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Останні рецензії користувача SilverKing

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Показані результати 61–69 із 69
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
76.1 год. загалом (43.8 год на момент рецензування)
Honestly a good homage to my childhood. Coming home after school and waiting for DBZ to come on.

If I had to give a rating I would probably say 7-8 out of 10.
-Not much variety when it comes to Super Attacks or Special Moves
-Skill tree is decent but still seems lacking
-There were some instances in a fight where I seemed to get kind of stuck (Not Permanently)
-Sometimes the Quest Tracker didn't really give me a clue on where to go or which region to look in.
-Some of the Dialogue was bland. There were parts I just held down X to fast forward

I do love how they used the original dub voice cast. There may have been a couple different ones but you can't really tell. Those were some small things in my mind. Overall I had fun and enjoyed the game. Hope this helps!
Додано 12 жовтня 2021 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
25.4 год. загалом (14.0 год на момент рецензування)
It is exactly what it claims to be. For that I give it a thumbs up. It is a 3rd person, Tower Defense style game. My only wish is that they keep the content IV dripping. Overall a fun experience even solo.
Додано 28 липня 2021 р..
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37.5 год. загалом (13.0 год на момент рецензування)
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I would NOT buy this yet but it shows promise and the road map with community feedback makes me happy with the devs for now. At its current state its more like a demo, or beta test. 2 tutorial missions then online is it.
Додано 5 липня 2021 р..
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86.0 год. загалом (64.4 год на момент рецензування)
Key Notes
1. Price: I got it on sale for $30. I would say its probably worth about $20
2. Campain: Pretty fun, I did it solo. I played it slow but probably could have completed all 3 in a few days.
3. Multiplayer: Seems alright in all. Not much variety or special tactics.
4. Recommend to a friend? Not for this price. If it goes down definitely
5. Regrets? Not really I am all for giving games that seem interesting a chance. RTS wise its a little stale for my tastes.
Додано 15 травня 2021 р..
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2,573.2 год. загалом (2,552.1 год на момент рецензування)
I was a huge fan of this game and played it from the beginning. Honestly, it was amazing until they introduced Tek Tier Structures, Gear and Items. Tek Tier vastly overpowers anything else in the game. PVP wise, first to Tek Tier wins. PVE, eventually you just do everything in the game. I am by far upset with the devs. What a waste of an opportunity here.On top of that, the game STILL runs like poop.
Додано 28 серпня 2020 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 28 серпня 2020 р..
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1,392.2 год. загалом (1,057.3 год на момент рецензування)
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They say, "Survival MMO" but I feel like you do better if you play this like any other survival game. Expect to lose things. How often depends on you. There are some clear bugs. Definitely some things that need to be added on to or changed. However, for an EA game it runs fairly smoothly. At this point in the game its come down to different alliance's fighting in each region. So, if you are solo or a small party I would look to get into one of those clans or groups. I put over 2,000hrs in Ark as a huge dinosaur fan. I can see myself putting in way more hours on this game. Especially with what has been hinted at coming later to the game. Really interesting Mad Max type of survival game.
Додано 7 серпня 2020 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
0.7 год. загалом
Whoever invented, "Pay to Win," should go jump off a bridge. I thought Clash of Clans and all that other garbage was bad but this takes the cake. Nice layout, everything is easy on the eyes. Shadow layout on every screen explains each screen. Join a beginner server (WITH PVE CHECKED). Run around find a town. First building I go into has about 20guns. Whatever, just less grindy. That's fine. Go downstairs, guy comes around the corner, Shoots, Shoots, I'm Dead. Well GG. Go back to load in screen. CAN'T PLAY THE GAME FOR 3MIN because my character is "DEAD". FML. You can Pay to instant revive it or you can wait. So, I am optimistic. Make a new character. Make sure PVE is selected and I Join a NOOB server so I can get a feel for the game first. Load in. Find a gun. Kill a few zombies then tried to run away. Run, run, run some more and the zombie's are like on my butt. Can't get away. So, I die. Rewind and I am waiting again. See a store. Check it out. A Lot, A LOT of stuff for sale. Looks like everything under the sun.

Free? Yes. Worth it? Probably Not. Pay $5 and get 7 Days to Die. On Ultra the game is not that bad. A lot better then this cheap Knockoff, Pay to Win Crap. I would rather bathe in battery acid then waste my time on this Pay to Play/Win trash.
Додано 31 грудня 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 31 грудня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
38.1 год. загалом (10.6 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Before I start let me say that I love the survival genre. Even though I feel like there are a lot of games that miss the mark. It's one of my favorite types of games on PC. That being said. This game fits in the genre perfectly to me. I will Rank the parts and explain as I go.
1. Story - 5/10 They are trying. It definitely throws Ideas out there of how it all began atleast. It is severely underdeveloped. That is the case for a lot of survival games though.
2. Gameplay - 9/10 They are still working on it. There is still quite a bit here however. Action packed encounters with Aliens and Players alike. You can colonize with others, explore caves, build a small base, vehicles, and even explore some parts of space as well as another planet/moon. The combat system is fluid and your survivability is determined on what you have on your hotbar as well as how you manage your oxygen for maneuvering and gathering resources.
3. Content - 5/10 This is where the game is lacking. The Dev Team is very very very small. I bought it when it first came out. Joined up with one other person and we accomplished everything within a few days. Now that they are adding more content. I have to say I am anxious to revisit the game. There are still a lot and I mean a lot of features and things that are not in the game yet though.

This game is very much Early Access, and is very much under development. I believe this game is going in the right direction. I just think it will take them forever to finish it. For what it's worth. Buy the game when its on sale and try it out. As long as they do finish the game. It will be well worth it in the long run.
Додано 27 грудня 2016 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.0 год. загалом
Hi, I have about 1500hrs logged on Ark and personally just want to say I appreciate the DLC. I feel like most of the people that hate it. Already hated Ark and expected a different game. Which it is not. Scorched Earth, while it added a lot is still ARK. Lol. That being said. I love it. If you think about it you buy a new game for $30-$60 anyways. So I basically bought a new game xD (ARK $30,DLC $20). There is so much content included as well. I don't see why it isn't worth it. If you found enjoyment in the original Ark you will love this expansion. Not to mention the mods that will come out soon when the Mod Contest for Scorched Earth launches. CAN'T WAIT! Thanks to the Devs and Love this community. Check out my screenshots if you want to see what kind of content Scorched Earth contains. More Pics to come as well!
Додано 7 вересня 2016 р..
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Показані результати 61–69 із 69