ha ha ha 2017. ápr. 10., 11:43 
guys i need garry's mod so i can rp sontails
ha ha ha 2016. júl. 26., 10:34 
who even is that -_____________________-
Nonne 2016. júl. 25., 23:22 
Can u tell this cute b o y that he is cool? i think i have a crush on him

Nobody Nose 2016. júl. 25., 14:39 
I would say, things got IRONIC.. but they didn't, so I can't make any puns.
ha ha ha 2016. júl. 25., 10:11 
oh yeah my library has 31 but his account had 23 originally
Nonne 2016. júl. 24., 10:38 
once he found out you were ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it, did you go fast? cuz sonic woulda gone fast
Nonne 2016. júl. 24., 10:37 
>Games 23
>now i have a steam account with 31 games
ha ha ha 2016. júl. 22., 18:30 
@siren its me eden scout mcclelland
ok so basically the guy who used this account was a nasty 17 year old pervert who wanted my nudes for this steam account so we came to an agreement. i sent him false nudes and he found out one of them was false (he asked for a video along with a fan sign, my friend edited the fan sign) so he demanded he get a real video or i wouldnt get the steam account
now with the help of a few friends i managed to blackmailing hm into getting a steam account for absolutely nothing in return. we had to get someone to translate to french to talk to his sister to scare him into giving me the account. yeah thats pretty much what happened. so now i have a steam account with 31 games that i got for ♥♥♥♥ all. pretty sweet
Nonne 2016. júl. 22., 12:37 
What is this
ha ha ha 2015. jún. 18., 15:00 
ha ha ha 2015. ápr. 7., 9:26 
▒▒▄▀▀▄▄█░▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▒▒█░░▀▄▄▄▄▄▀░░█ My Cat :3
ha ha ha 2014. szept. 14., 13:45 
ha ha ha 2014. szept. 11., 13:54 
Gracias :choke:
ha ha ha 2014. aug. 31., 3:30 
No lo necesito #hashtag :)
ha ha ha 2014. aug. 24., 7:11 
✞ xxdaimonxx ✞ 2014. aug. 21., 17:46 
k es eso? jajajj lol
ha ha ha 2014. aug. 18., 13:34 
xD Gracias!
✞ xxdaimonxx ✞ 2014. aug. 18., 9:23 
fue tu cumple el otro dia? que vieja tas ya!!! felicidades xD:summersun:
ha ha ha 2014. aug. 16., 13:16 
ha ha ha 2014. aug. 16., 8:55 
Thanks everyone :D
Manef.Mbg♡ 2014. aug. 16., 8:24 
Happy Birthday!
horozan 2014. aug. 15., 16:47 
Happy Birthday!
pb 2014. aug. 7., 1:33 
Gx and Pain are friends C:
ha ha ha 2014. júl. 28., 15:28 
Not now
dsinc 2014. júl. 28., 14:37 
wanna skpe
ha ha ha 2014. júl. 22., 11:00 
Bushken 2014. júl. 22., 8:37 
Luvvvv By ur brother <3<3<3
AnnaVasiliev 2014. jún. 13., 6:50 