They don't know roles of their neighbour
-Unkown murderers, mafia and another evil roles like an arsonist
-Powerful town roles to find the felonry like a investigator
-Great game for everyone who wants to play on-line in the criminal game, find the felonry or kill every one as serial killer.

Can you survive in the Town of Salem?
Posted 12 May, 2016. Last edited 9 October, 2016.
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