
Odd Object tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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10 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
4 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
........../....//............................................\\ ..\
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)...........................(...(.\....).....)...).)
Yayınlanma 7 Nisan 2019.
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15 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 53.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 42.2 saat)
........../....//............................................\\ ..\
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)...........................(...(.\....).....)...).)
Yayınlanma 7 Nisan 2019.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 12.4 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Seriously, screw you Daybreak. You took what was a perfectly enjoyable game and ♥♥♥♥ on it for the sake of a failed PUBG.
Yayınlanma 3 Kasım 2017.
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38 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
Steam, this is why people get upset. At no point in time should I have to use an external referance to figure out how to cancel a recurring subscription though Steam. There should be a button here on this page. That simple.
Yayınlanma 25 Temmuz 2017.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 32.9 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is great as a concept. It's fun, engaging, challenging at times, and downright infuriating. It's plauged by bugs that have been around since the beginning. Ask anyone who's played this about unfinished buildings, hearthlings standing around starving for no reason, or crafters with a full crafting queue that are idle for days. It's maddening.

I really want to enjoy this game, and sometimes I very nearly do. However, I cannot reccomend it in it's current state. Too many game breaking bugs to be any good.
Yayınlanma 14 Şubat 2017.
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kayıtlarda 47.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.8 saat)
Now, keep in mind the fact that I just got the game. I've put 4 hours into it so far and I'm quite happy I did. It's Diablo meets Torchlight meets Dungeon Siege meets POE. It's fun, and yet challenging.

Art style and atmosphere
Steampunk meets magic
Good challenge
Tons of ways to build your char
Skills from equipment means even more variety
World already feels quite large

None of my friends play this yet
Yayınlanma 13 Şubat 2017.
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kayıtlarda 523.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 107.0 saat)
So, I feel I must amend my earlier review. It's been almost two years since the game released, and my review is no longer true.

Hello games has worked hard to make this the game they promised us. They've released several sizable updates that have brought the game more in line with the original hype. It's not only very playable, but extremely enjoyable. Now with the release of the NEXT update, we get fully-functioning multiplayer, as well as a ton of improvements.

Meh, just play it already. It's awesome.

"This is not only the worst game I've ever pre-ordered, but one of the move over-promised and under-delivered game I've ever played. Yes, that includes Spore.
This piece of garbage has more missing features than it does actual in-game features. I'm not counting hype or hearsay, but actual dev promised "this will be in the game" things. It's embarassing.

If you've read anything about this game before this review, you already know most of my complaints. Don't buy this garbage. It's a waste of $20, and it costs $60.

I would ask for a refund if I could. Hell, I'd go back in time and skip out on buying this altogether.

Avoid like the plague."
Yayınlanma 22 Eylül 2016. Son düzenlenme 24 Temmuz 2018.
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11 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 3.1 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Avoid this like the plague. Abandoned by developer and left to rot. Dead game.
Yayınlanma 5 Eylül 2016.
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kayıtlarda 3.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.7 saat)
Beautiful launcher. I'm sure the game is beautiful too. Sadly I never got to see it.
Play button in the launcher did nothing. Redownloaded/reinstalled three times. Still nothing.
Screw it, there are other games out there.

10/10 would click play again.

EDIT: After several hours of trying, I managed to get in and make a char. However, as soon as I finished the char the game locked up. No...not just the game itself, but my entire computer. No task manager. No start menu. No alt+f4. Nothing short of the power button on the front of my pc would make it do anything at all.

Despite my overwhelming urge to run the opposite direction, I'm going to try again. I'll update this again later.

EDIT 2: Reinstall #4. Launcher once again looks great, but the game itself in a no-show. Click play, nothing happens. No error code, nothing. Attempting a repair of the game files.

EDIT 3: Had to run the launcher and game from the folder as admin before it'd let me play. Once again though, after about 30mins of playing, the entire computer locked soild. According to my logs, Tera used up every last bit of CPU and Ram until the whole thing just stopped. Uninstalled the whole mess.

However...In the little time I managed to actually play I enjoyed myself. Granted the chat wouldn't work and it lagged a bit, but it was fun. The combat was much better than your tab-targetting MMOs. It actually felt like a battle, rather than a scripted dance.

The artwork was attractive (the lolis made me uncomfortable) and the enviroment looked like something I'd actually want to explore. Didn't get to see much in the way of monsters, but the few I saw were varied and well made.

The ambient sound was good, as was the background music. However, the repetitive nature of the char's "YA" "HYAH" was quickly getting old. I would eventually have turned the char audio off.

So...over all, I'm going to give the game a positive review. If you can get the game working properly than I'd say it's worth a play.

Good luck with that.
Yayınlanma 28 Eylül 2015. Son düzenlenme 29 Eylül 2015.
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kayıtlarda 477.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 100.0 saat)
I think this is going to be an amazing game when it's finished. As it stands right now, I cannot advise buying it. It's many issues currently outshine it's potential. Wait until it is further optimized (or optimized at all) and then check it out. If it lives up to even half what they say it'll be, I'll have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ my money's worth.

For now, just wait. It's not ready for human consumption.

UPDATE: Buy it, play it, it's fairly awesome. The end.

EDIT: 2018

Yes. Get it. Play it. It's ready.
Yayınlanma 2 Haziran 2015. Son düzenlenme 23 Ekim 2020.
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