<-- This is how the winner looks like   Rzeszow, Podkarpackie, Poland
I'm the guy who has no real life and loves his PC. Interested in video games, literature, philosophy, history, anime and movies.
:shcscribe: Laughing Coffin member:shcscribe:


Town of Salem nickname : Sighvat :horned:
Mostly using nickname in game ToS : Butthurt Dweller/NoLifeIsPower/Basement Dweller:2016imnotcrying:
League of Legends nickname : NoLifeIsPower :steamsalty:
My Anime List nickname : NoLifeIsPower :Shouting:
Google Play Games nickname : NoLifeIsPower :keyring:
Wolni Farmerzy nickname : kuba1711 :ci3chickenxmas:
Wargaming Games : NoLifeIsPower :WoTB_cap:
Clash Royale : Inquisitor :defensivegem:
Kurtzpel : KotonohaKatsura :pgms_rin:

If I have less than 50h per 2 weeks, it means that I'm having non-steam games time or I'm studying

Highest ranks

Iron Harvest

-World's #39 (Saxony / Wilhelm)

Company of Heroes

-Panzer Elite world's #3460 (3rd rank) in 1vs1
-Wehrmacht world's #664 (5th rank) in 1vs1

Company of Heroes 2

-Axis Duo as Wehrmacht world's #387 (14th rank) in 2vs2
-Wehrmacht world's #307 (14th rank) in 2vs2
-Wehrmacht world's #784 (10th rank) in 1vs1
-Oberkommando West world's #246 (15th rank) in 3vs3

Company of Heroes 3
-Deutsches Afrikakorps world's #264 (silver 3 rank) in 2vs2

League of Legends

-Platinum IV in soloQ
-Platinum II in flex 5vs5

Moblie games

-Master I in Clash Royale
-Platinum (#451) in Miragine War

Pixel Dungeon :

Other games

-EU server #350 in Kurtzpel
-MG 1 winged in Counter-Strike : Global Offensive

Look at me!
The guy who has no life
7 2
Welcome to my basement. This is about the Dweller
Yo, welcome to my profile!
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here" - Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto III by Dante Alighieri

:wololo: About me :wololo:
:AresHelm: NoLifeIsPower - Nolifer, decadent and INTJ literature scholar :AresHelm:
I'm 23 yo guy who has definitely no real life, loves gaming, classical literature and staying home.

My gaming history
My gaming interests include vast variety of games and platforms. I've started playing games since I was around 4 years old on family's PC. Back then, without internet connection in my house, I used to play games I found on CDs added to gaming magazines. Also I had some games from my dad. Those were games like Sammy Suricate, Best Friends, Fox Jones etc. Then, when I was still in the kindergarten, the internet connection was established, opening to me endless resources of web games made in Flash. Just a few to mention: Xeno Tactics, Age of War, Bowmaster Prelude, Duels Defense, Random Defense. This era sparked the love for Tower Defense games to me. I used to draw those TD games while in kindergarten on a piece of paper to plan best tower positioning. Meanwhile, I still kept receiving and playing CD games: Mad Tracks, Aqua Fish, Trackmania Nations and games "added to cereals" (for real, we had games like that in my country. A CD was added to package of cereals). First class of primary school got me into Gothic (2001) as it was very popular among my classmates. Here the RPG genre was discovered for me. By the game having my native dub, I sinked into Gothic world and its narration. I also started playing RTS games: Age of Empires II & III, and Codename Panzers: Cold War. My first two non-PC gaming platforms were: cousin's PlayStation 2 (GTA: San Andreas and NFS: Most Wanted) and my first mobile phone Sony Ericsson T630 on which I played mophun game Honey Cave 2 . All the time, playing Flash games was a big thing for me and I spent countless hours playing them during summer either alone or with my dear cousin with whom I used to play: Fireboy and Watergirl, Bomberman Penguin and "mania"-series games. On the celebration of my First Communion (late 2nd primary school grade) I got my own Playstation 2 as a gift and spent long hours playing on it. My fav games apart from those two mentioned above were: SW: Battlefront 2, LotR: Return of the King, LotR: Third Age and Lego Star Wars. Around that time I also started playing my first MMORPG called Margonem (with my first failed attempts even earlier). Despite the fact I've never achieved anything big in that game, as a kid I loved the fact of being "there" with other people, the vibe of camping "boss" respawn point and music the game had. With World of Tanks install disk that I got from my mom in 4th grade quasi-modern era of my gaming began. I've been already used to navigating freely in the web, communicate with others, find games I like, look up something I was interested in etc. Also I bought my own gaming notebook with saved money so I could take it with me to play at family's places or friends' houses. I was still buying games from magazines, for example I loved Overlord I & II from CD-Action. That time, in 5th grade I spent 17 hours in-a-row playing World of Tanks with my friend, then 24 hours in 6th grade and 33 hours (League of Legends) when I was 13 yo. In the last grade of primary school, with me being 12 yo, I started playing League of Legends with classmates as it spiked in popularity back then. With not much money, I couldn't allow myself to buy many brand-new games. I've been playing mostly either F2P titles or games bit older that got cheaper. I remember the chills of buying my first League of Legends skin at local corner shop. That was Jax Nemesis. I also put a lot of time in mobile MMO strategy Empire: Four Kingdoms in between late primary school and middle school. The first game I bought on its release was Batman Arkham Origins. It required Steam account to launch, so with it, I got here. Steam has opened endless possibilites of buying games online so I began carving my path of money towards titles that wasn't available anywhere in the local shops. Not every game had a physical release even back then. I guess, the first game I was really waiting for, tracking the news in gaming magazines, reading early reviews etc. was Darkest Dungeon . I've already loved dungeon crawlers that time thanks to Pixel Dungeon so this one was a must-have for me. I gathered the money and rushed game's store just after classes ended on its release. When I finished middle school, I had around 150 games in my Steam library. I've also met my forever best friend there. Moving on to highschool, I've been getting really good grades that allowed me to take a variety of scholarschips. Obviously, it was used to fund even more games. With the money, I also bought New Nintendo 2DS to play Fire Emblem games. When I was 17 yo, as a birthday gift from my parents I got my current gaming PC. Before that, I had been gaming on GT 635M till 2017 so ya know. With the new PC, an era of Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer started. The rapid growth of my Steam library accelerated even more when at the University they also started paying me with scholarship for my achievements in studies on literature. Despite that, I still haven't upgraded my PC and I'm gaming on GTX 1070Ti now. In recent years, Witcher 3, XCOM, WH40k: Mechanicus and Expeditions: Conquistador were my most enjoyable games.

Nowadays, my fav game genres are RPG, cRPG, XCOM-like squad based strategy, RTS, Turn-based Strategy and generally story-rich games. I like going back in time to play old games of my childhood so I have PS2 emu on my PC as well as the Flashpoint archive, allowing to play disabled long time ago Flash games.

My other interests include literature, movies, anime, history (mostly ancient) and a bit of philosophy. Following the decadent philosophy of escapism I consider games like a some kind of power that saves us from the pain and suffering of real life and existence. I have never had a girlfriend until I was 22 yo, when at the University I met one also being keen on gaming and having no real life. I've never had a job. Occupation: none.

MyAnimeList []

"This is it! This feeling. The pleasure from playing with someone's life, their bonds, with the tip of your sword! No wonder I can't give up player killing!" - PoH
Cerys an Craite so cute :3
Nolifers!!! - 公共组
Laughing Coffin!
总时数 508 小时
总时数 47 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 12 日
总时数 54 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 12 日
NoLifeIsPower 2024 年 9 月 30 日 上午 7:17 
Based comment :wololo:
Isaac ツ 2024 年 9 月 29 日 下午 9:00 
Imagine leaving your home and partying out like all those brainless normies... Neckbeards & shut-in nerds will rule the world (and Warcraft too!).
✔️☢IVPΛNVZΞRVI☢ 2020 年 9 月 22 日 上午 3:54 
Ayrie 2016 年 9 月 20 日 上午 10:42 
+rep friendly player :)
DRAFAK 2016 年 5 月 31 日 上午 7:22 
+1 dla Szanownego Pana No-Life'a