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1 person found this review helpful
82.7 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Devs don't know what LOWEST DIFFICULTY means

Stamina is still bugged and depletes itself even out of combat (they know but never fixed it)

Loot is still trash, can't even upgrade my weapon unless I farm like a madman for hours...

Weapons don't have enough bullets, always end up without ammo no matter how I play. Enemy can attack you before you can land a melee attack forcing you into recoil animation until you get hit 3 times which brings you to 1 health.

Upgrading and items are all way too expensive for the amount of scrap we are getting, impossible to stock on healing items to save healing charges.

Healing items are way too specific, give use better healing option than 1 health per second, jesus it annoying to have to wait in a corner and do nothing because the healing effect is complete garbage.

Normal monsters deals way too much damage for the LOWEST DIFFICULTY which makes it unbearable when playing solo...

Impossible to upgrade you armor in any way to be more resistant to damage, trash design

Level design is really bad when it comes to monster placement, they intentionaly make you deplete all your healing charge BEFORE putting hard monster in your face

Not enough crystals on the way to the boss to get your healing charges back

Monsters spawns next to you when you use a crystal forcing you to reuse it to get back the ammo you waste to kill them (really bad level design)

Merchants are hidden instead of being shown on the map, WHY?

Overall, not recommended even on discount. YOU NEED TO PLAY ONLINE ALL THE TIME.
Posted 24 November, 2024. Last edited 24 November, 2024.
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117.3 hrs on record (113.3 hrs at review time)
tried to play on highest difficulty without saves, game broke after tutorial because of the aug wheel or the stash bug that never got fixed. square enix killed deus ex
Posted 11 September, 2024.
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18 people found this review helpful
612.7 hrs on record
Devs don't fix bugs you report to them
Posted 3 September, 2024.
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423.2 hrs on record (345.4 hrs at review time)
Im really trying to like the game but when its multiplayer only and the multiplayer activities that are part of the main storyline arent even working, its really hard. Why I cant join anyone doing the earle williams quest and nobody can join me? its a 8 player even but I have to solo it wtf bethesda...
Posted 22 August, 2024.
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44.3 hrs on record
Unfortunately, Drax decided that lifting a specific rock wasnt his job anymore and i cant get to the boss XD
Posted 17 July, 2023.
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179.1 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Incredible game so far even with fps drops. Been exploring and it's fairly rewarding. Combat feels smooth so far, can't wait to have more spell to use. Character animations are often loops and feel a bit unatural but the face expressions are quite enjoyable. Peeves is exactly how you would expect him to behave. Seems to have lots of backtracking if you explore at the beginning. a solid 8.5/10, the only bad thing I can think of is the bad performance but I play on GTX1060, it's to be expected in my case. Transmog system confirmed, you always look incredible even with the best stats gear. No problem to get the extra reward from wizarding world and twitch drops.

Finished the game and now starting to look into modding and upgrading the game settings and lets start with the elephant in the room. TAA is trash, it doesnt give good results and the whole game is suffering from it. It's impossible, atm, to workaround the usage of TAA in the engine and thus it's impossible to get good sharpness... Where is SMAA / FXAA? There's not even an option to remove TAA without completely breaking all asset in the game and make it super grainy.

Currently running ReShade because it's the only thing that makes the game slightly better to look at but nothing has helped to fix this blurry effect created by TAA or by upscalers. It's getting more and more present in recent games and it's not what I'm looking for in my games. I hope they will patch this once they are finished with current gen/switch release.

*Spoiler section*

Merlin trials are boring after you finish the field guide, not because of their number but because of their simplicity. I'm expecting way more challenging puzzles for a world filled with magic that defies reality. Same critique goes for all those small corridors in mountains, they need to be bigger and have more complex puzzle to be interesting. It's a pass for this game but won't pass for the second title.

No mouselook when on the broom? This is so easy to fix, let us look both up and down as well XD

Too much unusable spells without context. I learn a spell to make stuff disappears but I'm never told why I'm not allowed to use it in the school ground. Context in those situation are important for the player immersion.

Unbreedable phoenix? Again very easy to fix, put a male where we find the female after the quest.

Slow Gear Grind for endgame. People kept refering to Destiny loot system but it's not in the game, when you hit max level, the grind stops abruptly. lvl 40 gear should start at 100 def and rise to 200 def gradually while fighting to give an incentive for player to keep player after finishing all content for a BIS hunt.

Access to all rooms after completing the last quest so player can explore freely.

For some weird reason, my other hdd in my pc were hitting 100% while playing the game which was why I was getting all these fps drops, disconnected all my hdd and the problem disappeared.

The Engine.ini fix going around is working for me, I can even run ReShade with a min spec build.

100% took me around 70h to get.

Cages with locks needs to be used immediately after being unlocked otherwise when you come back they will be locked forever. Dont unlock a cage without using whats inside (puzzles). Locked myself out of two mountain corridors because of this bug preventing me from clearing them all from the map.

Exploring early will results in tons of backtracking and will most likely make you miss some stuff. The game warns you when its time to explore 100% with a message box.

Voices will often sounds synthetic if you change the pitch level, it often happened to me that my character was sounding like he was in an empty room while outside.

There's no animation cancellation when it comes to blocking, you need good timing between attacks to block efficiently.

Hard mode is not really hard but theres already mods for this so im not too worried. I do hope Warner will understand the importance of modding for this game future.

Score stays the same after completing the game. The forced TAA is not enough to lower the score but it will affect the next game score if its still the only option available.
Posted 11 February, 2023. Last edited 23 February, 2023.
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62.1 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Well the game is pretty fun in it's own way but feels like an unfinished product. The sheer amount of bugs is quite surprising after all this time. Dying when entering cars in movement, menu stopping to work, character falling on the ground for no good reason, npc popping out of their car and surfing on their hood. I mean, I've only played a bit and I've found already 5 pretty annoying bugs XD. The story is what you should expect from a Saint Row game, super janky and full of humour. But when you start engaging in free roam, damn thats not stable XD I still recommend for those who like the story but if you want a GTA style gameplay in the free roam, youll encounter a lot of bugs and some of them forces you to close the game.

Ive got all the DLC and it feels a bit overpowered to start with a tank and a flying killing machine from the start. They shouldve made them unlockable but they come already unlocked and I think it throws off the balance of the game.

I like to gather cars but it seems if you gather two car of the same type the menu will break on you and you wont be able to do a cleanup of your garage. Thats a super huge issue for collecting stuff jeez now im stuck with two peacekeeper cars but i cant remove them without blocking the menu from functionning. pretty lame this passed the QA testing phase.

So far im still enjoying the game for the story at least but for the rest, meh
Posted 23 May, 2021.
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1.6 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Not impressed by the combat system and the reward for exploring. Not recommending for people who wants to enjoy the story and rewarding exploration.
Posted 29 November, 2020.
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338.4 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Keep away from children, too much gambling in this game for them.

Basically, this is Dragon Ball Xenoverse but with Naruto and Boruto characters. The principle of gameplay follows the same kind of structure: Go in an instanced area and complete objective, either alone or in group. There's absolutely no story to follow compared to DBXV.
There's PVP but Im not participating in it, I hate PVP period.
The game looks really nice at 200% resolution scaling.
The auto-aiming system and melee combat is a bad mix, you often end up attacking the wrong target.
The lock-in system is useful but slow and you have no more control over the camera, you become blind near walls.
The matchmaking system for coop missions is bad as well, players have very limited information on the lobbies and the chat is super limited.
If you don't like grinding, this isnt for you. Everything in the shop is overpriced for that purpose.
There's obviously gambling micro-transaction but that's to be expected from a compagny who like to exploit people gambling sickness.
The free lootbox system is decent, I got myself a couple of nice drops after grinding all the VR masters. Don't expect good rewards after though.
I still think premium lootboxes should be dupe protected and only for SS if they insist on doing time-base content.
Where do we buy older SS content?
Network latency when playing with other players and you often DC from lobbies. (P2P)
Season pass gives good content for the game but only if there's a discount.
Voice chat volume is very low most of the time and no advanced audio options.
The music is nice, never had a problem with it while playing.
Perfect for LAN parties and people of the same country.

Overall score: 4/10 - needs quality of life improvement
Graphics, Custom characters, DLC, Social, Cosmetics, Music
Monetary system, Chat system, auto-aim/lock-in, matchmaking for coop, Network latency, Voice chat, No story
Posted 24 June, 2020. Last edited 20 July, 2020.
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1,938.9 hrs on record (1,934.2 hrs at review time)
game keeps crashing randomly when playing, tons of frame stall and overall very bad experience. Im playing on the lowest setting with RTX3060 12GB, they litteraly broke the game. I keep seeing a lot of player disappearing from game randomly as well so im not alone, operation health v10 soon XD no wonder ubisoft is dying.
Posted 20 January, 2020. Last edited 23 September, 2024.
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