
Shyne-Bryght 最近的评测

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总时数 11.8 小时
Love the gameplay and visuals, a fun little game to play through in a session or two.
发布于 2024 年 11 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 99.2 小时 (评测时 88.6 小时)
Took me a few attempts to get into a solid game and completion, but it's well worth the effort took to learn and persevere!
发布于 2024 年 8 月 7 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 27.3 小时 (评测时 25.9 小时)
Enjoyed this back on PS4 and picked it up again after seeing updates on PC.

Was very pleased the devs are still working on releasing content on this game and I've enjoyed the added content on top[ of an already great game. Can't wait for the second instalment.
发布于 2019 年 11 月 27 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 81.2 小时 (评测时 23.1 小时)
One of the finest RTS games I've ever seen.
发布于 2019 年 7 月 2 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 15.7 小时
I still have flashbacks to my journey into the heart of darkness.
发布于 2016 年 11 月 24 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 89.4 小时 (评测时 7.0 小时)
I have never laughed so much while playing a game. Good sense of communities and random hilarity.
发布于 2014 年 1 月 30 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
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