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Neue Rezensionen von Sgt Flexxx

Ergebnisse 1–10 von 10
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
5.1 Std. insgesamt
A decently entertaining and cryptic game. The game felt fairly difficult on the 2nd and last boss, otherwise most of the bosses felt like they posed a challenge but didn't really require a restart due to the game's tug-of-war mechanic.

Combat felt entertaining and very fast paced, and at times becomes very bullet-hellish. The bosses all had fairly unique gimmicks to them but all of the bosses revolve around destroying projectiles, dodging AOE/targeted waves, and parrying the boss's basic attacks.

I think the story can pique your interest, but leaves a bit to be desired as a lot doesn't really feel explained.

Overall, fairly fluid combat that poses a challenge and I think $20 is a fair price point for what the game offers in terms of content. There are other options it seems for a harder difficulty or alternate characters on game completion, but I didn't personally engage in these.
Verfasst am 27. September 2023.
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751.0 Std. insgesamt (697.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
shoot gun, drive car, grind money, encounter hundreds of merciless modders, grind money. what else can one possibly want in life.
Verfasst am 24. Juni 2022.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
348.6 Std. insgesamt (42.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Coming from a big Halo fan, this has a lot of upsides and downsides. The most obvious upside is THAT WE FINALLY HAVE NEWER HALO'S ON PC. Don't get me wrong, Halo CE, 2, and to an extent 3 have all existed on PC, but they all were never fully realized. Under Halo MCC, a portion of those titles (for now) live under a single purchase on Steam with good matchmaking on the multiplayer side of things. There are some core issues with games such as Reach, such as having severe sound issues (pretty bad quality sound compared to OG), and missing very core features such as Theatre and Forge (essentially no custom matchmaking).

That all being said, it seems like 343 Studios is rushing to fix these issues, but it would have been better if they had waited. Everyone is essentially waiting for 343 to release Halo 3 and Forge, which were considered the pinnacle of Halo's Multiplayer. If you are new to Halo, I highly suggest buying this for the campaign alone, as Halo has a very good story and a whole universe to it, the gameplay is fantastic, and the music is something I adore and listen to this day.
Verfasst am 14. April 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
432.4 Std. insgesamt (417.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Gameplay is really solid, very tactical. There are tons of "Operators" which are essentially characters with an ability and specific weapons. Unfortunately, a lot of the Operators either need to be unlocked with a grindable currency called "Renown" or unlocked by purchasing the DLC called Year # Pass (Which unlocks all the operators released for that year). The destruction is phenomenally good, and is extremely detailed. In terms of small-scale destruction (Compared to Large-scale like Red Faction: Guerilla), this probably has the best. The gameplay is difficult and will feel frustrating at times, but it gets better the more you learn.
Verfasst am 4. April 2020.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
16.2 Std. insgesamt
Great game, probably some of the most polished Graphics I've seen for a VR game, and top production value. The soundtracks are pretty good, but I don't know if I'd rate them as high as previous Half life games. The pace in gameplay in this is a lot slower compared to other Half life games just because it uses VR, but it uses VR very well because it incentivizes you to explore a lot to upgrade your weapons, and almost all of the environment you'd expect to interact with is interactable. The story is great and this game is a must if you want to know what's going on with the story of Half life past Half life 2 (Speaking of, you REALLY need to play Half-Life 1/Black Mesa and Half-Life 2 and it's episodes BEFORE you play this. There are HEAVY spoilers as soon as you start this game)
Verfasst am 4. April 2020.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
28.0 Std. insgesamt (26.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Nearly 4 years later, the next installment in the DOOM Series arrives, and it lives up to the expectations, and also vastly surpasses them. DOOM Eternal introduces a ton of new mechanics to it's intensive resource-management gameplay, such as the Flame Belch for regaining armor, Cooldown-oriented Frag and Cryo Grenades, and tons of new things such as Suit upgrades, weapon upgrades, and others.

I was never personally interested that much in DOOM 2016's story and it didn't really feel like there was a whole lot unless you looked through a codex. However, in Doom Eternal, they introduce a new story that is much more in your face, and also gives you a lot of codex entries to explain what's going on. I really only ever wanted DOOM for it's intense gameplay, but I got really interested in the backstory and main story of Doom once I started reading through the codex.

As far as gameplay, it's a lot more DOOM, the soundtrack is amazing as usual, and there's tons of new stuff to play around with. One of the core mechanics they introduced was Mod-swapping for your guns. You essentially unlock two different modes for your gun and you can quickly switch between them at anytime. The new systems, unlocks, and mechanics make the gameplay feel a lot more diverse and difficult, which is exactly what I wanted out of a new Doom. There's tons of things to explore, and if you do, you can expect to get probably a good 22 hours or more out of this game.

Amazing gameplay, amazing soundtrack, amazingly optimized. This will probably be one of the top GOTY contenders. If you don't grab this at full price, this is a very good, if not a must on discount. You don't need to play Doom 2016 before you play this IMO, but DOOM 2016 is also an amazing game and you can also play that at a cheaper price for now.
Verfasst am 3. April 2020.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
14.9 Std. insgesamt (14.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Just to preempt this review, I'm writing this as someone who has never played HL1 except maybe for an hour or so, but has played all of Half life 2.

The gameplay in this is really solid, and to me feels DOOM-esque, whereas you can move around really fast, and the only real gameplay elements are your guns, and puzzles, but that doesn't make it weak in any sense. The gameplay is simple, solid, fast, and challenging. The puzzles can be confusing, but are nothing frustrating, and in fact feel rewarding once you figure it out. The soundtrack is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing, and I love every single second of every soundtrack, definitely worth checking out alone (but better experienced alongside gameplay). The visuals look like the Half life 2 engine, but slightly upgraded. There are weird sharp curves in things that are supposed to be natural formations, but I don't really fault the developers for it since the Source engine itself is quite old. That being said, it complements the fact that this is a remake of the original game, and despite that, Xen's beauty is just something to behold. The perfomance chugs for me in some areas, especially Xen, but I have that problem with a lot of Source games, so I think it's more personal than general. Overall, for $20, this is a solid classic that should be part of anyone's library who loves a good campaign game with no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, no strings attached.
Verfasst am 22. März 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
3,783.2 Std. insgesamt (997.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
There's a whole host of things to do in this game. A bunch of gamemodes you can spend hours upon hours in (Like TTT or DarkRP). You can use this to play around in sandbox with a whole bunch of mods available on the workshop, or learn how to script them on your own, or take screenshots of video game characters in scenes that you otherwise can't attain from the base games that they're from. Excellent game for it's age.
Verfasst am 25. Oktober 2019.
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4.1 Std. insgesamt (4.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A wonderful masterpiece that fits exactly what you'd imagine: Cyberpunk mixed with Samurais, but it delivers so much more. The music is fantastic, the story is stellar, and the gameplay is challenging and engaging. The story is in a sense but it leaves much to personal interpretation. The music is energizing and something I'd listen to even when not playing this game, and the level design, enemies, bosses all feel like they're designed perfectly.

The game is short. What you see in my playtime currently (3.5 hours) is how long you can imagine it would take you to finish the game. The game is well worth it and I hope to see a sequel or some expansion within this universe the developers have created. I'd say this is a must-buy on sale if you love short hand-crafted stories like this with some wonderful gameplay tied to it.
Verfasst am 12. Juli 2019.
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8,778.6 Std. insgesamt (5,380.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Warframe is probably one of the top TPS games in the market. If you liked gameplay like Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer, there's some likeness to it. You have tons of "Warframes" which are essentially characters with 4 unique abilities to their kit, all of whose abilities can be modified with "mods" to improve duration, range, strength, and cost of all your abilities. The same can be said with weapons. You can't modify weapons as deep as say as something like Modern Warfare, you're mostly modifying their fire rate, damage, elemental effects, etc with no visual change. There are LOTS of Warframes to acquire, and TONS UPON TONS of weapons to acquire, most of the newer ones are much more unique compared to older. The grind isn't so bad as long as you're having fun doing it, which is going to be the main hook. If you aren't having fun progressing and modding your weapons and warframes while working to acquire other weapons and warframes or quests or other objectives, then this isn't going to be the game for you (in my opinion). With that premise out of the way, let's talk gameplay.

Gameplay is very fast, and very mobile. You can "bullet jump" (essentially propelling you in what direction you're aiming), slide, double jump, and wall-hop. You use your weapons, your Warframe's powers, and complete your objective. Most of this is straightforward, but some of the gamemodes can be a bit more complex, such as "Deception." You acquire mods while you're playing your missions and parts for Warframes and Weapons in particular locations. It's safe to say that the gameplay is pretty straightforward, but using the stuff you worked to acquired is usually the most gratifying part.

This game has a story/lore connection to one of Digital Extreme's (The developer of this game) games called "Dark Sector." You don't need to play that before this, since it's not a really strong connection, but you certainly can. The actual story-based quests (which people will refer to as Cinematic quests) don't unlock until you're really late into the game. These quests will have a very different pace to other quests and don't just involve a talking box. These quests really develop the ongoing story in the game and are really interesting in my opinion. I'll just try to say that avoid any and all spoilers if you can, even though it can be since these quests have since become an integral part of this game. There are a lot of lore and codex-style lore to find throughout as well.

Since this is a F2P game, this is a game that changes constantly. The developers have a lot of ambition when it comes to the game, but sometimes they lack execution. Nicknamed "Railjack" and "Old blood" updates were very hyped by the community, but upon to their deliverance, a lot of negativity came over the game. It's safe to say that they are not what was once advertised to us, and need immense development to get to a good spot in the game (but even then, they will probably never reach the ambition the developers initially wanted). All that being said, it's not always the development that's important when you're first starting the game. There are hundreds of hours of gameplay ahead before you feel the need to wait for what's coming in the future. Not all updates they deliver are bad, just some really need more time.

This specific part of the review will reflect my thoughts upon the current state of the game, and I'll try to keep this up to date.
Railjack and old blood were dissapointing updates. Warframe recently had an update called "Warframe Revised" to help repolish old systems, which was really great, but we really need a lot more of this. There are a lot of updates that introduce new systems but never properly flush them out. They recently started an event called "Scarlet Spear" and it's a massive dissapointment to say the least. Their first proposed system called "Squad link" is once again a shadow of it's ambitious former self and now only serves as a hinderance to the game (You have to wait for the other squad to complete their objective in order to do yours). The scoring is atrocious, and the whole event is in shambles.
Verfasst am 5. Dezember 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. April 2020.
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