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I recommend that you read the box down below you big dummy.

Since your here, you might as well grab a drink and seat.:bbtcat::jarate:
Currently Offline
Welcome to my little coner of Hell.

If you are mentally incapable or you just have a hard time reading, my name is Saddler and I love playing video games. As of right now you're sort of in my trophy room and you are leaving muddy shoe prints all over my new carpet, so please keep your feet clean or I'll have to kill ya.

What kind of games do I like to play?
(What might be something you may be thinking right now with you small human brain.)
- Well for your information, mister nosey, I like to play a little bit of everything. I basically try to get my hands into anything I can.

What would be your favorite or most played game?
(Since you are oblivious, I will tell you.)
- If you look a little more before you ask stupid questions, you can clearly see that out all the games I have, I have the most hours in TF2.(Team Fortress 2 in Laymen's terms)

Ooh wee Mr. Saddler, that sure is a lot of time spent in a dead game. Any reason why?

(Fair question and it's quite simple why I have so many hours in the game)
- I just like it. It's fun and maybe you ask too many questions. STOP ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS OR I'M GOING TO SLAP YOU IN THE TEETH!

Wow you're an ass Mr. Saddler, Can I friend you on Steam, so we can talk about our problems?
(You are kind of mean as well for someone who wants to pick on a little "wolfy boy".)
- You may, but there are rules, so you better follow them or else. -You can friend me if you truly want to hang out or something. (You know to actually play games.) - I'm actually a good friend. I will play with you or asking any questions you may have. ( If I'm ever on.) -If you are TRADER and you want to friend me just to get my pot of gold, I will ignore your request. If you are being a pest/scammer I will go out of my way and make life a living HELL for you.( TRY ME. )

Hmmmm... I not sure about you Mr. Saddler, how can I trust you as a human being? You're kind of sounding like a robot to me. Who are you really?
(That's fine, I use to scare my school teachers.)
-If you truly want to know little more about me, so you can kidnap me and do lewd things to my butt, here is a little bit more about myself.


Birthday( where were you?):
June 12

(I sexually Identify as a Slime monster holding two ice cream cones who also a pansexual.)

Are you a furry?(Believe me I get asked this all the dame time for some reason.)
-What do you think? Yes, you dang fool!! If I want to have sex with animal people I will, I fact it does not really have to be animal people it can be laterally everything . Even the neighbor's couch!!!

Enjoy you stay here, If you have any further questions, please notify me. Cake and blowjobs will be served soon.


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☠P.E☠ Nucular Friez Apr 22, 2017 @ 5:50pm 
scam me out of minekarft sskin xrep
Avocado Apr 8, 2017 @ 7:17pm 
Cae Jan 21, 2017 @ 7:54pm 
imma give you dungeon of the endless
Agent Dec 10, 2016 @ 11:20am 
Welp when life gives you lemons, make chocolate!:Contraband:
Karmen Oct 31, 2016 @ 10:59am 
Saddler Jul 22, 2016 @ 7:46pm 
I'm not sure, I think it is because he has a lot of fancy hats or something.:bbtcat: