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64 중 33 (52%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

First Blood

Destroy an enemy unit.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 42분에 획득


Make an enemy unit surrender.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 52분에 획득

Take No Prisoners

Make an enemy unit withdraw
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 42분에 획득


Destroy 1000 strength points in any number of plays.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 3시 18분에 획득


Destroy 50 enemy units with units positioned on fortifications in any number of plays.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Capturing the Peninsula

As Germany, capture Hel before 7th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 13분에 획득

Cutting Off The Corridor

As Germany, cut off the Polish Corridor before 5th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 25분에 획득

Tuchola Forest

As Germany, capture the whole Tuchola Forest.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 3시 12분에 획득

Cavalry Is Outdated

As Germany, destroy 20 Polish cavalry units before 7th September
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 13분에 획득

Warsaw Has Fallen

As Germany, capture Warsaw before 20th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Northern Fortress

As Germany, capture Modlin before 23rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Bialystok taken

As Germany, capture Bialystok before 10th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 12분에 획득

Bielsko Taken

As Germany, capture Bielsko before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 54분에 획득

Bielsko defended

As Poland, hold Bielsko until 4th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 3시 17분에 획득

Bydgoszcz taken

As Germany, capture Bydgoszcz before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 56분에 획득

Chelm taken

As Germany, capture Chelm before 15th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Czestochowa taken

As Germany, capture Czestochowa before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 54분에 획득

Gdynia taken

As Germany, capture Gdynia before 10th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Inowroclaw taken

As Germany, capture Inowroclaw before 5th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 25분에 획득

Kalisz taken

As Germany, capture Kalisz before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 54분에 획득

Katowice taken

As Germany, capture Katowice before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 54분에 획득

Kielce taken

As Germany, capture Kielce before 5rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Cracow taken

As Germany, capture Cracow before 4th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 55분에 획득

Lublin taken

As Germany, capture Lublin before 15th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Lodz taken

As Germany, capture Lodz before 6th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 25분에 획득

Mlawa taken

As Germany, capture Mlawa before 3rd September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 1시 54분에 획득

Plock taken

As Germany, capture Plock before 6th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Poznan taken

As Germany, capture Poznan before 7th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Przemysl taken

As Germany, capture Przemysl before 10th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Radom taken

As Germany, capture Radom before 5th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Rzeszow taken

As Germany, capture Rzeszow before 6th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Torun taken

As Germany, capture Torun before 5th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 38분에 획득

Wloclawek taken

As Germany, capture Wloclawek before 10th September.
2015년 11월 18일 오전 2시 57분에 획득

Heavy Casualties

Destroy 10000 strength points in any number of plays.
1,956 / 10,000

Huge Casualties

Destroy 100000 strength points in any number of plays.
1,956 / 100,000


Destroy 500 enemy armored units in any number of plays.
158 / 500

Hel Peninsula

As Poland, hold Hel until 2nd October.


As Poland, destroy at least 20 German panzer regiments before 26th September.

Bialystok defended

As Poland, hold Bialystok until 20th September.

Brest taken

As USSR, capture Brest-on-the-Bug before 19th September.

Brest defended

As Poland, hold Brest-on-the-Bug until 20th September.

Bydgoszcz defended

As Poland, hold Bydgoszcz until 6th September.

Chelm defended

As Poland, hold Chelm until 26th September.

Czestochowa defended

As Poland, hold Czestochowa until 5th September.

Gdynia defended

As Poland, hold Gdynia until 20th September.

Hrodna taken

As USSR, capture Hrodna before 20th September.

Hrodna defended

As Poland, hold Hrodna until 25th September.

Inowroclaw defended

As Poland, hold Inowroclaw until 10th September.

Kalisz defended

As Poland, hold Kalisz until 5th September.

Katowice defended

As Poland, hold Katowice until 5th September.

Kielce defended

As Poland, hold Kielce until 7th September.

Cracow defended

As Poland, hold Cracow until 8th September.

Lublin defended

As Poland, hold Lublin until 20th September.

Slovakian Tatras

As Slovakia, capture Jaslo before 4th September.

Lodz defended

As Poland, hold Lodz until 12th September.

Lvov taken

As USSR, capture Lvov before 20th September.

Lvov defended

As Poland, hold Lvov until 26th September.

Pozna defended

As Poland, hold Poznan until 12th September.

Torun defended

As Poland, hold Torun until 10th September.

Wloclawek defended

As Poland, hold Wloclawek until 16th September.

Vilnius taken

As USSR, capture Vilnius before 19th September.

Vilnius defended

As Poland, hold Vilnius until 22nd September.

Bring the Revolution

As Soviet Union, destroy 50 Polish units in single game.

Polish Soviet Republic

As USSR, capture Warsaw without entering war with Germany.