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5 people found this review helpful
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9.0 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
It's not really a game in my opinion, it's more a wonderful artwork they have created. Never played something like this. It's completly out of every norm. Everything within the game feels realistic, if it would be able to recover memories from a brain. I enjoy the game with every breath. If you're searching for a game which is completly different from what you normally play. Give it a shot. It got me within the first hour!
Posted February 21, 2022.
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1.6 hrs on record
Neat idea. The game has 7GB. For some mechanic, some assets and some videos it's a lot. It was a cool journey. The mechanics are clunky and don't feel like in an AAA title. The security bots are stupid and waste. The showcases of each game title were well designed and there is nothing to criticise. What would be much better for such an expo game? Demos! Currently you are only watching trailers. A much better idea would be, to sit down and play a demo from each title. I know the game size would raise tremendous, but not if you develope your game on the same base. Model export was possible for this game, which you can see in the cases of SW3 and SS4. I think both titles are based on Unreal. So why not using this base to include demos?
Posted January 19, 2022.
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173.5 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
TL;DR: Cyberpunk 2077 catches exactly what you will expect from a game in this genre. It's oppressive, ruthless, filthy, provocative, sexy, permissive, breathtaking, direct, reckless, crazy, retro, shiny, engineered, electronic, tiny, dark and uninhibited. The atmosphere they've created is stunning authentic for the genre cyberpunk. If you like that genre - this game is for you! I recommend it also to other players who love RPG and/or ego shooter. IMHO: Don't get blind by negative reviews - it's like Witcher - a great game in any way.

The long version.

Yes I had - like everyone else - my problems with the game at first. I've bought it some days after the release and it was running with round about 1 to 15 fps on the lowest details. So: Not playable. More or less the same on my better equipped laptop. A quick check: Well - I've to clean my PC first. Removed garbage, installed newest drivers, freed everything from dust, renewed the heat paste, overclocked a bit every component. Everything you do to raise some fps on your computer. In the end: nothing helped.
Other players with a i5 6600k and a GTX 970 Strix OC can play it on middle settings smoothly, but not me. Why? IDFK!
So - last option new hardware! Some minutes later: Ah yes - COVID, discontinued RTX-20xx, an empty graphic cards market, christmas and kids with filled wallets. Damn!
Last last option: Secondhand graphic card, which I'm not a fan of. Anyway - all models are overpriced because of the empty market. Damn damn damn.
I needed to wait for the right auction, so I monitored over a week the secondhand market and its price trend.
One day the time was ready to make my turn and I got a RTX 2070 and i7 7700k secondhand for a suitable price. Finally! To make sure of the last bit I bought also new internal memory (changed from 2666 to 3200) and a M.2 for 3.0 PCIe.
BAM! Ultra Settings on 1440p / (W)QHD with 40 to 60 fps.
That's what I wanted to have fun!

The next day after a long funny overwhelming night ingame: Blue screen after loading a save game. Forum search activated. Tested every hint the community gave towards that topic. Removal tool for graphic driver, turning off PCie 3.0, fine-tuning OC, testing old drivers, changing graphic settings, using Nexus modified exe, testing game data integrity etc.

Simply starting a new game wasn't in my mind. Why anyway? But if you believe it or not that was the fix. Now I'm back in the game and enjoy it to be back in night city.
Posted January 16, 2021.
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5.1 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
ISLANDERS from the developers of Grizzly Games, who are currently an unknown game studio, does its best to bring up something very fresh to the city building genre.

It's not only fresh; it's innovative, calm and challenging. It has a nice and cute art style and comes with an easy learning curve. It does so much right within its concept, that it's hard to find any arguments against it.

If you like construction / city / management games, this title is definitely made for you!

I've discovered no bugs at all, but a lot of joy instead.

The main "plot" is to build an economy base on fishing huts, mansions, brickworks, etc. The main clue is: The game gets along without producing any resource. Each building will give you points based on the buildings around it. A shaman hut e. g. gives you plus points for gardens, trees and temples but minus points for brickwoks and gold mines around it. You don't have to guess what brings you minus or plus and how much of it - everything is written down in the description of a building and you'll see before placing a building how much you will score with this one at the current position.
You start a level 1 with a minimal score to reach. If you have reached the defined score with your points a new level arises with new building options. If you don't reach the score and can't build anything anymore you will lose. If you've managed to build enough to use all the space of your island you're able to move on to a new island. You don't lose your score through the movement and you are able to start over from the beginning to improve yourself with new challenges.

Again: ISLANDERS is a minimalistic management game with a fresh new concept within its genre and there it does its best.
Highly recommended.
Posted May 10, 2019.
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22 people found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First expression of the game:
Not an AAA title, but fun as hell.

There is no much to explain. You start as human and have to reach the train to exit the level. 1 of 30 becomes a zombie and tries to convert all of them. If you die by one you will hunt humans down. After certains deaths as zombie you will not be resurrected.

The rounds last round about 10 minutes. The controls are a bit clunky, but not really annoying. The lobby is filled with 30 ppl. very quickly. You are able to mute them all at once. Currently you can't invite a friend to your game, but it's only a matter of time that this feature becomes available.

If you buy one copy, you currently get two copies to gift it to a friend and spread the game.

If you like fast-paced games with short durations and you're interested in new fresh game concepts:
just give it a try for round about 10 bugs.
Posted May 3, 2019. Last edited May 3, 2019.
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102.1 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, why is this all caps through? Never mind!

First things first:
I'm playing from Germany and haven't seen any cheater around yet. You have always the possibility to look at your death in first person of your enemy after being killed and report this player. (Sometimes it happens that it isn't your deathcam at all, because of the calculation, which is in my opinion, based on the player who did the most damage. But to solve that .. ) Each match gets recorded so you are able to maybe identify cheaters on your own, analysing the strategie of other players, analysing your own mistakes, your real deathcam and/or visit the map/play in free cam mode. This rocks dude!
Next thing - Bugs. Nope - not for me. I swear - until now I didn't encountered any bugs, but I will keep you updated.
Next would be the region lock cry. Well I encoutered only russian people until now, but this story you have in every online game having a selection for the regions. You can simply mute all players via the game options and the spook is over. ^^
Waiting time is a problem for many players of PUBG, but not for me. I start a match, enter the waiting area after 5 seconds and have to wait 1 minute for others players to join the starting match. That's definitly OK. (Today I had the first time the problem that the servers were to busy, but 'hey' we have friday 04pm - it's rush hour. ^^)

Specs: You should at least have a grafic card with 2GB GDDR5 at PCIe 3.0 to have a stable game play feeling or you overclock your old coffee grinder (No Warranty!).

This game is a hate love relationship.

There will be rounds, where you will be consumed by the zone being under the top 10. There will be rounds, where you exit your car staring in the barrel of a shotgun. There will be rounds, where you and your firiend will be in the opposite corners of the map. There will be rounds, where you will be the first dead player being shot in the back. There will be rounds, where you're walking upstairs in an abandoned in the middle of nowhere being shot by a squatter. There will be rounds, where you hit everything instead of single player. There will be rounds, where you are lying right in the middle of the zone - you're waiting until you can't stay back shooting at nearby players while getting a bullet through your ears. There will be rounds, where you finally able to catch a car to enter the zone while laying in the next moment upside-down with your car.


There will be rounds, where you revenge your same death by shooting someone right at the start with your shotgun. There will be rounds, where you see something moving in the far distance catching a kill above 100+m. There will be rounds, where you revenge your friends death by aiming through a gap between the surrounding houses. There will be rounds, where you were blessed with luck and everything went well right to the top 5 or maybe place 1. There will be rounds, where you have lot of fun playing hide and seek with an enemy. There will be rounds, where you hilariously laghing about you shooting a car after exiting yours while the player you're shooting at does the same after hearing bullets crashing into it and you're jumping in yours right after that being under fire by him.

You see - hate love.

You will have long matches, short matches, boring matches, heart beating matches, lazy matches and action packed matches.

You need always to adapt your game play based on your location, the zone position, your luck, your equipment and your nearby surroundings.
Examples: If you have no players around, finding a sniper rifle and being right in the zone you will hide yourself as good as possible to catch players entering the zone (playing defensive). If you are very far from the zone and a automatic gun with a car you will haste through the map as the devil itself right into the middle of the zone (playing offensive).

.. and finally sound! It's everything about sound in this game. You should have good ears, no chattering girlfriend beside you, no TV yelling at you or music disturbance. The algorithm behind the modulation of the distance and type of gunfire is awesome. You are always able to hear if this gunfire is a danger for you or not, because you can always locate the direction, the distance and the gun itself. A dull rattling gunfire - to far, in the east and a machine gun. A noisy clattering gunfire - right behind 3 houses, in the south an AK. A hard resounding bang - on the top of a hill, west 350, sniper!

The bad:
Graphic isn't the best, some textures are muddy. Player movement and acting is a bit bumby. Environment doesn't feel ' 'real' ', it's by far no bad map design, but by far there are much better and intense map designs out there. Finally - the luck. :-p

Summary: I like it and I hate it, but to be honest it's always hate towards yourself, not being better, being that dumb again, making the same mistake again or losing sight of the zone again.

8 / 10

It's all about training at the end. You will never exit a car at high speed again, if you're trying to catch the zone once you've badly done it. You will always check you gun next time first, if you're trying to surprise an incoming enemy while you're hiding behind a door. You will always check your fire mode next time first, if you're fighting in close combat, while your fire mode is single - not auto. Etc. pp.
Posted April 7, 2018. Last edited April 13, 2018.
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102.6 hrs on record (88.6 hrs at review time)
Hero Siege, was in the early days a very good game .. it still is if you want to play with your friends or you want to kill some time, then buy it. If you want to play through it - don't buy it.

In the last updates they implemented a rubber band AI. I don't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ know why devs are developing a rubber band AI, maybe because they didn't have a clue how to set min and max AI levels for certain stages in a proper way.

Why I'm saying rubber band AI? There are more than 3 difficulty levels (7 at least?) and I never got beyond the third level, after hours and hours of playtime. I'm dying mostly because of the attacks of the bosses, which sometimes left behind some glue pits and you will die in 2 seconds standing in it whatever level your chararcter is. The character file is plain text so I've blown up every stat multiplied by 10!!! and on the third difficulty it's still the same .. 2 seconds in some glue and your dead. If this isn't rubber band I don't know.

There was a remake of NFS: Hot Pursuit which also had a rubber band AI and they got punished for that KI as much as possible.

So if you're a developer - never ever implement a rubber band AI - it kills the fun of every game.

So back to the topic .. Hero Siege is a great game, they have done so many things right and if you have some coins to spend then buy it - if you're an achievement hunter, don't spend your coins here.

I wanted to love this game, but the AI destroyed it at the end.

(Mostly I'm an optimistic person who sees the good in bad, but here the leopard cannot change his spots.)
Posted March 12, 2018. Last edited March 12, 2018.
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97.7 hrs on record (97.6 hrs at review time)
Subnautica, Subnautica - what should I say? I've never played a game with that much joy and love! (.. and sometimes a good portion of fear)

First of all: 10/10! Recommended!
(Have I ever rated a game that high?) ^^

Nevertheless - this game has done so many things in the right way during the development like with the game design that it's hard to find something they have done in a wrong way.

The feeling during the gameplay is gorgeous at all. (At least you need a PC that has a sound grasp of contemporary developments.) You get that fast hooked on this game, that's unbelievable.

+ you'll never encounter any moment where you are NOT feeling to be on or in a water world
+ learning curve is smooth
+ exploration everywhere
+ all that more you go further into the deep or progress in the story, all that more fear you'll get
+ great concept of crafting and upgrading (every station that crafs or upgrades fits in its role)
+ no resource or recipe is useless
+ sea life - they are all well planned and placed (I mean they have even elaborated the evolution of certain species.)
+ the world is HUGE!- well designed biomes, caves, rifts, wracks
+ animations - they are all smoothed rendered that you are always have a flow
+ sounds - music is calm and not very present (thats's good), the sfxs' are superb
+ story - consists of fragments of voice logs you find during your progress through the game (This is by far not Witcher 3 story telling, but the way they've chosen it suits the game.)
+ it will leave early acces this quarter and gives the players exactly what the devs promised at the beginning of the development
+ free saving (no autosave)
+ high replayability

- Sometimes you encounter some little "bugs" like:
- getting stuck with the Prawn Suit (Getting stuck with my Prawn Suit was more or less my failure, I wanted to walk through a hole which was obviously to small for me. ^^ So never try this on your own. ;) It was just at the beginning of a new exploration so I reload the save and everything was fine. :D So make a save everytime you start a new exploration.)
- a locker won't display its inventory but the opening animation started. (That only happens if you are "to far away" from the locker - there is some miscalculation between the hitboxes.)
- from time to time your base is flooded, but only as animation - the hull is still intact. (Just save and reload and your base is fine again.)
(- no autosave: you have to remind youself to back you up )

After 20h+ ingame I encountered no other bugs in the lastest version of Subnautica. The bugs I encountered in the previous 40h+ ingame of the old versions are all fixed now. Like the overall performance of the game - there is no stuttering during biome loads anymore, there are no game closing errors anymore, etc.

Why not 9/10 although there are stll bugs? 10/10, BECAUSE you can condone this little scratches, they are drowned between all other pros! Recommended!
Posted January 28, 2018. Last edited January 28, 2018.
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9.6 hrs on record
Bloop is rated currently as 'mixed', mostly the people are moaning about the non-consistent physic and bugs, but as an excuse, were you ever able to see a consistent fluid? For example: have you ever tried to let a fizzy drink to bubble over in the same way? ^^

Bloop Reloaded is like Puddle - a puzzle platformer with fluid/glue based on physics.

I think this game is made by one developer and you feel it at certain places in the game. Is it therefore a bad game? I would say it isn't, because I had a lot of fun with it. If you like puzzles and physic based games you should give it a try - maybe not on its full price but on a sale.

As in the video above you need to draw lines where the fluid can take its way into the flask. Simply as that. You can generate a force field with right click which lets the fluid follow your cursor. There are certain obstacles you need to solve first before you are able to fill the flask.

I was able to solve every level with 100% and encountered no glitches or bugs which spoiled the fun. There was only one bug I encountered and it's only from time to time: If you draw a free hand line it places in 1 out of 20 times a non visible line somewhere which has collision detection. It's not a fun breaker in my opinion, you remove the line and draw a new one. :D
Posted January 6, 2018. Last edited January 6, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Bloop is rated currently as 'mostly negative', maybe because it has no achievements. XD No mostly the people are moaning about the non-consistent physic, but as an excuse, were you ever able to see a consistent fluid? For example: have you ever tried to let a fizzy drink to bubble over in the same way? ^^

Bloop is like Puddle - a puzzle platformer with fluid/glue based on physics.

I think this game is made by one developer and you feel it at certain places in the game. Is it therefore a bad game? I would say it isn't, because I had a lot of fun with it. If you like puzzles and physic based games you should give it a try - maybe not on its full price but on a sale.

As in the video above you need to draw lines where the fluid can take its way into the flask. Simply as that. You can generate a force field with right click which lets the fluid follow your cursor. There are certain obstacles you need to solve first before you are able to fill the flask. At some levels you are not allowed to draw lines, then you need to use the force field blocks to guide the fluid.

If I wasn't able to convince you: The game has a sequel called Blood Reloaded and it's way better than the first game - more """consistent""" physics. :-PPPPPP
Posted January 6, 2018. Last edited January 6, 2018.
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